

Project "My Port" is in the Primorsky Region

FSUE “Rosmorport” continues to implement the innovative educational project "My Port" in the largest child centers of the country, aimed at early vocational guidance of children in the field of maritime activities.

After a long break due to restrictions imposed on the territory of Russia in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic, a summer health campaign at the Okean All-Russian children’s center was launched.

In accordance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the first summer shift, which will be held from July 16 to August 3, will be attended by more than eight hundred schoolchildren from Primorsky Region aged 12-17 years, including the winners of FSUE “Rosmorport” competitive selection: 15 teenagers will be trained in the author's additional education program "Origins of the Sea Brotherhood" of the "Ocean Squadron" squad. This program is aimed to promoting the personal self-realization of teenagers through the study of the international maritime traffic and maritime affairs basics, instilling in them the moral values of citizenship and patriotism.

The children from the "Ocean Squadron" are waiting for an unforgettable atmosphere of adventure through immersion in educational classes on the international maritime traffic, marine engineering, ship modelling and shipbuilding basics, a master class in international marine cuisine, as well as recreational and sporting events. The training of young sailors in the basic sailing rules and techniques – the art of managing the six-seater boat "YAL-6" and the Optimist-class dinghy – to demonstrate in the future the skills gained in the Ussuri Bay waters will be no less fascinating part of the profile program.

The Okean All-Russian children’s center has strengthened control over the sanitary and epidemiological situation: prior to the immediate resumption of the center's activities all employees interacting with children were tested for a new coronavirus infection. In accordance with the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, all employees interacting with children are forbidden to leave the territory of the All-Russian children’s center until the end of the shift. In order to preserve the favorable epidemiological situation, the territory of the Okean All-Russian children’s center will also be closed to the public: parental days and mass spectator events are forbidden.

The "Ocean Squadron" is the youngest and most dynamically developing squad that is part of the Okean All-Russian children’s center, one of the largest educational camps for children in the country. It is remarkable that 2 out of 3 years of existence, the "Ocean Squadron", together with the FSUE “Rosmorport”, has been implementing activities within the framework of the project "My Port" aimed at popularizing the maritime and port affairs professions among teenagers, supporting maritime traditions, as well as raising love for the Fatherland, flag and navy among the younger generation.

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