Lease of Enterprise Property

     1. List of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Branches, disposing of property intended for rent  

     Arkhangelsk Branch 
     Astrakhan Branch 
     Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch 
     Far Eastern Basin Branch   
     Murmansk Branch 
     North-Eastern Basin Branch
     North-Western Basin Branch
     Petropavlovsk Branch
     Sakhalin Branch 

     2. The normative legal acts regulating the FSUE “Rosmorport” property leasing procedure 

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” provides property for rent in accordance with the terms and the order established by the following list of normative legal acts of Russian Federation:
       - The Civil Code of the Russian Federation
       - The Federal Statute dated 08.11.2007 No. 261-FZ "On sea ports in the Russian Federation and on introduction of amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation"; 
       - The Federal Statute dated 26.07.2006 No. 135-FZ "On the competition protection"; 
       - The Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation Order dated 02.11.2009 No. 191 "On the approval of the Leasing of federal property, located in a sea port and operated by Rosmorrechflot dependent FSUEs, procedure regulations"
       - The Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation Order dated 09.07.2012 No. 206 "On the approval of Administrative Rules of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot) for providing the state service on issuing reports on presence of inextricable connection between seaport infrastructure facilities representing real assets and on technical support of the services provided in a seaport";
       - The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia Order dated 21.03.2023 No. 147/23 “On the procedure for holding competitions or auctions for the right to conclude lease agreements, agreements for free use, agreements for trust management of property, other agreements providing for the transfer of rights concerning state or municipal property, and on the list of types of property for which these agreements can be concluded through bidding in the form of a competition”.

     3. The FSUE “Rosmorport” real estate objects leasing procedure


      Main provisions on the FSUE “Rosmorport” real estate objects leasing procedure through bidding

      Main provisions on the FSUE “Rosmorport” real estate objects leasing procedure without bidding

     4. The FSUE “Rosmorport” personal assets leasing procedure 

     The Enterprise personal assets, located in sea ports and assigned to the FSUE “Rosmorport” branches, is available for rent in accordance with regulations, approved in a branch.

     5. Statistical information 

     As of 01.07.2024 FSUE “Rosmorport” disposes of 696 objects, leased to organisations and individual entrepreneurs.
     As of 01.07.2024 FSUE “Rosmorport” disposes of 67 real property objects that can be leased to potential lease holders.
     More information on the leasable objects can be found in the "Lease of property" sections of the particular branches of FSUE “Rosmorport” .