The Mir sailboat takes part in the Main Naval Parade in Russia
On July 30, the sailing training boat Mir of FSUE “Rosmorport” for the first time in its history took part in the Russian main naval parade in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the celebration of the Navy Day. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin took the parade.
Almost 50 ships of various classes, including warships, submarines, sailboats, participated in the event.
The ceremonial opening of the holiday took place after the salvo of the salute division from the Peter and Paul Fortress. Vladimir Putin, accompanied by Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, toured the parade of vessels on the Neva River by boat, greeting and congratulating their crews on the Navy Day.
The Mir sailboat together with other sailing vessels met the celebration in the waters of the Kronstadt raid, where the sailboats welcomed the tactical groups consisting of 11 ships of the Russian Navy. 118 cadets of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping had the honor to take part in the military parade on the frigate of FSUE “Rosmorport”.
After the parade of ships, 10 sailing vessels and yachts, including the Mir frigate, first time ever passed in the opposite course along the spectator stands and the parade line of Navy submarines of Russia.
The celebration of the Navy Day ended with fireworks in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.