

FSUE “Rosmorport” takes part in the educational event “Environmental dictation EcoTolk”

FSUE “Rosmorport” took part in the All-Russian environmental dictation EcoTolk. The educational event was held at 11 venues of the enterprise. In total, about 200 employees of FSUE “Rosmorport” became online participants of the environmental dictation.

The event was organized with the support of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Safety to increase environmental awareness and interest in ecology and nature protection in Russia, as well as to determine and improve the level of environmental literacy of the country's population. This year's events were held under the motto “Sustainable development begins with you”.

One of the important tasks of environmental dictation, in addition to its main goal, is to increase social responsibility and environmental consciousness of the population, which is expressed in the formation of an understanding of the value and interrelation of all components of the Earth's ecosystem, as well as in respect for nature, its conservation and restoration.

At present, one of the FSUE “Rosmorport” priorities during the implementation of projects is to introduce innovative solutions aimed at reducing ecological backlashes. For instance, at the beginning of 2022, a new innovative dual-fuel ferry of the enterprise, the Marshal Rokossovsky of the CNF19M project, was brought on line. The vessel has been providing uninterrupted ferry service on the Seaport of Ust-Luga – Seaport of Kaliningrad ferry line since March this year. For stable transport communication of the Kaliningrad Region with the rest of Russia in the conditions of growing cargo traffic, it is planned to bring the General Chernyakhovsky ferry on the line in the near future.

Eco-ferries will help the environment: their machinery plant, which uses liquefied natural gas as fuel or diesel fuel with a low sulfur content, will reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by 20-30 %, nitrogen oxides emissions by more than 90 %, sulfur oxides emissions and soot by 100 %, compared to similar vessels on a traditional heavy fuel.

For reference:

The All-Russian environmental dictation EcoTolk with international participation, where representatives of the CIS member states are traditionally invited, took place on September 10-17, 2022 for the third time. This year the central venue for the live dictation was the historical hall of the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.

The winners of the environmental dictation will be announced on October 20 on the official online platform of the project.

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