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General news

Declared List of Russian Seaports Opened for Foreign Vessels Entry

By the Government of Russia Regulation dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r according to article 5 of the Federal statute “About inland seawaters, territorial sea and contiguous zone of the Russian Federation” it is accepted to open 51 seaports in the Russian Federation for foreign vessels entry.   

This document was prepared by Mintrans of Russia in order to execute decision of the State Border Commission presidium meeting from 26 May 2014 and corresponding orders of the Russian Government.

Necessity to take the present decision arose from the fact that several documents which confirmed opening of seaports for international traffic previously, either became out of date, or in a number of cases were lost, or were marked as "Confidential Information". Such discrepancy led to various juristic delays and made Borders and Customs Procedures realization for incoming foreign vessels difficult.

After the abovementioned regulation of the Government of Russia was adopted and eliminated all juridical obstacles, the seaports from the list are currently open for foreign vessels entry.
For reference:
FSUE “Rosmorport” performs statutory activities, mainly those connected with provision of comprehensive services on safe navigation insurance in seaports waters and their approaches, and also provides different services for marine vessels in 46 seaports of the list of seaports opened for foreign vessels entry declared by the Government of Russia Regulation dated 29.09.2014 No. 1912-r.