The FSUE "Rosmorport" provides services on safe ice navigation counseling on a contractual basis. These services are provided for the captains of vessels, calling at freezing sea ports of Russia, who don't have experience to navigate in difficult ice conditions.
Ice advisory services are provided by following FSUE "Rosmorport" branches:
Arkhangelsk Branch (within the bounds of the White sea);
Astrakhan Branch (within the northern part of the Caspian sea);
North-Western Basin Branch (within the bounds of the Baltic sea).
To provide ice advisory services the enterprize disposes of talent pool, selected from the best FSUE "Rosmorport" pilots with the experience as vessels captains in the ice conditions at appropriate sea ports.
All the advisors have pilots of Russian Federation 1st or 2nd category identities issued in accordance with established procedure. The level of their employment training is maintained at the highest pitch by periodical career enhancement at leading naval eduactional institutions of Russia.
The FSUE "Rosmorport" provides all necessary equipment, overalls and communications facilities for ice advisors for qualitative and effective implementation of ice advisory services for vessels' captains.
The detailed information on terms and conditions for providing of ice advisory services in appropriate seaports of the Russian Federation and seacoast regions can be found in certain subsections of this site, describing services of the branches of FSUE “Rosmorport”.