North-Eastern Basin Branch Ecological Activities

  I. Environmental protection during current economic activities
       1. Atmospheric air protection
       2. Water resources protection
       3. Land plots protection
       4. Waste disposition
       5. Emergency liquidation
 II. Environmental protection during shipboard wastes collection
III. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities
IV. Environmental protection during dredging works
 V. Environmental protection expenses of the North-Eastern Basin Branch
VI. Prospects of environmental protection activities

     Main objectives of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch in the field of environmental protection are:

     - reducing the negative environmental impact that arises in the process of economic activity of the Branch;

     - compliance with environmental legislation and environmental quality standards;

     - production control over the implementation of environmental protection measures by the Branch.

     Environmental protection activities of the North-Eastern Basin Branch are carried out in accordance with annual environmental protection plans of the Branch, which is developed and approved in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation.

     In order to ensure environmental protection activities in the staffing table of the North-Eastern Basin Branch there is a structural subdivision, employees of which deal with the organization issues of control of the Branch’s compliance with the norms and requirements of the Russian legislation in the field of environmental protection, implements measures of industrial environmental monitoring during performance of the the Branch's statutory activities in the seaports of Anadyr, Vanino, De-Kastri, Magadan, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and Sovetskaya Gavan.

     Employees of the North-Eastern Basin Branch, engaged in this field of activity, have necessary specialized education in the field of Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources and work experience in that field of at least 3 years.


I. Environmental protection during current economic activities

     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, objects that have a negative impact on the environment must be put on the government accounting in the federal government register.

     As of 01.01.2023, all 3 infrastructure facilities that are operated by the North-Eastern Basin Branch have been put on the government accounting in the federal government register of objects. One facility belong to the II category of facilities that have a moderate negative impact on the environment, and five facilities belongs to III category of facilities that have an insignificant negative impact on the environment.

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch takes the following environmental protection measures during current economic activities. 

     1. Atmospheric air protection 

     Stationary air pollution sources operated by the North-Eastern Basin Branch in the course of its economic activity are heating systems (boilers) and vessels boilers used for heating the Branch's premises.

     In order to observe restrictions on norms of emitting harmful substances into the atmosphere when operating the equipment, the North-Eastern Basin Branch conducts its routine inspections and periodic repairs.
     In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the sphere of air protection, the branch has taken an inventory of all sources of atmospheric emissions and made calculations of maximum permissible emission standards.


     Change dynamics of the North-Eastern Basin Branch emissions  of pollutants



     The increase in emissions in 2022 is associated with a longer heating period last year and, as a consequence, the need for prolonged operation of stationary sources of pollution – heating plants


     2. Water resources protection

     To carry out its statutory objectives, the North-Eastern Basin Branch uses water bodies located in the Tatar Strait water area of the Japan Sea and water area of the Bering Sea for navigation and dredging.

     In accordance with the water legislation of the Russian Federation, the North-Eastern Basin Branch received decisions:

     A) water use agreements have been signed with the Amur Basin Water Administration of the Federal Agency for Water Resources:

     - dated 30.01.2015 № 00- for use of a part of the water area of Komsomolskaya bay of the Bering sea with an area of 0,02 km2 for accommodation of the vessels of the Anadyr Department FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch, valid until December 31, 2024.

     - dated 30.01.2015 № 00- for use of a part of the water area of Egvekinot bay of the Bering sea with an area of 0,02 km2 for accommodation of the vessels of the Anadyr Department FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch, valid until December 31, 2023;

     B) solution received:

     - dated 24.12.2019 No.00- for the use of a water body with an area of 0.16 km2 located near the sea area No. 154 at the entrance to the Sovetskaya Gavan Bay of Tatar Strait of the Sea of Japan, for the disposal of bottom soil extracted during repair dredging, issued by the Amur Basin Water Administration of Rosvodresursy, valid until October 21, 2029.

     Under the terms of water use, the North-Eastern Basin Branch conducts periodic monitoring of the state of the water body, which had been assigned to the Branch for use. Monitoring is carried out during dredging operations in accordance with the program approved by the Amur Basin Water Department of Rosvodresyrsy. To carry out the works, the North-Eastern Basin Branch brings in on a competitive basis specialized accredited organizations, which have necessary experience, material and technical basis and a license for this activity. Data of analytic monitoring and reports on the implementation of water conservation measures are quarterly and annually submitted to the Department of Water Resources for the Khabarovsk Territory of Rosvodresyrsy.

     According to the results of 2022, no pollution of the water body used by the North-Eastern Basin Branch was detected.

     All Branch’s vessels are equipped with reservoirs for collection of solid waste and operational waste, tanks and cisterns for storing oily and household water treatment and devices for its subsequent transmission for treatment and disposal, as well as oil sorbent for the prevention of marine pollution. Periodic checks of knowledge of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention rules are carried out with the crews of vessels. North-Eastern Basin Branch carries out permanent accounting and control of delivery of bilge water and ship waste to receiving port facilities, in order to prevent their discharge into sea.

     3. Land plots protection

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch maintains production control over the leased land plots to prevent littering or pollution of the territory. Hazardous wastes are put into specially equipped temporary storage sites, before being transported to disposition. The Branch brings in specialized organizations to perform systematic waste disposal and territory cleaning. Every year the North-Eastern Basin Branch employees conduct volunteer clean-ups of the territories occupied by the Branch's facilities.

     4. Waste disposition 

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch keeps permanent record of volume of waste generated in the process of current economic activities, monitoring of places of temporary storage, frequency of their removal.

     In accordance with the federal legislation on environmental protection, the North-Eastern Basin Branch developed and approved an environmental impact statement dated October 25, 2021, valid until November 12, 2028, in connection with the Branch’s economic activities at a category II facility.
     The majority of production and consumption waste generated in the North-Eastern Basin Branch refer to III-V hazard classes. According to the results of 2022, no waste of I and II classes was generated in the North-Eastern Basin Branch.
     For the purposes of export and disposal of waste from its territory, in the established order, the North-Eastern Basin Branch signed contracts with specialized licensed enterprises for collection, transportation and placing of all types of waste of the Branch.
     The III hazard classes waste (various oils, bilge and oily waters resulting from the operation of vessels and vessels of the Branch) are transferred to specialized licensed organizations (Transbunker-Vanino, LLC and DV-Prompererabotka, LLC) for neutralization. Municipal solid waste is transported by the Branch to the municipal urban landfills, and waste and fecal waters in accordance with the provisions of water and nature protection legislation are disposed outside the 12-mile maritime zone.


     Change dynamics of the North-Eastern Basin Branch waste production volumes


     The increase of the North-Eastern Basin Branch waste volumes in 2022 is associated with an increase in the duration of the branch’s vessels operation during the year due to a reduction in off-season downtime.

     5. Emergency liquidation

     As the North-Eastern Basin Branch possesses harbor vessels and facilities for recycling and disposal of wastes of 1-5 class of hazards , a Plan on Prevention and Liquidation of Emergency Oil and Oil Products Leaks was elaborated and approved, in order to enable readiness, prompt reaction and organization of liquidation works in the coverage zone of the plan (Vanino Bay and its approaches).
     Trainings on liquidation of emergency oil and oil products leaks liquidation are occasionally conducted in order to make the branch ready to fight emergency leaks and to rehearse the actions of the employees. If necessary, the North-Eastern Basin Branch vessels could be used for oil and oil products leaks liquidation from the facilities and vessels of other organizations in the water areas of the Vanino Bay and the Sovetskaya Gavan Bay.

II. Environmental protection during collection of shipboard wastes

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch renders services on collection, neutralization and transportation of shipboard wastes in accordance with the MARPOL 73/78 requirements. Collection of bilge waters and sewage, and solid domestic wastes generated during the normal operation of the vessel (except for ballast water, waste associated with cargo, waste associated with the cleaning of cargo and fuel tanks) for the entire time the vessel was in the seaports of Vanino and Magadan, is carried out by the North-Eastern Basin Branch by itself or with the help of specialised organizations (on a contractual basis):

     In the seaport of Magadan

     Reception and processing of ship-generated waste in the seaport of Magadan is carried out by the Magadan Department of the North-Eastern Basin Branch with the help (on a contractual basis) of the specialized organization Morskaya Ekologicheskaya Slujba, LLC, which have license for carrying out activities on collection, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization and placing of I-IV hazard class waste No. 04900095 dated July 6, 2020 (valid indefinitely), issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.
     Morskaya Ekologicheskaya Slujba, LLC posess certificated specialists, technical means and transport for reception, temporary placing and utilization of ship-generated waste in accordance with the requirements for environment protection. Oily water is processed in the separatory plant with the subsequent use as secondary raw materials (heating oil). Sludge and oily rags are also used as secondary raw materials (heating oil) and food waste – as a livestock forage. Waste fluorescent lamps are taken to the specialized organization for the demercurization and vessels' solid domestic waste are disposed at the municipal waste disposal polygon.

     In the seaport of Vanino

     Reception and processing of ship-generated waste in the seaport of Vanino is carried out by the North-Eastern Basin Branch on the basis of the license for carrying out activities on collection, transportation, processing, utilization, neutralization and placing of I-IV hazard class waste issued by the Rosprirodnadzor Department of the Central Federal District № 077 216 dated April 19, 2016, valid indefinitely, for carrying out activities on collection, transportation of I-IV hazard class waste and neutralization of III-IV hazard class waste.
     In the seaport of Vanino, the branch has an oil garbage collector "26" and vehicles for transporting garbage from vessels. 
     Oily waters (sludge, bilge waters, waste oils) received from ships, except for ballast and washing waters, as well as waste waters, are delivered to the treatment facilities of a special licensed organization (Transbunker-Vanino, LLC). Shipboard solid waste is transferred to municipal landfills for disposal.
     The staff of the North-Eastern Basin Branch possess specially trained specialists to work with ship-generated waste under the program “Ensuring environmental safety during hazardous waste management”.


Diagram of the sewage collected from vessels by the North-Eastern Basin Branch in the seaports of Vanino and Magadan

Diagram of the bilge waters collected from vessels by the North-Eastern Basin Branch in the seaports of Vanino and Magadan


Diagram of the waste collected from vessels by the North-Eastern Basin Branch in the seaports of Vanino and Magadan


III. Environmental protection during construction/reconstruction of port infrastructure facilities

     One of the main activities of the North-Eastern Basin Branch is the implementation of federal investment programs, as well as capital investment programs of FSUE “Rosmorport”, aimed at the development of federal facilities of port infrastructure and fleet in the seaports of Anadyr, Vanino, De-Kastri, Magadan, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur and Sovetskaya Gavan.

     In this direction, the North-Eastern Basin Branch implemented several investment projects within performance of construction customer functions. The project documentation for all facilities was developed in strict accordance with the standards and requirements of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection legislation. Public hearings were held in accordance with established procedure and positive conclusions of the State and State Ecological Expertise Committees were received.


     Currently, the North-Eastern Basin Branch has no capital investment projects for port infrastructure facilities development, which are on the stage of construction and installation works, but in the short and medium terms the Branch plans to implement several projects of capital investments in the seaport of Vanino. In particular:

     - the project for the construction of the building for the navigation safety services of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch. Based on the design results, environmental impact assessment materials and design documentation are submitted for public discussion in accordance with the established procedure. According to the results of the discussions (minutes of the Administration of the urban settlement "Vanino worker's settlement" of the Vanino municipal district of the Khabarovsk Territory as of 14.10.2019), environmental impact assessment materials were generally approved. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental expertise (Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 174-FZ as of 23.11.1995 "On Environmental Expertise"), state environmental expertise regarding the project for the construction of a building for navigation safety services is not required. The results of engineering surveys and design documentation initially submitted for consideration by the state examination were returned by the Far Eastern Branch of FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" for revision in terms of the need to adjust the estimated cost of construction. As a result of the revision, the updated design documentation and the results of engineering surveys are submitted to FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia". The re-submitted materials received a positive conclusion of the state re-examination, including verification of the reliability of determining the estimated cost of the capital construction facility, No. 27-1-1-3-029679-2021 as of 07.06.2021, approved by FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia".
     Subject to the successful completion of the work and the allocation of the necessary funding, the start of construction and installation work is scheduled for 3 quarter of 2023.


IV. Environmental protection during dredging works

     In order to ensure the safety of navigation and maintain the declared depths, the North-Eastern Basin Branch is carrying out dredging operations in the seaport of Vanino.
     In accordance with the requirements of the environmental legislation, the North-Eastern Basin Branch has developed the project documentation “Performing repair dredging works in the water area of the seaport of Vanino for a period of 10 years”. The project was approved by the state authorities in accordance with the established procedure and received a positive conclusion of the state environmental impact assessment, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor dated October 21, 2019 No. 505.
     In 2023, no repair dredging works are planned by the branch.
     Disposal of the soil dredged during repair dredging was carried out in the underwater marine dump located in the north-west direction between Putyatin and Zeleny capes at the entrance to Sovetskaya Gavan Bay (near the existing disposal area No. 154) on the basis of permit No. 197M dated 07.02.2020, issued by Rosprirodnadzor. In accordance with the established procedure, the North-Eastern Basin Branch received a decision dated 24.12.2019 No.00- for the use of the water body with an area of 0.16 km2 located near the sea area No. 154 at the entrance to the Sovetskaya Gavan of Tatar Strait of the Sea of Japan, for the disposal of bottom soil extracted during repair dredging, issued by the Amur Basin Water Administration of Rosvodresursy, valid until October 21, 2029.
     While performing the relevant dredging works, the Branch will carry out continuous industrial environmental control and environmental monitoring of water bodies, as well as monitoring of the impact on biological resources with the involvement of specialized professional organizations on a contractual basis. Environmental monitoring results will be submitted quarterly to the Amur Basin Water Authority of Rosvodresursy in accordance with the established procedure.
     In 2023, due to the lack of plans for repair dredging works, no compensation activities are planned by the branch.

    As part of the federal program “Development of the Russian Transport System” construction of a transport loading and unloading complex on the northern shore of the Muchke Bay in the seaport of Vanino for handling coal is under construction in the framework of a joint investment project with investor company. 

     In accordance with the established procedure, the project organization held public hearings to discuss project materials including the materials for assessment of environmental impact. As a result of the discussions, the submitted materials were approved taking into account the remarks and suggestions of the citizens (minutes of public hearings of January 10, 2014 approved by Head of the Vanino Municipal District). The project documentation, which was amended according to the results of the public hearings, was submitted to the State Ecologial Expertise Board, and its positive conclusion was received on June 3, 2014 approved by Order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 337 of June 5, 2014 stating its compliance to the environmental requirements set by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection. The project documentation and the results of the engineering findings submitted to FAI “Glavgosekspertiza of Russia” have also received a positive conclusion of the State Expertise Board No. 1701-14/GGE-8952/04 of December 30, 2014 approved by FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”.

     Due to the reaching the high-altitude position of the coastal alluvial map of the project level and, as a result, the need to change the storage location of the withdrawn bottom soil to the underwater dump, a specialized organization is currently adjusting the project documentation. The finalized design documentation was submitted in accordance with the established procedure for consideration by the state environmental review. As a result of its consideration, a positive conclusion was received from the state environmental expertise, approved by order of Rosprirodnadzor No. 576-O dated December 24, 2021. As part of the expert support of the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”, a positive opinion was received on the results of compliance within the framework of expert support No. 03225-22/GGE-08952 dated September 1, 2022 documentation, approved by the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”, which establishes the conformity of the changes in the design documentation, to the requirements of technical regulations and other established requirements, the results of engineering surveys performed for the preparation of design documentation, and the design assignment, as well as compatibility with the part of the design documentation to which these changes have not been made.

     Rosmorrechflot, based on the positive conclusions of state expertise, issued a new construction permit No. 27-RU27504000-ZD-39/72-2022 dated September 22, 2022 instead of the previously issued permit dated November 25, 2020.

     In February 2023, due to the impossibility of implementing the previously adopted design decisions for the reclamation of the coastal alluvium map, a decision was made to make adjustments to the project documentation. The design organization prepared the appropriate adjustments, which were duly submitted for consideration to the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia” in the form of expert support.

     Information on the progress of the project can be found in the section “Development of port infrastructure facilities”.

     For the period of the relevant dredging, the North-Eastern Basin Branch, in accordance with the established procedure, draws up a decision on providing a section of the water area of Muchke Bay of the Tatar Strait in the water area of the seaport of Vanino for use. Due to the fact that the previously issued decision has expired, the North-Eastern Basin Branch is currently drawing up in accordance with existing rules a new decision of the Amur Basin Water Administration of Rosvodresursy on the provision of a section of the water area for dredging works.

     According to the results of the first stage of the construction of the facility in accordance with the design solutions, all the soil formed during the first stage of dredging works was stored in full on a special site (reclamation map) in the railway loop in the western part of the terminal. The soil is laid on the shore for further reclamation by bringing in a fertile layer of soil and planting perennial grasses.

     The water contained in the dredged material (slurry) is discharged back into the sea, having been pre-treated in a sedimentation pond and shandor-type disposal wells designed to clarify the water and prevent turbidity in the marine environment.

     While carrying out dredging operations the North-Eastern Basin Branch makes permanent environmental monitoring of a water facility and its impact on bioresources to assess the impact of dredging operations on the water environment.

     The monitoring is made under a program approved by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Eastern Basin Branch by involving specialized organizations on a contractual basis. The measurements of the marine environment state are made before starting, producing and ending the operations. This will make it possible to control the impact of dredging operations on the environment.

     The results of environmental monitoring submitted to the Amur Basin Directorate of the Federal Water Resources Agency every quarter prove that the impact given on the hydrochemical composition of water facilities during dredging operations is admissible and does not exceed the existing background level.

     During dredging operations, the Branch takes measures to protect water facilities, for example:

     - it uses technically sound dredgers with regulated fuel injection equipment;

     - the operations are carried out within the strict limits of an allotted water area;

     - the leakage of shore pipes, including in a joint of a dredger and a shore pipe is excluded while carrying out dredging operations.

     In 2019 North-Eastern Basin Branch released over four millions of young keta salmon with the weight of over 1.1 grams to Tikhoye Lake located in the Sovetsky-Gavansky district, Khabarovsk Territory to compensate damage caused to water bioresources during dredging operations. The North-Eastern Basin Branch spent about 21.9 million Rubles to this end. The specified compensatory measures are made in full volume, provided by the project, and take into account all damage to aquatic bioresources during dredging operations within the framework of two phases.

     The North-Eastern Basin Branch is planned to implement several investment projects in the near-term outlook and the midterm. The projects are aimed at building underwater hydraulic facilities and carrying out dredging operations. Particularly,

     - a project for building an alumina ore transshipping terminal in the seaport of Vanino under a joint investment project with Prichal, LLC. Under the investment project, the enterprise is planning to carry out dredging operations in the operational water area of the seaport of Vanino over an area of 15 ha with bringing the bottom’s marks to -13.6 meters for navigational depths to ensure safe approach and mooring of vessels with the deadweight of 35.000-40.000 tons, i.e. the SN-163, the SN-115, the SN-70 and the SN-40 (up to 292 meters in length, up to 45 meters in breadth and up to 17.1 meters in load draught) and install two marine lights (the Kolonna type) on berth No. 2, replace a marine light on pier No. 3 and assemble a temporary marine light on pier No. 1. The implementation of the project will make it possible to create a modern image of the terminal, which will transship coal in the amount of 1.5 million tons at the first stage. Finally, the terminal will be able to transship coal in the volume of 3 million tons. According to the established procedure, the project organization held several hearings to discuss materials of the project, including materials related to assessing the impact on the environment. Based on the results of the hearing (the protocol of October 17, 2017 endorsed by the head of the administration of the Vanino Municipal District and the protocol of July 3, 2018 endorsed by the acting head of the administration of the Vanino Municipal District) the materials on the assessment of the impact on the environment have been approved. Based on the results of the state environmental examination, the project documentation received a positive conclusion from the state expert commission as of 18.01.2019, approved by order of the Pacific Maritime Administration of Rosprirodnadzor No. 21 as of 18.01.2019. The results of engineering surveys and design documentation are submitted in accordance with the established procedure to FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia". According to the results of their consideration, a positive conclusion of the state examination No. 27-1-1-3-0136-19 as of 17.09.2019 was received. The design documentation and results of engineering surveys of the coastal part of the project presented by “Prichal” LLC in FAI "Glavgosexpertiza of Russia" also received a positive conclusion from the state expertise. Subject to the positive conclusions of state expert reviews and the allocation of the necessary funding the beginning of construction and installation work is scheduled for 2025.

     - project for the construction of the 2nd stage of the operating transport and transshipment complex in the seaport of Vanino in Muchke Bay. The project documentation developed by the specialized organization and the assessment of the environmental impact of the planned activities are submitted for public discussions in the prescribed manner. Based on the results of their consideration (minutes of holding public hearings dated August 19, 2021, approved by the Head of the Administration of the Vanino Municipal District of the Khabarovsk Territory), the public hearings were recognized as valid. Taking into account the opinions expressed during the discussion, the design documentation was finalized and submitted for consideration by the state environmental review. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents, a positive conclusion was received from the expert commission of the state environmental expertise No. 27-1-01-1-07-0022-22, approved by order of the Chernomoro-Azov Marine Department of Rosprirodnadzor dated March 25, 2022 3 125-O. The results of engineering surveys and design estimates are submitted for consideration to the FAI “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”.


V. Environmental protection expenses of the North-Eastern Basin Branch

     The total expense of the North-Eastern Basin Branch on implementation of environmental protection measures in 2022 made up 26.1 million roubles, including payments for negative influence on the environment. 

Dynamics of the North-Eastern Basin Branch expenses on environmental protection measures 


VI. Prospects of environmental protection activities

     The main tasks of the branch in the field of environmental protection for the nearest future are:
     • decrease of negative influence on the environment due to modernization of equipment used by the branch;
     • increasing supervision after all environmental protection activities of the North-Eastern Basin Branch;
     • implementation of modern energy and resource saving technologies.