I. Environmental protection during current economic activities
1. Atmospheric air protection
2. Water resources protection
3. Land plots protection
4. Waste disposal
II. Environmental protection during provision of ecological services in seaports
III. Environmental protection during dredging
IV. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
V. FSUE "Rosmorport" expenses for implementation of environmental protection activities
VI. Prospects of the FSUE "Rosmorport" environmental protection activities
VII. Environmental protection activities of the FSUE "Rosmorport" branches
FSUE "Rosmorport" operates in strict conformity with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russiand Federation and international norms and rules in the field of environmental protection.
The enterprise disposes of personnel having completed higher professional training in Environmental Protection and Rational Usage of Natural Resources, and Engineering Environmental Protection, or appropriate professional development programs, and having practical experience in the field of environmental protection to ensure integrated solution of tasks for the enterprise and its branches to conduct necessary environmental protection measuresduring current economic activities and during works related to development of the seaports infrastructure, and to perform poduction supervision over the conformity to all the requirements in the field of environmental protection.
I. Environmental protection during current economic activities
Presently 19 objects of the enterprise corresponding to I-II categories and 134 objects corresponding to III-IV cartegories, including 5 objects under construction corresponding to III category, are registered under governmental accounting of objects that have a negative impact on the environment.
FSUE "Rosmorport" implements environmental protection during current economic activities in the following aspects.
1. Atmospheric air protection
In order to conduct its statutory activities FSUE "Rosmorport" uses necessary transport, and stationary port infrastructure facilities, which emit pollutants into the atmosphere.
In accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation on atmospheric air protection, and on the basis of the elaborated normatives, the enterprise received permissions for emission of pollutants into the atmosphere issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage (Rosprirodnadzor).
The responsible employees of the enterprise perform systematic supervision over the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, measuring, analysis and laboratory research of the amount of emissions, in particular with the help of specialized organizations, on the basis of road maps for production supervision.
The enterprise steadily takes necessary steps to cut the emissions by means of modernization of stationary sources of pollution through switching to more environmental-friendly fuels. All transport and equipment of the enterprise undergoes plan inspections and repairs aimed at maintaining their performance characteristics within the set values.
2. Water resources protection
During its economic activities the FSUE "Rosmorport" uses 27 surface water facilities. In accordance with Russian Federation water legislation the FSUE "Rosmorport" uses water facilities on the ground of 18 valid licences of water usage,water objects assignments and concluded contracts.
The enterprise implements the complex of measures on ecological control of used water resources:
- control of aquatic medium, sources and factors of industrial influence on the enterprise's water facilities;
- estimation of actual condition of water facilities and dynamics forecast;
- maintenance of established order of water facilities order;
- measures on prevention of unauthorized waste dumping to water facilities.
The enterprises' branches file reports on environmental measures implementation to the Rosvodresursy territorial departments according to the established order.
3. Land plots protection
In order to prevent pollution and littering of the FSUE "Rosmorport" territories, the enterprise takes the following measures:
- maintenance of temporary storage places in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation;
- regular cleaning of the territory from garbage;
- control of fulfilling of lessees' duties on preventing pollution or littering of the used land plots.
4. Waste disposal
FSUE "Rosmorport" has worked out measures to decrease its wastes impact in the environment. The enterprise keeps records of volumes of wastes, controls places of their temporary disposal and accumulation and also frequency of their disposal. For disposal of wastes, the enterprise concluded contracts on waste usage and neutralization with specialized licenced organizations.
Departments of Rostecknadzor in different regions approved emission standards and limits for the enterprise branches.
The enterprise wastes belong to I-V hazardous classes. The share of waste of hazard class I (used mercury lamps) and hazard class II (used batteries, used oils) is no more than 0.5 % of the total waste of the enterprise. For their accumulation, FSUE "Rosmorport" has identified 47 sites and, in accordance with the established procedure, is working to conclude agreements with the federal environmental operator for the export and subsequent disposal of waste of hazard classes I and II.
On the ground of the licence for neutralization and disposal of hazardous wastes of I-IV classes No. 077 023 dated 26.08.2013, issued by the Rosprirodnadzor Central Federal Area Department, the Far-Eastern Basin and North-Western Basin branches dispose of wastes using their own resources. All the incinerators are duly certified and meet the requirements of the Russian environmental legislation. The operators, working with this equipment, have studied hazardous waste management in state educational institutions.
II. Environmental protection during provision of ecological services in seaports
The enterprise provide ecological services in sea ports of Russian Federation: shipboard wastes collection, cleaning of water facilities adjoining to sea ports berths from waste and oily products.
Reception and transportation of shipboard wastes and water facilities surface cleaning in provided by the enterprise's branches on their own on the ground of the license of collection, usage, neutralization, transporting, disposal of waste No. 077 023 dated 26.08.2013, issued by the Rosprirodnadzor Central Federal Area Department, or with the involvement of specialized licensed organizations with dispose of qualified specialists, technical means, transport for reception, temporary disposal and utilization of shipboard wastes in accordance with the ecological legislation requirements. Qualification of all the branches' employees, is confirmed with certificates on hazardous waste operation.
Sewage disposals collected by FSUE "Rosmorport" from ships
Household solid wastes collected by FSUE "Rosmorport" from ships
III. Environmental protection during dredging
Every year the FSUE “Rosmorport” conducts dredging repair works in order to provide navigation safety and maintain the announced depths, construction underwater objects in sea ports water areas.
These works are implemented by the enterprise on the ground of dredging works projects, approved by the Rosprirodnadzor authorized departments. Project documentation on dredging is examined by State Ecological Assessment and State Assessment in accordance with Russian Federation ecological and town planning legislations.
Dredging is performed in accordance with mandatory production environmental control activities and monitoring environmental compliance and assessment of the environmental impact of economic activities. In 2023, FSUE “Rosmorport” spent more than 75.5 million rubles on such activities.
For the protection of aquatic biological resources, dredging is carried out only during authorized periods when there is no mass spawning of fish or other sensitive biological processes.
In order to compensate for unintended damage to aquatic bioresources and their habitat during the process of dredging operations, FSUE “Rosmorport” carries out activities for artificial reproduction of juveniles of different species of fish.
Between 2013 and 2023, the company spent almost 1.4 billion rubles for these purposes. Over 350.5 million specimen of different species of fish were reproduced and released into aquatic bodies. In 2023 the enterprise released 1.1 million specimen of sturgeon, salmon, sig species of fish.
If necessary, the enterprise considers alternative ways of implementing compensatory measures: fishery amelioration of water bodies, reconstruction and expansion of production capacity for artificial reproduction of fish.
Annual amount of young fish, grown and released by FSUE "Rosmorport" order
The significant increase in the volume of compensatory measures in 2017 is due to the large-scale production of young pellets and Siberian sturgeon during the realization of the project of construction of the objects of the seaport of Sabetta.
IV. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
Development of coastal port infrastructure is among the most important tasks of the FSUE "Rosmorport". Every year the enterprise implements various projects on construction, reconstruction and modernization of port infrastructure objects and fleet in accordance with Federal Target Programs and the enterprise's own program of capital investments.
The enterprise, as a property developer, provides implementation of all the requirements of Russian Federation environmental legislation connected to construction and development.
Project documentation initially includes the highest requirements on ecological safety for environment and humans. All the documentation is presented at public hearings, State Ecological Assessment and State Assessment.
Some objects, which are included into the Federal Program on preparation for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014, and to develop the city of Sochi as a mountain and climatic resort, have especially high ecological requirements.
V. FSUE "Rosmorport" expenses for implementation of environmental protection activities
The total expense of the FSUE "Rosmorport" on complex environmental protection measures, including payments for negative influence on the environment in 2023 were 324.5 million rubles.
FSUE "Rosmorport" expenses on environment protection
VI. Prospects of the FSUE "Rosmorport" environmental protection activities
The FSUE “Rosmorport” main tasks in the field of environmental protection for the near future are:
- decrease of negative influence on the environment during all kinds of activities;
- reinforcement of control over abidance by the demands of the environmental regulations during loading-unloading operations on leased berths;
- gradual equipment of objects assigned to the economic jurisdiction of the enterprise with constructions that provide protection of water objects from pollution, impurity, sludge settling, and depletion of waters;
- modernization of the FSUE "Rosmorport" vessels facilities and construction of new modern vessels of all ecological standards;
- modernization and accelerated development of current ecological port infrastructure, used for ship waste collection, recycling and utilization, cleaning of water surfaces in sea ports;
- improving the effectiveness of measures taken to compensate for the damage to the environment, including water biological resources, caused by the enterprise during construction and dredging operations in seaports;
- improving the environmental management system at the enterprise and strengthening internal environmental control;
- implementation of voluntary standards of environmental certification.
VII. Environmental protection activities of the FSUE "Rosmorport" branches
Detailed information on the ecological activities of the FSUE "Rosmorport" Branches can be found in the corresponding subsections "Ecology" of the enterprise branches.
Arkhangelsk Branch
Astrakhan Branch
Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch
Crimean Branch
Far Eastern Basin Branch
Makhachkala Branch
Murmansk Branch
Petropavlovsk Branch
North-Eastern Basin Branch
North-Western Basin Branch
Sakhalin Branch