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FSUE “Rosmorport” celebrates Russian National Flag Day

On August 22, 2018 FSUE “Rosmorport” took part in the celebrations marking Russian National Flag Day.

In the morning the Russian tricolor has been raised on vessels that work in the branches of the enterprise from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Murmansk to Makhachkala.

The celebrations have started in the Petropavlovsk Branch and Far Eastern Basin Branch. Then the baton has been handed over to Arkhangelsk and Murmansk. In the west the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch has taken part in the celebrations. The solemn day has been marked by the Makhachkala, Crimean and Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branches in the Southern Basin. The ceremonies have been held on icebreakers and FSUE “Rosmorport” auxiliary vessels. The pride of the enterprise’s fleet, the Mir, the Nadezhda and the Khersones frigates, have also joined in the action. Cadets of the industry’s educational institutions currently undergoing training on the sailing ships have been honored with the right to raise the Russian tricolor.

This holiday the events have been held in all branches of FSUE “Rosmorport”. Over one hundred flags wave on all vessels and flagpoles of the enterprise’s administrative buildings.

Russia marks National Flag Day every year August 22. The Russian flag is one of the major state symbols, which represents the centuries-long history, power and grandeur of our country.

The date to celebrate National Flag Day was approved in 1994. However, history of the flag dates back more than a century. Its design and the location of colors were invented by Peter the First. On January 20, 1705 he issued a decree under which the white-blue-red flag should have been raised on every commercial vessel. Since then the Russian flag has become an inalienable part of the fleet’s culture. The tricolor is raised every day at 8 a.m. and lowered at sunset only on vessels that have a certificate of right to navigation under the National Flag pursuant to the Merchant Shipping Code.

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