Hydraulic facility in the seaport of Vostochny transferred to the Far Eastern Basin Branch
Pursuant to Resolution No. 13-r of February 8, 2018 taken by Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Territorial Administration in Primorye Territory and under Order No. 87 of February 19, 2019 the Southern Coastal Protection hydraulic facility in the seaport of Vostochny has been placed under management of the Far Eastern Basin Branch.
This hydraulic facility with the range of 169 meters represents a coastal protection of sloping type with a slope protection by a graded stone on the backward filter layer and designed for protecting the territory from the wave effect.
The coastal protection was built and put into operation in 2016. Before the facility was given to the Far Eastern Basin Branch it was part of the treasury of the Russian Federation to which the Vostocnhy Port JSC was earlier given.
Upon completion of the estimated events FSUE “Rosmorport” is planning to lease out the hydraulic facility to concerned operators of the sea terminal according to the established procedure.