

FSUE “Rosmorport” icebreakers take part in Arctic Navy Festival

The 2nd Arctic Navy Festival was held in Arkhangelsk on May 18-19, 2019. The holiday was organized by the Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute – the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping”, and the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch with support of the Government of the Arkhangelsk Region and the Arkhangelsk Administration.

This year the event is devoted to landmark dates in Russia’s maritime history – to the 435th anniversary of the creation of the cradle of the Russian fleet – the city of Arkhangelsk, the 210th anniversary of the common transport agency and transport education in the country, as well as to the 75th anniversary of the foundation of nautical schools and maritime academies.

The holiday began with a parade involving cadets of Voronin Arctic Maritime Institute, Oreshkov Arkhangelsk Waterways College, the Arkhangelsk marine fishing industry college, as well as cadets of USSR Fleet Admiral Kuznetsov Arkhangelsk Cadet Corps, the secondary school of Solovki sea boys, the industry’s veterans and shipbuilders.

Addressing the participants in the holiday, director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch Kirill Gaida said that it was in Arkhangelsk that Russia had begun developing as a great naval power. The most significant Arctic expeditions started just in Arkhangelsk. As of today the development of Russia’s Arctic is one of the key priorities and the resolutions of these tasks mainly depends on the successful modernization and development of the port infrastructure as part of the transport system.

The holiday took place on the berths of the seaport of Arkhangelsk. Three icebreakers of the Arkhangelsk fleet – the Kapitan Yevdokimov, the Kapitan Kosolapov and the Kapitan Chadayev have been moored at the berths of the seaport and opened for the visit. The excursions aboard the legendary vessels have become one of the brightest events at the festival.

Students of educational institutions and educatees of orphanages were given the unique opportunity to study the icebreakers’ construction and their history. Students, cadets and schoolchildren have to explore the spaces of the Arctic region in the future. The festival is the excellent opportunity to show young people prospects for further work in high latitudes and solidify the image of Arkhangelsk as the gates to the Arctic.

During the holiday, Arkhangelsk Region Governor Igor Orlov visited the Kapitan Chadayev icebreaker and noted the importance of the festival for promoting the Arctic and maritime professions.

The participants in the holiday expressed confidence that this event would became traditional and would be held in the region on a regular basis.

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