General news

General Director's working trip to Kaliningrad

On July 5 and 6, 2012 the FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director A.V. Lavrishchev and First Deputy Director of Federal Marine and River Fleet Agency S.P. Gorelik made a working visit to the seaport of Kaliningrad.

In the framework of the working trip, S.P. Gorelik and A.V. Lavrishchev visited the port infranstructure objects under construction in the seaport of Kaliningrad: the second stage of the terminal of JSC Sodruzhestvo-Soya for transshipment and storage of corn cargo, the projectable sea container terminal of LLC BaltTekhProm, and also the container terminal of LLC Baltiyskaya Stividornaya Kompaniya under construction.

After inspection of the projects under construction, A.V. Lavrishchev took part in a working meeting chaired by S.P. Gorelik, where issues of the future development of the Kaliningrad seaport were discussed with the management of FSUE “Rosmorport” North-West Basin Branch Kaliningrad Department, representatives of FSE “Sea Administration of the Kaliningrad Seaport”, stevedore and agent companies working at the seaport.

The General Director’s visit also included participation in the laying ceremony of an innovative multi-purpose boat Р-70202 on the “Yantar” shipbuilding plant, the Federal Marine and River Fleet Agency being the state customer. The carcass of the boat is to be formed and partly equipped at the “Yantar” shipbuilding plant, and in March 2013 the boat is to be towed to Helsinki to the «Arctech Helsinky Shipyard Oy» shipbuilding enterptise for complete construction.

It should be noted that FSUE “Rosmorport” also participates in the implementation of this project. According to the contract agreed on 29.02.2012 by FSUE “Rosmorport” and JSC PSZ Yantar, the enterprise shall maintain technical supervision over the construction of the boat, which is planned to be used in the Gulf of Finland after its construction.


The Р-70202 boat is being constructed for fighting emergency oil leaks, conducting rescue operations and rendering assistance to vessels in distress. Its peculiarities include “oblique” design with an asymmetric carcass and three steerable propellers, which enable the boat to run not only ahead and astern, but also sideways. The boat will be able to move in plain ice of 1-metre thickness and lay a 50-metre wide canal in “oblique” regime, which is two times wider than the boat itself. The total power of the boat will be 7,5 MW, and the endurance will be about 4500 sea miles.