The aids to navigation in the Vostochny seaport were transferred to the Far Eastern Basin Branch
In accordance with the Order of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Primorsky Krai No. 34-r dated 11.02.2022, four objects of navigational aids were assigned and transferred to the Far Eastern Basin Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport" upon the right of economic management and in accordance with the Order of FSUE "Rosmorport" No. 82 dated 01.03.2022.
The transferred property includes two costal navigation signs ZN SNO-P7 and two floating sea warning signs (buoys).
Coastal navigation signs are designed to ensure the navigational safety of vessels sailing on the approaches and in the water area of the coal loading complex of the Vostochny seaport and maneuvering during mooring operations at berths No. 49, 50 and 51. In turn, two marine buoys are designed to ensure the safety of navigation in the operational water area of the coal loading complex in the Wrangel Bay.
The Far Eastern Basin Branch currently serves 103 units of navigation aids located in six seaports, as well as on approaches to them; they ensure the safety of navigation of vessels conducting vessel calls to the seaports.