

FSUE “Rosmorport” becomes a participant of the “Dictation of Victory” campaign for the third time

This year, it was for the third time that “Diktant Pobedy” (“Dictation of Victory”) was held on the vessels of FSUE “Rosmorport”. The action took place at three locations of the enterprise: the Khersones and Mir training sailboats and the Professor Khlyustin training and production vessel. In total, more than 200 people took part in the dictation on the vessels of FSUE “Rosmorport”.

More than 100 people wrote a dictation at the Khersones sailing training boat: interning cadets from the FSFEI HE “Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University”, FSFEI HE “Volga State University of Water Transport”, the crew of the training frigate and Andrey Filchakov, Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Crimean Branch.

The first Deputy Secretary of the Sevastopol Regional Branch of United Russia party, Vladimir Nemtsev, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, Vyacheslav Kamzolov, Head of the Legislative Assembly Committee on Urban Economy, Alexey Vereshchaka, Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Leninsky Municipal District, Svetlana Mudretsova, Deputy of the Council of the Leninsky MD, and Roman Semenikhin, Deputy of the Council of Gagarinsky MD, also took part in the dictation on the Khersones sailing boat.

On board the Professor Khlyustin training and production vessel, the dictation took place under the guidance of Roman Kolesnik, Training Assistant Captain. The action was attended by 50 cadets of the 21st troop of the Marine Engineering Faculty of FSFEI HE “Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy”, who are practicing on board the vessel, and 5 cadets of the electromechanical faculty of the Amur Branch of the Maritime State University in Blagoveshchensk from the Nadezhda sailboat.

Almost 50 people took part in the event organized on board the Mir sailing boat: 4 crew members, 2 trainees, 1 head of practice and 42 cadets of the FSEI HE “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”.

For reference:

The international campaign “Dictation of Victory” was held on September 3, 2022 for the fourth time. In total, 18 thousand historical dictation locations were opened in Russia on this day. 42 foreign countries took part in the “Dictation of Victory” this year as well.

The organizers of the action are United Russia party, the Russian Historical Society, the Russian Military Historical Society with the assistance of a large number of state and public organizations.

Video by Primorye Public Television

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