Enterprise Innovative Development

Development Trends

Innovations Areas of Application

Increase of Efficiency of Design, New Construction, Reconstruction, Modernization and Technical Re-equipment Processes

Development and Modernization of Vessel Traffic Systems, Aids to Navigation




Digitalization and Automation of Processes


Prospects for the Development

     Development Trends

     FSUE “Rosmorport” is a system forming organization in the port industry which is included in the list of Russian strategic enterprises.

     The enterprise’s innovation activity is an element of the long-term planning system aimed at increasing navigation safety in Russian seaports and on the approaches toward them, the effective use and development of the seaport infrastructure of federal ownership.

     The enterprise carries out innovative activities in the following directions:

  • to increase energy efficiency;

  • to introduce innovative approaches in shipbuilding to use aboard vessels of the FSUE “Rosmorport” icebreaker and auxiliary fleet;

  • to develop and modernize vessel tracking management systems of vessels, aids to navigation;

  • to increase environmental security in seaports;

  • to increase the effectiveness of projecting, new construction, reconstruction, modernization and technical upgrading, operating seaports’ infrastructure facilities, including to improve the legal framework on projecting, construction and operating seaports’ infrastructure facilities;

  • to increase the effectiveness of underwater engineering operations;

  • to increase economic and functional efficiency in the sphere of management and organization of the activity of seaports;

  • to develop interaction with small-sized and medium-sized innovation business enterprises;

  • to increase the innovation of procurement activities (when developing task orders to carry out survey and project works as part of tender documentation, there is a requirement for including a special clause for using innovation solutions and innovation technology in accordance with the list recommended by the Russian Transport Ministry;

  • to increase qualification of personnel geared to the innovation development due to the enterprise’s specifics;

  • to develop interaction with scientific organizations, higher education institutions in order to maintain multilateral educational, scientific and innovation cooperation;

  • to increase the effectiveness of activity planning in order to carry out research works.


     Innovations Areas of Application

     Innovation solutions are put in the following production technology and materials, which are used by FSUE “Rosmorport”,

  • when building new VTMS and GMDSS facilities;

  • for servicing vessels of big displacement;

  • when constructing the port fleet of the new generation;

  • for introducing the e-document flow system in ports;

  • when installing laser ranges;

  • when installing vessel mooring laser systems;

  • for optimizing transport approaches toward seaports through creating logistic centers in the port area to plan the arrival and departure of cargoes;

  • when constructing deep-sea remote controlled vehicles with the operating water depth of up to 1000 meters;

  • for introducing pilotage at the approaches toward seaports from the coast with the use of e-maps;

  • for introducing water treatment and water reuse;

  • when operating the Laguna fiber-optic video control system used for quality control of butt welds and pipes on facilities with the high level of electromagnetic disturbances and underwater utility lines systems;

  • for exercising underwater watch in order to prevent terrorist acts;

  • when using long-range acoustic installations in order to ensure transportation security of water areas;

  • when carrying out construction and installation works;

  • for organizing 4D visual modelling of the construction, reconstruction and modernization of facilities in the transport sector.

     In order to provide pilots of the enterprise with up-to-date information on the depths of seaway canals while piloting vessels, the FSUE “Rosmorport” branches acquired pilots packages based on tablet computers, which receive statistical, dynamic, and voyage information and messages related to navigation safety from other vessels and AIS coastal stations, as well as messages conforming to international standards for vessel detection and tracking systems.

     For the first time home design bureaus have worked out a design of ice class pilot boat with the hybrid propulsion system (a vessel moves with the use of diesel engines, it also moves in mixed modes and in the mode of electric propulsion using only accumulative batteries)for the enterprise.

     The enterprise is one of the first to be building motor railroad ferries with the propulsion system, which operates on two types of fuel (liquefied natural gas and diesel fuel).

     All larges ships built for the enterprise have the highest level of automation – AUT-1 and AUT-1 ICS (icebreakers, dredgers, hoppers, ferries under construction, pilot vessels and buoy craft) that allows for using vessels with the personnel in the engine space with full control automation and a ship’s mechanism and equipment control.

     Currently, FSUE "Rosmorport" continues to implement its plans on development of service fleet of the enterprise and operates as customer-developer in building vessels envisaged by the Federal Target Program “Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2020)” and the Comprehensive plan for the modernization and expansion of the main infrastructure.


     Increase of Efficiency of Design, New Construction, Reconstruction, Modernization and Technical Re-equipment Processes

     One of the main tasks of the enterprise is effective use and development of the seaport infrastructure in federal ownership by implementing innovative technical, technological, organizational and managerial solutions. Development of port infrastructure is carried out systematically; in particular, innovative technologies in chemical grouting by using mineral polymer resin injection to stabilize soil’s root and consolidate soil up to the design density in order to increase seismic stability when constructing port infrastructure are used.

     In 2022, the enterprise developed the organization information modeling standard. The standard was developed in order to ensure regulatory and methodological readiness of FSUE “Rosmorport” for the implementation of information modeling in the design of infrastructure facilities of seaports in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia No. 331 dated March 5, 2021 “On the establishment of a case in which the formation and maintenance of the capital construction facility information model are provided by the developer, technical customer, the person providing or preparing the justification of investments, and (or) the person responsible for the operation of the capital construction facility”. The introduction of the standard at the enterprise is planned after an expert assessment by a third-party organization.

     FSUE “Rosmorport” plans to develop BIM-technologies in design and operation of hydraulic structures. The standard for information modeling will allow to use modern BIM-technologies in design. Using such technologies will help to avoid mistakes and overlaps in implementation of projects.

     All new design tasks with FSUE “Rosmorport” as the customer will contain the requirement of BIM-modeling. In particular, this requirement has already been fixed within the current contract with LENMORNIIPROEKT JSC for the design of the reconstruction of berth No. 5 in the seaport of Magadan.

     BIM-designing is a creation of a virtual three-dimensional model of a building or other structure based on architectural, planning, structural, economic, engineering, technological and operational information. BIM-technologies are designed to collect, store, process and upload data on the facility, which first make adjustments to the virtual model and calculate the consequences, and then are implemented at a particular physical object.

     In order to improve energy efficiency, new materials (technology) are developed for energy storage, conversion and delivery on vessels.

     Under the energy efficiency program the enterprise steps up efforts aimed at developing advanced lighting systems of buildings, territories and water areas of ports where FSUE “Rosmorport” carries out its activities. In order to reduce pollution the enterprise takes measures to connect to coastal power supply sources. Facilities of the transport infrastructure are lighted by LED lamps.

     In order to work out an ice class buoy craft design for its operation in the Arctic estuary harbors and in the Far East a power system, which runs on liquefied natural gas and diesel fuel, is planned to be used.

     FSUE “Rosmorport” also conducts scientific and practical study of various aspects of restoring the working condition and reducing the physical wear of the hydraulic structures. Currently, by order of the enterprise, Sochi State University is carrying out research and development work in order to develop recommendations for the current and future operation of the South-Western Pier located in the cargo area of the seaport of Sochi at the mouth of the Mzymta River. The main task of the work is to study the causes of destruction and ways to restore metal piles of the structure operated in an aggressive marine environment in a warm climate. The implementation of the results of this work will extend the safe operation of the facility as a whole by increasing the durability of protective coatings of critical structures.


     Development and Modernization of Vessel Traffic Systems, Aids to Navigation

     Every year FSUE “Rosmorport” implements activities on developing and modernizing of existing VTS and GMDSS facilities in order to maintain their technical equipment at a modern level, as well as on building new facilities. The enterprise's branches upgrade aids to navigation. Particularly, metallic buoys are consistently replaced by polyethylene ones that leads to a significant reduction in operating costs as buoys of such type do not corrode and do not require coloration. Thus, their service lifetime increases considerably.
     Currently, the Arctic is in the focus of attention of both Arctic and non-Arctic states due to both explored and estimated substantial reserves of natural resources (biological and mineral).
     In accordance with the Decree of President of Russia No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 “On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024” by 2024 cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route should increase to 80 million tons, which involves a considerable increase in the number of maritime transport on the water area of the Northern Sea Route.
     To create modern infrastructure, including one ensuring navigation safety, is a task of greatest importance for implementing the decree of President of Russia.
     In order to ensure navigation safety in the seaports along the Northern Sea Route, new GMDSS complexes are being built and existing ones are being upgraded as part of an international system that uses modern land, satellite and ship-based radio communication systems. In particular, based on the research work, a center for remote control of the Sabetta GMDSS complex was created and the e-Navigation software and hardware complex was put into trial operation at the Arkhangelsk branch.
     The complex is an integrated into VTS platform for extended data exchange with vessels, which includes technical tools and software.
     E-navigation technologies will help VTS boatmasters and operators make decisions, improve the quality of port services and fleet work, and prevent human errors.
     FSUE “Rosmorport” is one of the first in Russia to implement initiatives on a-Navigation. Within The Autonomous Navigation federal project, implemented by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation with the participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, work continued on the creation and implementation of unmanned vessels for hydrographic work in the waters of seaports and on approaches to them. In joint tests of autonomous navigation a-Navigation technologies with Sitronics KT, the following vessels of the enterprise are involved: the Rabochaya scow and the Redut dredger. A remote control of the scow is installed on the Redut dredger, from which it is possible to monitor and control the vessel. Special equipment of the basic technological platform is also installed on the Rabochaya scow. A successful demonstration showed the efficiency of the technology.

     In the near future, there are plans to implement the a-Navigation technology on the General Chernyakhovsky and Marshal Rokossovsky ferries. The vessels will be equipped with the necessary outfit and software. With the work done, the ferries will be assigned the MANS class (marine autonomous or remotely operated vessel) which allows one to control the vessel from the coastal center, as well as use the autonomous mode of sea crossing.

     The autonomous navigation system is planned to be put into commercial operation in 2023.



     One of the priority tasks of the enterprise is to renew its own fleet in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic seaports. When choosing vessel design directions and making decisions on the construction of port infrastructure facilities, FSUE “Rosmorport” relies on projects that have been developed using innovative technologies and take into account advanced world achievements in the field of construction of similar types of vessels. Such solutions have been implemented and incorporated in the construction and design of the enterprise's service and auxiliary fleet. FSUE “Rosmorport” is a customer for 22 construction and reconstruction projects under The Seaports of Russia project.

     In 2022, the enterprise's fleet was replenished with first ever in Russia innovative automobile and railway ferries of the CNF19M project Marshal Rokossovsky and General Chernyakhovsky with a dual-fuel power plant and an Arc4 ice class, designed to connect a strategically important region – the Kaliningrad Region – with the rest of the country, which carry Russian-standard railway trains (including wagons of a new model with an axle load of 25 tons) and other rolling cargo, including dangerous goods and refrigerated containers.

     The ferries were built by the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” as part of The Social and Economic Development of the Kaliningrad Region state program. Commissioning of new eco-ferries allowed to increase the transport security of the Kaliningrad Region, redirect part of the cargo flow that passed through the territories of neighboring states to the territory of Russia, as well as to ensure the transportation of goods necessary for domestic consumption.

     The search and development of solutions to limit emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere take on particular importance as the volume of sea traffic on the strategically important line for the country grows. The CNF19M ferry project complies with all modern standards for environmental safety. Automobile and railway ferries are equipped with dual-fuel engines using liquefied natural gas and diesel fuel with a low sulfur content as fuel. In addition, a ballast water treatment system has been installed on the ferries – the technology reduces the negative impact on the environment. Thanks to two adjustable pitch screws and three thrusters (two in the bow, one in the stern), the characteristics of maneuverability and controllability of the vessel laid down in the project have been confirmed.

     The first ferry of the series, Marshal Rokossovsky, was commissioned in March 2022 with the participation of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The ceremony of raising the National Flag of the Russian Federation on the ferry General Chernyakhovsky took place in October 2022. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, in the teleconference mode, gave the command to raise the flag.

     During the XVI International Exhibition Transport of Russia in November 2022, the enterprise was awarded in the nomination “The Best Innovative Solution in the Field of Transport Equipment” for the newest “green” ferry General Chernyakhovsky.

     Also in 2022, the construction of the Luch boat was completed to perform hydrographic work in the waters of the seaports of Astrakhan and Olya, including the Volga-Caspian Seaway Canal. The vessel meets modern environmental requirements, has a high level of automation, comfortable living conditions for crews, high maneuverability and controllability parameters.

     The construction of four icebreakers has begun as part of the Comprehensive Plan for the Modernization and Expansion of the Main Infrastructure: two icebreakers of the 21900M2 project with a capacity of 18 MW (Icebreaker7) and two innovative dual-fuel vessels of the 23620 project with a capacity of 12-14 MW (Icebreaker7).

     At the XVI International Exhibition Transport of Russia, a solemn ceremony of laying the keel of the icebreaker of FSUE “Rosmorport” with a capacity of 18 MW of Icebreaker7 ice class was held. The linear diesel-electric icebreaker of the 21900M2 project is being built under a state contract at the expense of the federal budget within the National Project “Transport Part of the Comprehensive Plan for Modernization and Expansion of the Main Infrastructure”.

     The new icebreaker with a capacity of 18 MW will be capable of reaching speeds of more than 17 knots on clean water, working in autonomous mode for 40 days, continuously overcoming a continuous ice field up to 1.5 m thick. It is designed to independently provide icebreaking assistance and towage of large-tonnage vessels and other floating structures, as well as cargo transportation: up to 33 containers on the open part of the upper deck, including the possibility of connecting 12 refrigerated containers. The vessel is also capable of conducting ice reconnaissance and search and rescue operations using an unmanned aircraft complex, for example, using a helicopter-type aircraft.

     The icebreaker can participate in scientific research expeditions, carrying out underwater technical work, in particular, exploring the seabed, extinguishing fires, oil spill response operations, assisting vessels in distress and performing a number of other special work at sea. The helipad provides the possibility of landing heavy helicopters such as Ka-32 and Mi-8. A high degree of automation (AUT1-ICS) and the use of a computer integrated control system make it possible to ensure the smooth operation of the icebreaker without the constant presence of personnel in the engine rooms and at the central control post. The vessel accommodates a crew of up to 35 people, as well as up to 22 special personnel.

     To date, contracts have been signed for the construction of 6 more innovative icebreakers with a high degree of automation, and a technical project for the modernization of icebreakers of project 1105 is being developed.

     The flagship of the FSUE “Rosmorport” fleet – the world's largest and most powerful non-nuclear icebreaker Viktor Chernomyrdin - successfully passed ice tests in the Arctic in May 2022, confirming the characteristics of icebreaking capability. The world's largest diesel-electric icebreaker Viktor Chernomyrdin has a propeller capacity of 25 MW. It has an Icebreaker8 ice class and is capable of reaching speed of up to 17.8 knots on clear water, passing ice up to 2 m thick in a continuous course at a speed of 2 knots and providing autonomy of up to 60 days. The icebreaker has the highest class of automation. It has two helipads, can participate in scientific expeditions and search and rescue operations, transport containers and dangerous goods, and also perform the functions of a fire vessel.

     The vessels built for FSUE “Rosmorport” have a high level of automation, which allows them to be operated without maintenance personnel in the engine room, with full automation of control and management of ship mechanisms and equipment. Design developments for the construction of vessels are carried out taking into account advanced achievements and trends in the field of shipbuilding.

     The boats of the ST23WIM-H project are designed for the delivery of pilots, members of commissions and crews, environmental monitoring of seaports and other works. The vessels are designed using modern technical solutions in the field of electric propulsion. Their distinctive feature is the use a combined power plant consisting of: main engines, hybrid modules and gearboxes; auxiliary electric motors (motor generators mounted on a hybrid module) and diesel generators. This solution allowed to implement modes of both joint and separate operation of the main engines and auxiliary electric motors on the propeller shaft.

     During the design and construction of other types of vessels, self-unloading dredging barges with a modular principle of vessel construction were built. Such approach to the formation of ship hulls allows to reduce costs during the construction of vessels, to insert an additional compartment (hold) with a volume of up to 300 cubic meters at the construction stage with minimal changes in the design documentation, as well as save money and metal during the construction of a barge. Unloading is carried out through the bottom doors. Two container-type diesel units, installed on the upper deck in the aft part of the vessel and working on lifting (collapsing) screw-steering columns with fixed-pitch screws, are used as a propulsive complex on dredging barges. Such solution allows to reduce the costs of operating the main power plant of the vessel, repairing (replacing) mechanisms, performing inspections and repairs of the propeller columns without putting the vessel into dock. A valve diesel generator consisting of an alternating current generator and a semiconductor converter is used in the ship's power plant of one of the dredging barges. With this, it is possible to operate diesel generators for a long time at a shared load at a reduced speed, work at the optimal performance in terms of fuel and lubricants consumption and increase the efficiency of diesel generators when used at shared loads. The vessels are designed to work with dredgers as part of dredgers convoy during dredging operations to transport the extracted soil to the unloading sites.

     Maintaining the necessary depths of inland waterways is extremely important to ensure the safety of navigation and increase cargo transportation by sea. When performing dredging operations, the enterprise uses modern self-propelled dredgers with advanced dredging technologies. Vessels have the ability to extract soil with the help of a dragging ground intake device, as well as an additional grappling device provided. To perform dredging operations in restricted areas, at piers and berths, the vessels are equipped with a suspended multifunctional submersible ground pump of the DOP 200 type. For unloading the soil to the shore, a control system is provided through the bow connection, and it is also possible to unload the soil using the rainbow method with an ejection distance of about 60 m. 



     FSUE “Rosmorport” pays much attention to environmental safety. The enterprise has big experience in the area of dangerous waste disposal and carries out activities to collect shipboard wastes in seaports. For these purposes FSUE “Rosmorport” uses a specialized fleet, comprehensive waste disposal stations, as well as coastal facilities, and other special waste disposal equipment, in order receive and dispose of shipboard waste.

     In order to reduce the level of pollution the enterprise takes measures to connect vessels to coastal power sources.



     In the framework of implementing measures aimed at making investments in innovative companies of small- and medium-sized businesss, FSUE “Rosmorport” has acquired a stake in JSC “Lenmorniiproject”. The enterprise’s participation in capital of JSC “Lenmorniiproject” allows for introducing advanced technologies in the field of making designs of seaports and their infrastructure, carrying out engineering survey, developing project documentation, introducing the automated management system of the port, including all types of support: software, hardware, information support, organizational and methodical support.

     While developing partnership with entities of small- and medium-sized innovation business, the enterprise also maintains cooperation with a wide list of companies, which dominate in Russia’s innovation business.


     Digitalization and Automation of Processes

     The introduction of digital technologies into the economy and social sphere is one of the tasks set by the Russian Government.

     The development of intelligent information systems is the key direction for the development of digital technologies. Information exchange with the Unified Information System on the World Ocean (ESIMO) has been organized.

     The created system (CIIS MoRe) provides access to geographical reference data and provides responsible persons with all the necessary operational information about the current development of events, as well as data on the movement and deployment of rescue forces and means. CIIS MoRe includes a collection of electronic navigation vector maps, allows to use maps of other formats, aerial photographs, meteorological information, as well as satellite imagery.


     In order to develop new innovation approaches and introduce modern technologies the enterprise maintains interaction with higher education institutions, primarily with Rosmorrechflot’s higher education establishments. They maintain cooperation in the following areas:

- joint scientific researches;

- personnel training and retraining.

     FSUE “Rosmorport” also uses innovation technology while forming the information environment with the use of automated methods of business processes and while developing proposals on the involvement of subsidiary companies jointly with scientific and sectoral educational institutions to applying advanced technologies, introducing inventions in the manufacturing process and rendering services.


     Prospects for the Development

     Innovation products in the sphere of transport can include equipment for unmanned use of vehicles, equipment reducing hazardous emissions, developing and introducing software programs for vehicle operating.

     In order to find and implement new technological solutions, the company annually approves the research and development plan of FSUE "Rosmorport" (hereinafter referred to as the R&D plan) for the medium term. The R&D plan for 2023-2025 provides a list of activities in the main areas of innovative development of FSUE "Rosmorport".