Aids to navigation transferred to the Far Eastern Basin Branch
Pursuant to Resolution No. 145 of July 30, 2018 taken by Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Territorial Division in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Area aids to navigation in the seaports of Vostochny, Nakhodka and Posyet were assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” on the basis of the right of economic management. Under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 387 of August 13, 2018 the aids to navigation were placed under economic management of the Far Eastern Basin Branch.
Particularly, the branch was given 11 marine lights on Cherkavsky Island, Tarantsev Island and Slychkov Cape (the seaport of Posyet), Wrangel Bay, in the south-western bank of the Khmylovka River and in the northern and southern banks of the channel from Kozmin Bay to the lake, on the stones at Kamensky Cape (the seaport of Vostochny), on Lisiy Island, on the end of the pier in Novitsky Bay and Likhachev Cape (the seaport of Nakhodka). These marine lights are designed for identifying a certain section of the sea or a coastal line and defining a vessel’s position within the visibility distance of the marine light on the approaches toward the seaports of Vostochny, Nakhodka and Posyet.
In addition, the Far Eastern Branch have been given nine range marks:
- a front marine light of Postovaya Bay in the seaport of Posyet designed for identifying an axis of the fairway leading to the Postovaya Bay jointly with a rear range mark and used for vessels’ safe entry to and exit from the seaport of Posyet;
- front and rear range marks of Khmylovka River designed for identifying a line to enter the estuary of Khmylovka River for vessels making the entry to and the exit from the estuary of Khmylovka River;
- front and rear range marks of Wrangel Bay designed for identifying an axis of Fairway No. 3 for vessels which enter and leave the seaport of Vostochny;
- front and rear range marks of Novitsky Bay designed for identifying an axis of Fairway No. 5 for vessels which enter and leave the Nakhodka oil sea terminal of the seaport of Nakhodka;
- front and rear range marks of the seaport of Nakhodka designed for identifying an axis of Fairway No. 6 for vessels which make entry to and exit from the Nakhodka Bay of the seaport of Nakhodka.
Simultaneously the branch was given two lighthouses – the Astrafyev lighthouse and the Shvedov lighthouse located on the similarly-named capes. They are designed for orientating ship owners on the approaches toward Nakhodka Cape.
At the moment of transferring the facilities to the branch they were used by Russia’s Defense Ministry Hydrographic Service and were in satisfactory condition, with the exception of five marine lights in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka. These marine lights are in a critical condition and in the future they will be thoroughly repaired by the branch.