

Participants of the Parade of Sails awarded and the Alley of the Parade of Sails opened in Vladivostok

On September 8, 2022, a solemn event dedicated to the ceremony of awarding the participants of the Parade of Sails, which took place at the VII Eastern Economic Forum, was held at berth No. 30 in the seaport of Vladivostok.

The event was attended by Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch Evgeniy Pankratov, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Tatiana Moskalkova, representatives of the Primorsky Krai Government, the Duma of Vladivostok, the Administration of Vladivostok, Director of the EEF – Deputy Director of the Roscongress Foundation Igor Pavlov, representatives of the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, FSFEI HE “Dalrybvtuz”, the Sailing Federation of Primorsky Krai, FSBI “AMP Primorsky Krai and the Eastern Arctic”, Sovfracht-Vostok LLC, representatives of the Primorsky regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, as well as cadets of the Amur branch of the MSU named after adm. G.I. Nevelskoy, a platoon of the Young Patriot of the Motherland youth club and other honored guests.

During the opening ceremony of the festive event, Director of the Far Eastern Basin Branch Evgeniy Pankratov made a welcoming speech.

“The tradition that began today will continue, and our fleet will be replenished with new sailing vessels that play an important role in training highly qualified specialists for the Russian navy,” Yevgeniy Pankratov expressed hope, addressing the participants of the event.

An important part of the celebration was the opening of the Alley of the Parade of Sails. A memorial plaque dedicated to the Nadezhda training sailboat was installed on the pier, being unveiled by Evgeniy Pankratov and Gennadiy Sadovoy, the captain’s senior assistant at the Nadezhda sailboat. In future, it is planned to install a memorial plaque to another sailboat – the Pallada vessel, as well as to all sailing vessels of our country and other states that has ever called at the seaport of Vladivostok.

During the event, an award ceremony was held for the winners and participants of the Parade of Sails. For participation in the parade, young yachtsmen who took first places in the sailing regatta and the captains of the Nadezhda and Pallada sailing boats were awarded cups.

Various federal and regional executive authorities and organizations that provided the greatest assistance in organizing the parade received awards for effective support of the events of the Parade of Sails, FSUE “Rosmorport” among them.

The staff of the Young Patriot of the Motherland club congratulated the participants of the event with the song “Go Ahead, Russia!”, and the orchestra of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin branch provided musical accompaniment.

The festive program ended on board the Nadezhda sailing boat, where the participants of the ceremony left memorable signatures on the flag of the Parade of Sails.

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