Icebreaker assistance begins in the Gulf of Finland
The winter navigation season 2023/24 has started in the Gulf of Finland. FSUE “Rosmorport” icebreakers provided the first pilotage in the waters of the seaports Big Port of Saint Petersburg and Vyborg.
The icebreaker assistance period has been announced in the above-mentioned seaports, as well as in the seaports of Vysotsk, Primorsk, Ust-Luga and on approaches to them because of the establishment of air temperatures below zero and beginning of active ice formation in the waters of the seaports, Neva Bay, Kronshtadt Ship Fairway, Saint Petersburg Seaway Canal, Vyborg Bay.
On November 30, the Kapitan M. Izmailov icebreaker of FSUE “Rosmorport” piloted the first vessel to enter the seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg and two more vessels to leave it. Currently, the Ivan Kruzenshtern icebreaker is providing assistance in the Saint Petersburg Seaway Canal.
From December 1, the Kapitan M. Izmailov icebreaker has been providing icebreaker assistance on the route to the seaport of Vyborg and backwards.
Earlier, the icebreaker assistance season 2023/24 started in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk and on approaches to it. The first assistance in the current season was performed by the Kapitan Chadaev icebreaker of FSUE “Rosmorport”.