I. Environmental protection during current economic activities
1. Atmospheric air protection
2. Water resources protection
3. Land plots protection
4. Waste disposal
5. Emergency liquidation
II. Environmental protection during collection of shipboard wastes
III. Environmental protection during carrying out of floating garbage collection from water areas of the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka and solid waste from the territory of the seaport of Vladivostok
IV. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
V. Far Eastern Basin Branch expenses on environmental protection
VI. Prospects of environmental protection activities
The FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch formed on the basis of the Vladivostok Branch by association with the FSUE “Rosmorport” Eastern and Far Eastern Branches continues to implement activities in the field of environmental protection and reduction of negative impacts on the environment.
The main objectives of the Far Eastern Basin Branch in the area of environmental protection are:
- reduction of negative impact on the environment arising in process of carrying out economic activities of the branch;
- compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation and environmental quality standards;
- production control of the implementation of environmental protection measures implemented by the branch.
Environmental activities of the Far Eastern Basin Branch are carried out in accordance with the annual plan of environmental protection measures in the Branch, developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation.
To ensure the environmental protection activities in staffing of the Far Eastern Basin Branch, there are structural subdivisions, workers of which deal with issues of organizing control of performance by the branch of norms and requirements of the Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection, implement measures of industrial environmental control in the implementation of the statutory activities of the branch in the corresponding seaports.
All employees of the Far Eastern Basin Branch engaged in this field of activity have the necessary specialized education on the “Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources” specialty, and professional experience of at least 3 years.
In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, objects that have a negative impact on the environment must be registered with the state in the federal state register.
As of 01.01.2024, all 27 areal facilities which are operated by the Far Eastern Basin Branch have been put on state registration in the federal state register of facilities. The objects belong to category I (one object), which has a significant impact on the environment, category II (one object), which has a moderate negative impact on the environment, category III (six objects), which have an insignificant impact on the environment, and category IV (19 objects), which have a minimal negative impact on the environment.
In the process of carrying out economic activities by the Far Eastern Basin Branch, protection measures are implemented in the following areas:
1. Atmospheric air protection
To carry out the Far Eastern Basin Branch statutory activities, the Branch has a vessels of auxiliary fleet and a park of vehicles. All vehicles and equipment are subject to planned inspections and repairs in order to maintain their performance in the established parameters.
In accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation the Far Eastern Basin Branch developed draft standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
For the Category I facility “05-0125-000424-P “Base of the EPFiOOS Department”, which is operated by the Far Eastern Basin Branch, the standards for the emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the air were established as part of the comprehensive environmental permission dated 17.05.2024 No. 01-14/24-KER, issued to the enterprise by the order of the Far Eastern Interregional Administration of Rosprirodnadzor dated 17.05.2024 No. 1315 for a period of 7 years, until May 16, 2031.
For the Category II facility “05-0125-001864-P “Ecological Fleet Lay-up Berth”, which is operated by the Far Eastern Basin Branch, an environmental impact declaration dated 18.01.2024 No. 718 was issued, valid until 17 January 2031.
Dynamics of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere by the Far Eastern Basin Branch
The increase in the volume of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere in 2023 by the Far Eastern Basin Branch is associated with the registration of a new negative impact facility, the property complex of which uses a diesel generator and fuel storage tanks, the operation of which produces emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air.
2. Water resources protection
In its activity process the Far Eastern Basin Branch uses a number of surface water bodies in the water areas of the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny, Nakhodka, Posiet and Olga to accommodate watercraft, waterworks and other installations.
In accordance with the requirements of the water legislation, the Far Eastern Basin Branch has prepared and received necessary documents authorizing the right to use the relevant water bodies.
In particular, the branch concluded with the Amur Basin Water Department of the Russian Federal Agency for Water Resources a water use agreement dated July 11, 2011 No. MO-20.04.002-M-DRBV-T-2011-00771/00 for the right to use the southwestern part of Wrangel Bay in the Nakhodka Bay of the Sea of Japan to the east cape Petrovsky for the purpose of using the water area of the water body for the placement of swimming facilities, with a total area of 0.066 sq. km, valid until December 31, 2030.
In accordance with the established procedure, the branch received the decisions of the Amur Basin Water Department of the Russian Federal Agency for Water Resources:
- dated October 25, 2022 No. 00-М-RSBK-Т-2022-17067/00 on providing for use a water body in the waters of the Nakhodka Bay, Nakhodka Bay of the Sea of Japan, for the purpose of discharging surface wastewater, valid until October 27, 2042;
- dated February 3, 2023 No. 00-М-RBBK-Т-2023-22066/00 on providing for use a part of a water body in the waters of the Ussuriysk Bay of the Sea ofJapan for the purpose of carrying out dredging, blasting, drilling and other works related to changing the bottom and banks of surface water bodies, with the exception of cases provided for by Part 2 of Article 47 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, with a total area of 0.53 sq. km, valid until December 31, 2033.
In accordance with the established procedure, the branch received a decision from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Primorsky Krai:
- dated March 24, 2023 No. 25- on providing for use a water body in the waters of the Khmylovka River for the purpose of discharging surface wastewater, valid until February 2, 2043.
Under the terms of the above mentioned agreement and decisions, the Far Eastern Basin Branch annually carries out regular surveillance of water areas of water bodies allocated to it for use. Surveillance is carried out in accordance with the program agreed with the Water Resources Department of Primorsky Territory of the Amur Basin Water Department of Rosvodresursy. For performing the specified works, the Far Eastern Basin Branch involves on a competitive basis specialized accredited organizations having the necessary experience, material and technical basis and a license for this activity. These analytical monitoring and reporting on the implementation of water protection measures are submitted in the prescribed manner to Rosvodresursy.
Following last year results, no pollution of surface water bodies used by the Far Eastern Basin Branch have been recorded.
3. Land plots protection
In order to prevent pollution, littering and fouling of land plots occupied by facilities of the Far Eastern Basin Branch, there are carried out on a permanent basis:
- maintenance of places for storage of waste in the state that meets the requirements of the environmental and sanitary-epidemiological legislation of the Russian Federation, ensuring timely removal of generated waste from the territory of the branch;
- systematic cleaning of the branch territories;
- monitoring compliance with requirements on maintenance of the used by the tenants of the Far Eastern Basin Branch territories in proper condition.
The Far Eastern Basin Branch holds regular activities aimed at reducing the impact of waste generated during activity process of the branch on ambient environment condition.
For the Category I facility “05-0125-000424-P “Base of the EPFiOOS Department”, which is operated by the Far Eastern Basin Branch, the standards for the emission of harmful (polluting) substances into the air were established as part of the comprehensive environmental permission dated 17.05.2024 No. 01-14/24-KER, issued to the enterprise by the order of the Far Eastern Interregional Administration of Rosprirodnadzor dated 17.05.2024 No. 1315 for a period of 7 years, until May 16, 2031.
For the Category II facility “05-0125-001864-P “Ecological Fleet Lay-up Berth”, which is operated by the Far Eastern Basin Branch, an environmental impact declaration dated 18.01.2024 No. 718 was issued, valid until 17 January 2031.
The Far Eastern Basin Branch keeps a record of the generated volume of waste, control of their temporary storage places, periodicity of their removal
Waste generated by the Branch in the normal course of economic activities is related to 1-5 hazard classes. The proportion of the 1st hazard class waste (mercury lamps) and 2nd hazard class (waste batteries, oiled rags, oil sludge, waste marine oil) is 0.5 % of the structure of the enterprise’s waste.
Waste of the 1st hazard class (mercury lamps) and the 2nd hazard class (batteries, chemical power sources) are transferred by the Branch to the federal environmental operator for waste management of hazard classes 1 and 2 (FSUE “FEO”) for their subsequent neutralization.
The 3rd hazard class waste (various oils, bilge, oily waters resulting from operation of the branch’s vessels) in the seaport of Vladivostok are sent by the Branch to a specialized organization. In the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka oily waters (the 3rd hazard class waste) resulting from operation of the branch’s vessels after being cleaned on separator located on the Argus bilge water collector, in accordance with the environmental requirements of the Russian Federation, is discharged outside 12-mile zone in the permitted area. Oiled rags (the 3rd hazard class waste) in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka are disposed of by burning in the incinerator plant IN-50.4 of the Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch or transferred by the Branch to a specialized organization for neutralization.
Sanitary sewage of the branch in the seaport of Vladivostok flows into the city sewer system in the established order. In the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka, following the environmental requirements of the Russian Federation, sanitary sewage is transferred to a licensed organization for its subsequent transportation to wastewater treatment facilities.
All solid domestic waste, that is not municipal, in the seaport of Vladivostok generated as a result of the Far Eastern Basin Branch activities are transported to the city licensed landfills in the prescribed manner. In the Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch, solid domestic waste that is not classified as municipal waste is disposed of in the branch's waste incineration plant (incinerator plant IN-50.4) or transferred under a contract with a licensed organization during periods of preventive maintenance at the branch's plant. Ashes from the incineration of waste in the unit, as well as other non-combustible materials are stored in hermetically sealed containers by unit operators on temporary storage site for their subsequent transportation to the city licensed landfills.
Municipal solid waste generated as a result of the activities of the Far Eastern Basin Branch is transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the regional operator for the treatment of municipal solid waste in the Primorsky Territory (KSUE “PEO”)
All other wastes of 3-5 hazard classes are handed over by the branch to specialized licensed organizations for their subsequent neutralization, processing, disposal or final storage.
Far Eastern Basin Branch waste generation dynamics
In order to improve the environmental situation in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka, the branch receives from organizations, operating in these seaports, waste of 3-4 hazard classes for further disposal (incineration) in the incinerator plant IN-50.4.
Materials of the high-temperature waste disposal technology at the incineration plant IN-50.4 comply with the requirements of the Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection and handling of hazardous facilities, which was confirmed by the comprehensive environmental permission dated 17.05.2024 No. 01-14/24-KER, issued to the enterprise by the order of the Far Eastern Interregional Administration of Rosprirodnadzor dated 17.05.2024 No. 1315. Ashes from the incineration of waste in the installation, as well as other non-combustible materials are stored by the incinerator plant operators in hermetically sealed containers to a temporary storage site for subsequent exportation to the city licensed landfills for final storage.
Activities of Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch in the area of utilization of waste of 3-4 hasard classes are carried out in accordance with a license for collection, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization and disposal of hazardous of 1-4 classes dated April 19, 2016 No. 077 216 issued by Rosprirodnadzor Department of the Central Federal District, valid indefinitely.
Qualification of employees of the branch engaged in this activity are confirmed by certificates issued by the Far Eastern Federal University for their admission to handling hazardous waste.
Dynamics of volumes of disposal (incineration) in the incinerator plant IN-50.4 of waste of III-IV hazard classes accepted by the Far Eastern Basin Branch in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka
The Far Eastern Basin Branch developed, approved and put into effect agreed in the prescribed manner ship oil pollution emergency plans (SOPEP) regarding vessels assigned to the branch. From time to time, in order to ensure the readiness of the Far Eastern Basin Branch to prevent accidental pollution and work out actions of personnel, training exercise for oil spill response are conducted.
The Far Eastern Basin Branch in accordance with the requirements of Annex 5 of “Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships” of the International Convention MARPOL 73/78 developed plans for operations with shipboard garbage on branch vessels, which, in accordance with established procedure are agreed with the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
In order to protect water bodies from pollution with oil and oil products when performing loading and unloading operations on vessels, as well as bunkering vessels with fuel, the Far Eastern Basin Branch provides services to ship owners on installation of boom fences in the seaports of Vostochny, Nakhodka and Olga. Works are carried out by specially trained personnel of the branch in accordance with the Rules of work on cleaning up polluted water areas of seaports RD 31.04.01-90 and courses of preparation of ship crews and subdivisions of Gosmorspasssluzhba of Russia for elimination of the consequences of maritime accidents 31.75.01. RD-93 with the use of certified equipment booms ABZ-500 and corresponding swimming facilities. All booms used by the Far Eastern Basin Branch are certified for compliance with the technical requirements of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and provide a high level of localization of oil spill, petroleum and other fluids in order to prevent further spread of the spill, as well as to protect the coastline.
Organization of receiving ship-generated waste in the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka is carried out by the Far Eastern Basin Branch directly or through specialized organizations involved contractual basis:
- in the seaport of Vladivostok with involvement of specialized environmental organizations: OOO “Trans-Eco DV” and OOO “Trans-Eco”;
- in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka – by the Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch.
The attracted by the branch specialized organizations have in the established order issued licenses to carry out activities for the collection, use and disposal of waste of the 1-4 hazard classes:
- OOO “Trans-Eco DV”: for collection and transportation of waste of the 1st, 3rd and 4th hazard classes dated May 26, 2016, series 025 No. 00174, issued by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Primorsky Territory, valid indefinitely;
- OOO “Trans-Eco”: for collection, processing and neutralization of waste of the 3rd and 4th hazard class, transportation of waste of the 1-4 hazard classes dated November 23, 2018, series 025 No. 00416, issued by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Primorsky Territory, valid indefinitely,
and duly approved plans for elimination of accidental oil spills in the seaport of Vladivostok water area, have the necessary trained and certified experts in hazardous waste management programs, as well as technical equipment and vehicles for receiving and removal for recycling of ship waste in accordance with the requirements of environmental legislation.
Activities of Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch in the area of collection of shipboard waste (collection and transportation of 1-4 hasard classes waste) are carried out in accordance with a license for collection, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization and disposal of hazardous of 1-4 classes dated April 19, 2016 No. 077 216 issued by Rosprirodnadzor Department of the Central Federal District, valid indefinitely.
In the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka the Branch has:
- Argus bilge water removing ship;
- NMS-14 oil garbage disposal vessel;
- MNMS-89 oil garbage disposal vessel;
- IN-50.4 incinerator plant.
In the seaport of Vladivostok, according to the prescribed order, oily water from vessels shall be presented to specialized refinery station of OOO “Trans-Eco” equipped with a separation and filtration plants, then pass through a cleaning control devices, and then purified water is transported to the marine terminal Slavyanka in the seaport of Posiet on production base of OOO “Vostokbunker” for subsequent discharge into the Slavyanka bay.
Sanitary sewage from vessels shall be sent to the city sewer system. Shipboard solid waste is disposed of at a special waste processing plant in strict accordance with environmental requirements, the rest of the waste is disposed of at a city landfill intended for waste disposal.
In the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka oil-contaminated bilge water collection is carried out by Argus bilge water collector of the Branch. After the separation and purification of oily bilge water and on board of bilge water collector, purified water in the prescribed manner are discharged outside the 12 mile zone in a permitted offshore area, approved by the Rosprirodnadzor bodies. Domestic sewage from vessels in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka are also collected in special containers on board of bilge water removing ships and are discharged into the sea outside the 12-mile zone, in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78.
Mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps collected from ships in the seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka are transferred to the temporary storage of Eastern Departent of the Far Eastern Basin Branch for onward transmission to the federal environmental operator for waste management of 1st and 2nd hazard classes (FSUE “FEO”).
Shipboard solid waste is collected into polyethylene bags or in special metal containers, depending on the volume of waste received, and is transferred to the temporary storage of the branch, where they are sorted. After sorting, shipboard solid waste is transferred to the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste in the Primorsky Territory (KSUE “PEO”). Waste (rags, paper, paper and cardboard packaging, plastic packaging) is disposed in insineratornoy incinerators. Ash from the incinerator, and the remaining non-combustible materials are stored in sealed containers on site for temporary storage, and then transported to the city landfill for disposal.According to the results, pollution of water areas and territories of seaport of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka due to the activities of the branch on waste collection from vessels in these seaports have been not recorded.
Dynamics of volumes of the collected shipboard waste in the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka by the Far Eastern Basin Branch
Dynamics of volumes of the collected sewage from ships in the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka by the Far Eastern Basin Branch
III. Environmental protection during carrying out of floating garbage collection from water areas of the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka
The Far Eastern Basin Branch carries out activities on cleaning seaport of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka water areas using its own Oil garbage disposal vessels.
The activities of the Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch in the field of water area cleaning (collection and transportation of waste of 4th hazard class) are carried out in accordance with the license for the collection, transportation, processing, disposal, neutralization, disposal of waste of 1-4 hazard classes dated April 19, 2016 No. 077 216, issued by the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Central Federal District, valid indefinitely.
The collected in the seaport of Vladivostok floating debris, as it accumulates, is transported to the place of disposal by licensed organizations with which the Far Eastern Basin Branch of the enterprise signed relevant agreements.
The seaports of Vostochny and Nakhodka floating debris collected by the Eastern Department of the Far Eastern Basin Branch from seaports water areas are neutralized directly by the branch incinerator plant IN-50.4.
Employees of the branch involved in this field have the necessary qualifications and have been training in the Far Eastern Federal University on the program “Management of Hazardous Waste”.
Dynamics of volumes of the collected by the Far Eastern Basin Branch floating debris from water areas of the seaports of Vladivostok, Vostochny and Nakhodka
One of the main activities of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch is implementation of federal investment programs, as well as capital investment programs of FSUE “Rosmorport”, aimed at development of federal port infrastructure facilities and fleet in the seaports of the Primorsky Territory.
In this direction the Far Eastern Basin Branch, as a part of performance of the functions the customer-builder, implemented several investment projects. Design documentation on all facilities was compiled in strict compliance with the standards and requirements of the Russian Federation legislation in the environment protection field. There were held public hearings in the established manner and were received positive conclusions of the State Environmental and State Expertise Committees.
Currently, in the seaport of Vostochny the Far Eastern Basin Branch implements project on reconstruction of 20 water area (section 20-5) of the Nakhodka Bay. The design documentation received in the established manner a positive conclusion dated 05.06.2015 of the State Environmental Expertise Committee Expert Commission, approved by Rosprirodnadzor Order No. 458 dated 05.06.2015, and also received positive conclusion No. 1188-15/GGE-10124/04 dated 01.09.2015 of the State Expertise Committee, approved by FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia” (Main Directorate of the State Expertise Committee of Russia). On the basis of the positive conclusions received from the State Expertise Committees, Rosmorrechflot issued permission for construction No. 25-RU25308000-SG-39/50-2015 dated 08.10.2015. The same month, dredging works were started on the site.
Currently, the Far Eastern Basin Branch implements the following projects development:
- project for the construction of federal property facilities of the planned construction of a sea terminal for transshipment of coal with a capacity of 20 million tons per year (Sukhodol Bay, Primorsky Territory), planned in the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of the transport system”. On 12.05.2014, the designing organization held public hearings on environmental impact assessment materials for the implementation of the project, as a result of which all proposals received from residents of the Shkotovsky municipal district during the discussion were taken into account in the project documentation. In accordance with the established procedure, the finalized project documentation received a positive conclusion from the state environmental review dated 21.08.2015, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor dated 08.21.2015 No. 679, as well as a positive conclusion from the state expertise dated 11.16.2015 No.1542-15/GGE-9892/04 and a positive conclusion on the verification of the reliability of determining the estimated cost of a capital construction object according to design documentation dated November 23, 2015 No. 1569-15/GGE-9892/10, approved by FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”. In turn, based on the results of obtaining positive conclusions from state examinations, Rosmorrechflot, by its order dated December 15, 2015 No. SG-410-r, approved the project documentation. In 2018, Rosmorrechflot issued permission dated July 27, 2018 No. 25-RU25521000-NZh-39/29-2018 for the construction of the facility in accordance with the established procedure. For more information on the progress of the project see “Port Infrastructure Facilities”.
During the implementation of this infrastructure project, measures in the field of environmental protection in the course of construction and installation works related to the construction of facilities are carried out in the following areas:
In the field of reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere:
- maintenance of equipment and dredgers is carried out in accordance with the equipment repair schedule;
- exercising control over the exact observance of the work production technology;
- ensuring preventive maintenance of power plants;
- the use of technically serviceable vessels with adjusted fuel equipment that ensures the emission of pollutants with exhaust gases within the established norms;
- dispersal in time of operation of machinery and equipment that are not involved in a single technological process.
In the field of protection of surface waters from pollution and rational use:
- dumping of soil removed during dredging is carried out in accordance with the terms of a permit issued in the prescribed manner;
- use in the performance of works of vessels that have certificates of compliance of vessels with the requirements of MARPOL 73/78 and certificates of the Maritime Register.
- carrying out construction, installation and dredging works strictly within the boundaries of the allotted water area and territory;
- water supply of works with imported water;
- collection of domestic wastewater in sealed containers with subsequent treatment or removal and transfer to a specialized organization under a contract.
- inadmissibility of dumping waste, fuels and lubricants and sewage into water.
In the field of protection and rational use of land resources:
- conducting work strictly within the boundaries of the territory for construction, not allowing excess use of additional space associated with the irrational organization of the construction flow;
- the use of machines and mechanisms that have the lowest possible specific pressure of the undercarriage on soils and soils;
- arrangement of specially equipped sites for temporary storage of building resources;
- fencing of the construction site along the entire perimeter with the provision of entry and exit to the site;
- arrangement of temporary paved roads;
- land reclamation after completion of construction and installation works.
As part of the elimination of the negative impact of construction waste generated during the work:
- exclusion of conditions for littering the territory;
- organization of a system of selective collection and temporary accumulation of generated construction waste;
- temporary accumulation of waste in specially organized places, excluding contact of waste with soil and atmosphere.
In the short- and medium-term prospects, the Far Eastern Basin Branch also plans to implement several investment projects implemented in the form of capital investments. In particular:
in the seaport of Vladivostok
- projectfor the construction of a radio technical post at Cape Rosset. As part of the project, it is planned to build a distribution station at Cape Rosset, in connection with the dismantling of the existing RTP “Elena”, located on the island of Elena, on top of Mount Larionov (Vladivostok City District), in connection with the decision of the Administration of the city of Vladivostok dated May 18, 2015 No. 28 /6-2959 on the need to vacate the occupied land plot of the Vladivostok urban district. The project documentation, developed by a specialized organization, received a negative opinion from the FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" due to the location of the projected object within the boundaries of the buffer zone of the landscape of monuments of the historical center of Vladivostok. In order to eliminate this remark, work was carried out to develop the documentation “Project for the protection zone of the cultural heritage site “Shkotovsky range of lighthouses (lighthouse, two leading signs)”. Based on the results of the work done, the Decree of the Government of Primorsky Territory dated January 26, 2022 No. 32-pp “On the establishment of zones for the protection of a cultural heritage object (monument of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation of regional significance “Shkotovsky range of lighthouses (lighthouse, two leading signs)” established the possibility of building an object in the cultural heritage zone. Currently, the design organization is carrying out work to adjust the design and estimate documentation in order to re-submit it for consideration by the state expertise. After the finalization of the documentation and subject to a positive conclusion of the state expertise and the allocation of the necessary funding, the start of construction and installation work is scheduled for 4 quarter of 2024.
in the seaport of Nakhodka
- project for the construction of berth No.19 in the seaport of Nakhodka. Subject to obtaining permission to start the reconstruction and allocating the necessary budget investments, the start of construction and installation work on the project is scheduled for 2024.
in the seaport of Posyet
- project for the construction of berth for stay of port fleet vessels in the seaport of Posyet near Cape Morozov. Within this project, on 17.12.2013 the branch held public hearing of materials of assessment of the impact on the environment during the project implementation, which resulted in receiving positive conclusions. Currently, development of design documentation is at the final stage in order to take into account all requirements to ensure the sustainability of the project. Upon completion of these works, project documentation will be submitted to the State Environmental Expertise Committee in accordance with established procedure and then to the State Expertise Committee for consideration. Subject to receiving a positive conclusion from state examinations and the necessary funding being allocated, the start of construction and installation work is planned for 2026.
- approach channel and operating water area reconstruction project, and the construction of facilities to ensure the safety of navigation (navigational aids) in the seaport of Posyet. On 16.04.2010 the organization engaged in designing held a public hearingof materials on the environment impact assessment in the implementation of the project, which resulted in the decision that the proposed construction is not contrary to public opinion and the proposed activity will have a positive socio-economic impact on the development of the Posyet village and PrimorskyTerritory in general. Currently, the developed by the design organization design documentation is being prepared for submission in the established order to the State Environmental Expertise Committee for consideration. Subject to receiving a positive conclusion from state examinations and the necessary funding being allocated, the start of construction and installation work is planned for 2025.
Total expenses of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far Eastern Basin Branch on the implementation of measures for environmental protection in 2023 amounted to 91.2 mln rub, including compulsory payments for negative impact on the environment.
Far Eastern Basin Branch expenses on environmental protection activities
The decrease in the branch’s expenses for environmental protection measures in 2023 compared to 2022 is due to the decrease in the branch’s expenses for the repair of vessels of the environmental fleet, which were completed in 2021.
The main objectives of the Far Eastern Basin Branch in the area of environmental protection in the coming years will be:
• reduction of negative impact on the environment by reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, improving the characteristics of sewage (storm) waters discharged from berths into the sewer system by installing additional cleaning and filtering equipment in the seaports of Vostochny, Vladivostok and Nakhodka;
• purchase of vessels of ecological fleet with modern technical devices and equipment for the collection and disposal of oily waste from vessels, which will be directed at improving the environmental safety in the seaport of Vladivostok and the fulfillment of the requirements of the International Convection MARPOL 73/78;
• implementation of the medium-term energy conservation and energy efficiency program for the period until 2017 developed and approved by the Far Eastern Basin Branch;
• strengthening the production control of all aspects of environmental activities of the Far Eastern Basin Branch.