

FSUE "Rosmorport" completes work on the preservation of structures and constructions of the international maritime terminal under construction in Pionersky

FSUE "Rosmorport" completed construction and installation work to preserve hydraulic structures and building constructions at the unfinished construction site of the international maritime terminal in Pionersky.

JSC "Stroytransgaz" carried out construction work. The construction of pier No. 1 part, sections of the Ograditelny Dam and Severny Dam, the partial formation of artificial land plot No. 2, as well as the construction of a temporary bridge between the Ograditelny Dam and pier No. 1 of the cargo and passenger terminal were completed.

After the facility will be fully funded, competitive procedures will be carried out in order to select a contracting organization to conclude a state contact for the completion of construction. It is planned to complete construction work and commissioning of the facility in 2023.

For reference:

The international maritime terminal in the Kaliningrad Region is one of the largest infrastructure projects of the North-Western Federal District. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to build berths for receiving cruise vessels with a maximum passenger flow through the marine terminal in the amount of 250 thousand people per year, as well as a maximum cargo flow of up to 80 thousand units of freight transport per year, which will contribute to the dynamic development of the Kaliningrad region in the field of sea ferry and cruise transportation.

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