

FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director congratulations on the Russian Transport Worker Day

Dear friends! Colleagues!

This year, for the first time, the Russian Transport Worker Day is celebrated. This holiday united the entire industry – sea and river transport, freight and passenger road and rail transportation, aviation. Millions of transport workers, each of whom is a professional in their field, daily give their knowledge, strength and a piece of their soul so that we all become closer, and valuable cargoes reach the point where they are so expected.

This year has been difficult for all of us. The transport industry in Russia and around the world is facing unprecedented challenges. But we have adapted to life in the new realities, we continue to fulfill our obligations and take care of the staff preservation.

On this holiday, I want to congratulate not only those who work today, but also veterans of the industry. With your work, you have set a high standard that we strive to keep. We are grateful for your contribution and will continue the business you started. I also congratulate those who have just made their choice or are planning to join the family of transport workers – you have chosen a difficult, but important, honorable and responsible job.

I wish you good health, support of your loved ones and like-minded people. Stay on the right path and don't turn away from it.

Happy Russian Transport Worker Day! Fair winds and following seas!

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