

Congratulations of General Director of FSUE “Rosmorport” on the Shipbuilder Day

Dear colleagues!

On behalf of the staff of FSUE “Rosmorport” and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on our professional holiday – the Shipbuilder Day!

It unites all those who work in research institutes and design bureaus, at shipyards and ship repair enterprises, making a significant contribution to the development of shipping and the implementation of advanced projects aimed at improving the Russian fleet.

Modern shipbuilders – scientists, designers, engineers – thanks to their high commitment, devotion and hard work carefully preserve traditions and introduce modern technologies both at the design stage and during construction. Overcoming the difficulties caused by the exit of foreign manufacturers of marine equipment from Russia, they find best solutions that ensure the technological independence of our country and stimulate the development of Russian industry.

The joint efforts of specialists of our enterprise and domestic shipyards have formed the world's largest diesel-electric icebreaking fleet of FSUE “Rosmorport”, which annually performs thousands of operations in ice, as well as the country's largest grouping of dredging vessels to maintain the navigational depths of seaports and approach channels.

We are the only enterprise in the country that has implemented a project for the construction of two innovative automobile and railway eco-ferries Marshal Rokossovsky and General Chernyakhovsky, capable of operating both on LNG and diesel fuel with a low sulfur content to ensure transport accessibility of the Kaliningrad Region.

The FSUE “Rosmorport” fleet continues to expand – the enterprise's activity program provides for the construction of 22 vessels for various purposes in the years of 2023-2025.

On this festive day, I thank everyone with whom we have passed the most important stages of assembling the enterprise’s modern service and auxiliary fleet, I express my gratitude to the veterans of the industry for the valuable experience passed on to new generations of specialists.

Let me wish everyone a great mood, happiness and well-being! New professional goals for the benefit of domestic shipbuilding!

General Director                                                   Sergey Pylin

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