FSUE “Rosmorport” speak at the All–Russian Сonference Sea for Сhildren
FSUE “Rosmorport” took part in the All–Russian Industry Conference Sea for Children, which was held on January 31 in an online format under the chairmanship of the Deputy Head of Rosmorrechflot Konstantin Anisimov.
The conference was devoted to issues of interaction between vocational education institutions and enterprises of the marine and river sector of the economy with organizations of general and additional education of children who implement programs of marine and river orientation for career guidance and patriotic education of the younger generation.
Among the participants of the event were representatives of educational organizations subordinated to Rosmorrechflot, the largest transport universities of Russia, industry enterprises and museums, public organizations engaged in close cooperation with sea and river transport.
Vasily Strugov, Deputy General Director for the Fleet, made a report on the implementation of children's and youth projects in 2022 and prospects from FSUE "Rosmorport" for the current year.
"Since 2015, our company has been carrying out planned activities to organize swimming practice for universities subordinate to Rosmorrechflot: Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping", Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education "Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University", Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy and their branches," - Vasily Igorevich stressed. – In 2022, the swimming practice took place on the sailing training vessels of FSUE “Rosmorport” Mir, Chersonesos and Nadezhda, on the training and production vessel Professor Khlyustin and the icebreaker Captain Khlebnikov. According to the results of last year, more than 1,500 cadets gained valuable skills of the profession directly within marine conditions”.
In 2023, FSUE “Rosmorport” also plans activities to provide swimming practice for cadets of branch educational institutions.
In addition, since 2016, the company has been successfully implementing the career guidance project My Port for children and adolescents, aimed at popularizing the professions of port business and maintaining maritime traditions. For 7 years, 12 additional education programs have been created to train more than 1,050 schoolchildren in the largest children's centers of the country: Artek, Orlyonok, Okean. Children from 40 regions took part in the competitive selections for the right to study under the programs of FSUE “Rosmorport”. In total, 24 thematic shifts were held in the leading children's centers of Russia with the participation of the Company.
During the implementation of the project, FSUE “Rosmorport” annually provides assistance to children's centers, in particular, donates equipment and inventory for year-round courses of marine orientation, and also traditionally ensures the installation of a sailing training vessel Khersones in the waters of the RCC “Orlyonok” and the ICC “Artek”. So, more than 2,300 Artek and Orlyonok residents and were able not only to board the legendary frigate, but also to stand at the helm, walk along the captain's bridge, as well as visit the sailing workshop, cadet cabins and classrooms.