Information Services

     1. General information
     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch renders to all interested organizations information services related to provision of access to informational data base on vessel movement in real time, port calls, current position and movements of vessels in the water areas of seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny, Zarubino, Nakhodka and Posiet.

     Information services are rendered in graphic form (vessels positioning in the seaports water area) and in table form (information on port calls and vessels movement) through web-site at: (only after receipt of permission for possibility of access to the web-page, and also login and password for access to the system).
     Information services are rendered by the Far Eastern Basin Branch on the basis of license No. 99229 dated 05.06.2012 of Roskomnadzor for rendering communication services of data transmission, with the exception of communication services for data transmission for voice information transmission.
     2. Procedure for provision of information services


     Information services are rendered by the Far Eastern Basin Branch under the terms of the concluded Contract for rendering information services (hereinafter – the Contract)
     To conclude the contract, a customer shall send a written application to the Far Eastern Basin Branch by fax: +7 (423) 230-10-30, or a scan by email: . The application will be considered within 15 days. In the absence of technical and/or legal restrictions for possibility of provision of the requested services and in the availability of all the necessary documents and information provided by the customer for concluding the Contract, two copies of drafted Contract will be sent to the customer for signing. The signed by the customer original Contract shall be returned to the Far Eastern Basin Branch at address: Kalinina str., 182, Vladivostok, Primorye Territory, Russia, 690012.
     Additional reference information on the procedure of the contract conclusion can be obtained in the Far Eastern Basin Branch by phone: +7 (423) 251-56-25 (Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00, Vladivostok time, lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45).
     Information services are rendered by the Far Eastern Basin Branch in procedure and on terms stipulated by the concluded Contract.

     Information of tariffs for the rendered by the Far Eastern Basin Branch information services for provision of access to informational data base can be found in section “Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the Far Eastern Basin Branch”.

     3. Statistical information


     Information on number of the interested organizations to which the Far Eastern Basin Branch rendered information services.


Years  Number of organizations, units
2012 63
2013 63
2014 61
2015 58
2016 59
2017 52
2018 42 
2019 41
2020 38
2021 39
2022 39


     4. Contact information

     For additional information on procedure of provision by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch of information services for provision of access to informational data base, please, contact us by phone (Monday to Thursday from 8:15 to 17:15, on Friday from 8:15 to 16:00, Vladivostok time, lunch break from 13:00 to 13:45):
     +7 (423) 251-56-25,
     or by fax: +7 (423) 230-10-30, or email: .