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Administration of Primorye Territory Thanks FSUE “Rosmorport” for Meeting Chinese and South Korean Delegation On Board Nadezhda Sailing Ship

Administration of Primorye Territory thanked FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director Andrey Tarasenko for the work aimed at establishing international partner relations between Primorye Territory, People’s Republic of China and Republic of Korea.

In June an international delegation visited the Nadezhda training salining ship of a largest strategic enterprise FSUE “Rosmorport” in order to develop partner relations.

“The meeting was held in the frame of the II Far Eastern Media Summit and proceeded in a very friendly atmosphere. As a result of the meeting, our Nadezhda sailing ship was invited to the Marine Lights Festival traditionally held in South Korea”, pointed out General Director Andrey Tarasenko.

“On the threshold of the Eastern Economic Forum, establishing such contacts is of utmost importance for the Primorye Territory and the whole region, as partner relations are strengthening and a large contribution is made into the implementation of the Eastern Russian Strategy”, stressed Administration of Primorye Territory in its letter.