General news

Tariffs for automobile vehicle transfer by ferry line Novorossiysk-Sochi-Novorossiysk has been reduced

FSUE "Rosmorport" and Yuzh-Flot Ltd., on a basis of ferry line expenses optimization, have taken a mutual decision to reduce basic price for standard truck transfer from 30 000 rubles to 25 000 rubles. These measures are aimed to improve functioning and stability of the Novorossiysk-Sochi-Novorossiysk ferry line and current expenses optimization.

When standard sizes are exceeded, the transfer tariffs are reduced proportionally, in accordance with transport basic price for standard truck.

For additional information on cargo ferry line, please contact Yuzh-Flot Ltd. by
tel.: +7 (8617) 277-818, 277-823, 277-852, or e-mail: