As of 01.07.2024 of all number of property articles 2,037 articles are real property articles (excluding vessels) of various functional purposes (located in the territories and waters of the seaports of the Russian Federation).
The coastal and port infrastructure facilities include:
- underwater hydrotechnical structures (channels, fairways, water areas, etc.) – 150 units;
- hydrotechnical structures (berths, piers, jetties, breakwaters, coast-protecting structures, etc.) – 746 units;
- constructions and structures (navigation safety systems objects, aids to navigation, energy utilities, sanitary-engineering facilities etc.) – 683 units;
- buildings and premises (administrative, industrial, commercial, utility, etc.) – 458 units.
Of all hydrotechnical constructions 78.2 % are mooring hydrotechnical constructions. FSUE “Rosmorport” disposes of the largest number of mooring hydrotechnical constructions in Russia making 37.3 % of all hydrotechnical facilities in Russian seaports. The total length of the mooring walls of enterprise berths is 93.9 km, making up 40.8 % of the total length of mooring walls in the seaports where they are located.
Information on FSUE “Rosmorport” branches port infrastructure facilities
Arkhangelsk Branch;
Astrakhan Branch;
Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch;
Crimean Branch;
Far Eastern Basin Branch;
Makhachkala Branch;
Murmansk Branch;
North-Eastern Basin Branch;
North-Western Basin Branch;
Petropavlovsk Branch;
Sakhalin Branch.