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Keel Laying of a Self-Propelled Hopper Barge To Be Held in the Onezhsky Ship Building and Ship Repairing Plant

On February 19, 2016 the official ceremony of keel laying of a hull of the lead self-propelled hooper barge of project HB600 with a hopper capacity of 600 m3 will be conducted in the Onezhsky Ship Building and Ship Repairing Plant.

The vessel is being constructed in order to maintain projected depths of hydrotechnical facilities in the Southern seaports of the country, as well as for continuous operation of the dredger fleet of FSUE Rosmorport. The vessel is designed for transportation of soil during the dredging process.

The construction will be performed with the use of the modular method of hull construction, which reduces expenditure and facilitates installation of additional equipment. Besides, the project envisages application of folding rudder propellers and placement of a part of the main equipment (main engines) on the deck in special containers in the after part of the vessel. Such decisions allow facilitation of maintenance and repair of the hull equipment during the operation of the barge.