Communication Services

     FSUE "Rosmorport" renders the following types of communication services to the interested organizations:

Radio Communication Services

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch provides radio communication services in the directions "vessel-shore" and "shore-vessel" to vessels appearing in the coverage area of the coast UHF and MF/HF radio stations of the branch.

     The radio communication services are rendered by the enterprise in accordance with the License of Providing Mobile Radio Services in the General Use Communication Network dated 14.12.2017 No. 160919, issued by Roskomnadzor.

Services on Channel Provision

     The FSUE "Rosmorport" Astrakhan Branch renders services on provision of channels of a digital radio-relay communication line to all interested organizations near the Volga-Caspian sea canal, from the town of Astrakhan up to the island located on 145 km of the canal.

     The services on communication channels provision are rendered by the enterprise in accordance with the License of Communication Services on Providing Broadcasting Channels dated 16.11.2017 No. 160147, issued by Roskomnadzor.

Local Telephone Communication Services

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch renders local communication services to legal and physical entities on the territory of Taganrog Seaport and the adjacent territory of Taganrog town.

     The services on provision of local telephone communication are rendered in accordance with the License of Local Telephone Communication Services, Excluding Local Telephone Communication Service with the Use of Coin-Box Telephone and Collective Access Equipment dated 07.05.2018 No. 161885, issued by Roskomnadzor.

     FSUE "Rosmorport" disposes of highly qualified staff having large experience in the field of communications, including marine mobile radio communication and information technologies, and also necessary equipment and machines in order to provide the communication services.

     Detailed information on the terms and conditions of communication services provided by FSUE "Rosmorport" is available in the corresponding sections of the website describing the branches’ services.