

FSUE “Rosmorport” takes part in second day of Transport of Russia 2017 exhibition

FSUE “Rosmorport” as a strategic partner actively supports the major annual exhibition “Transport of Russia 2017”.

On December 7, 2017 FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director Andrey Lavrishchev, the deputies director-general and the directors of the FSUE “Rosmorport” branches took part in a business program of the second day of the exhibition.

 “The Business Lunch of the Russian Transport Minister” has traditionally started in the morning. Maxim Sokolov welcomed and thanked all the guests and participants in the exhibition. In his speech he noted the considerable potential of the sector’s development and the significance of a project-based approach toward implementing the transport system strategy.

Then The Sea Calls conference has been held on the base of the forum. The conference has been organized by the Federal Agency of Maritime and Inland Shipping.

Russian presidential aide Igor Levitin addressed the participants in the forum.

The session focused on further development of Russia’s maritime, river and port potential. The participants in the forum discussed effective business instruments, environmental requirements in the context of up-to-date navigation. Moreover, the forum paid special attention to the overall development of the Arctic region, means to optimize navigation on the Northern Sea Route and a possibility to reduce the carrier cost on this route.

During the exhibition, the XXXVII Transport Coordination Session of the CIS Member-States was held in the afternoon under chairmanship of Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov.

The forum also involved leaders and plenipotentiary representatives of the transport ministries and agencies, the embassies of the CIS member-states: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of the CIS committees and business structures.

The participants in the session discussed the need to make an inventory of the CIS regulatory and legal framework and noted the importance to monitor the implementation of transport treaties and resolutions adopted by the CIS. Special attention was paid to the efforts aimed at carrying out the priority measures plan to execute the Transport Security Strategy in the CIS when conducting international transportation service for the period till 2019.

During the session, Maxim Sokolov awarded FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director Andrey Lavrishchev with the medal “The Honorable Transport Worker of the Commonwealth of Independent States” for his considerable contribution to strengthening and developing CIS transport cooperation, which facilitates the effective work of the CIS transport sectors and for the active participation in the CIS Coordination Transport Session.

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