

Sailboat Nadezhda takes part in Youth Day in Vladivostok

The Nadezhda sailing training boat took part in a large-scale celebration held in Vladivostok - Youth Day. Festive events were held on June 24 in 14 Russian cities, including in Vladivostok on the Tsesarevich Embankment.

During the day the sailboat was moored in the water area immediately adjacent to the waterfront, with raised sails and dressing flags, while at night it had festive illumination.

Mooring barrels for the Nadezhda sailboat were placed with the assistance of the initiative group of the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy and the command of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy.

The Nadezhda sailboat was a striking feature of the festival attracting attention of residents and visitors to the city, a backdrop for thousands of pictures and a symbol of the movement towards knowledge. The name of the training boat was heard more than once from the main stage and local venues. All in all, 32 thousand people participated in the holiday.

This year the festival was held all over Russia under the same slogan “Moving toward”. Projects dedicated to the celebration of Youth Day united by the theme of moving towards the new were implemented in the air (based on aviation), on the railroad, underground (in the subway), and on the water. The Nadezhda sailboat was included in the festival program as part of the popularization of water transport.

On June 26, the Nadezhda sailboat set sail for another training voyage to Sakhalin. The sailing route runs in the waters of the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. Currently, 110 first-year cadets from the navigation faculty of the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy are undergoing practical training aboard the vessel.

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