

Comprehensive plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure of Russia till 2024 approved

The Russian government approved the comprehensive plan for modernization and expansion of the trunk infrastructure of Russia till 2024 on September 30, 2018. The plan has been prepared pursuant to Russian President Vladimir Putin Decree No. 204 of May 7, 2018 “On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation Development through to 2024”.

The document includes 11 federal projects. Nine of them are aimed at modernization and expansion of the transport infrastructure and two projects are aimed at modernization and expansion of the energy infrastructure. The transport part of the comprehensive plan comprises the projects such as “Europe is Western China”, “Russian Seaports”, “The Northern Sea Route”, “Railways and Transit”, “Transport Logistic Centers”, “Communications between Economic Growth Centers”, “The Development of Regional Airports and Routes”, “High-Speed Railway Service” and “Inland Waterways”.

The federal project “Russian Seaports”, one of which FSUE “Rosmorport” will be a co-contractor, includes 54 events aimed at developing facilities of the maritime infrastructure. A total of 18 events embrace the so-called life-support projects and their implementation is required to develop interregional transport service and renovate the icebreaker fleet of the enterprise. The implementation of the remaining 36 projects will enable the increase in capacities of seaports up to 1.3 billion tons by the year 2024.

For the period between 2019 and 2024 a total of 927 billion Rubles are expected to be allocated to implement the “Russian Seaports” federal project. A total of 236 billion Rubles out of them are allotted from the budget. The rest of them are funds of private investors and the FSUE “Rosmorport” investment program.

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