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Azov basin branch established

According to the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport order dated 29.04.2011 № АД-102-р changes in the FSUE “Rosmorport” Statute have been made, under which 3rd – after North-West and Azovo-Chernomorsky basin branch – Azov basin branch of the enterprise has been established.

The establishment of the Azov basin branch resulted from committed and hard work of Taganrog and Rostov branches personnel.

In a short period of time a considerate number of issues of productive assets consolidation were resolved: transmission from FSE Azov-Don State Basin Water Ways and Shipping Administration operations management and transfer into enterprise's economic management of movables and real estate and Azov-Don Marine Channel (2010), reorganization of the enterprise via FSUE “Azov Directorate for Marine Communications” takeover (2011). As a result the Azov basin branch, with powerful concentration of forces and techniques, is able to solve complex of tasks connected with safety navigation and preventive water ways infrastructure development, meeting all modern requirements.

The establishment's major aims are: Federal property management structure optimization in the seaports of Taganrog, Azov and Rostov-on-Don and synergetic effect due to efficiency increase of the enterprise's material and technical sources use, united technical policy, increase of funds control by expenditure centers, operative and effective interaction between divisions, senior management costs reduction.

The Azov basin branch starts its functioning on the 1st of July 2011. Port dues levy by Taganrog and Rostov branch is ceased since 01.07.2011.