2. Information services terms and conditions
3. Statistics
4. Contacts
1. General information
The FSUE "Rosmorport" North-West Basin Branch provides information services to the authorized organizations and individuals on access to the following databases of the Regional Navigation Safety System of the Gulf of Finland (further referred to as RNSS of the Gulf of Finland):
a) through web-based interface of the http://riss-nw.rsbm.ru/aisnet web site (only after receiving permission to accesss the webpage and login and password to enter the system) to access the data bases:
- data of the automatic identificator system (AIS) on all vessels from the coastal base stations of the RNSS of the Gulf of Finland, seaports of Kaliningrad (AIS of the Regional Information Navigation Supervision System (RINSS) of the North-West), Murmansk, Arkhangelsk (RINSS of the North), and also seaports of the South (Sochi, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Taganrog and Kavkaz) аand the East (Vladivostok) of Russia (RINSS of the South and RINSS of the East), connecting the vessel to the RINSS of the North datbases (databases of RNSS of the Gulf of Finland, VTS of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk seaports and marine reporting system) and to the international databases of ITU and INMARSAT, and as for the RINSS of the South and RINSS of the East, the vessel is connected only to the ITU and INMARSAT international databases;
- AIS HELCOM databases on the current location of a vessel (if the request comes from the vessel owner) or all vessels (if the request comes from an organization included into the HELCOM RECOMMENDATION 33/1 Appendix1 with real-time connection of the vessel to the RINSS of the North-West and RINSS of the South databases, ITU and INMARSAT databases;
- on the search of the vessel through the MMSI, IMO numbers, callsign or name (roman type) in the RINSS of the North-West and RINSS of the South databases, ITU and INMARSAT databases;
b) RNSS of the Gulf of Finland data from the Raskat VTS for all vessels in its coverage area through the website http://suds.rsbm.ru/naviharbour (only after receiving permission to accesss the webpage and login and password to enter the system) to the Regional navigation safety database of the Gulf of Finland on all the vessels in its coverage area.
2. Information services terms and conditions
The FSUE "Rosmorport" North-West Basin Branch renders information services on providing access for authorized organizations and individuals that have the right to access AIS and HELCOM database in accordance with the HELCOM RECOMMENDATION 33/1 Appendix1, as well as executive officials responsible for the security and border integrity of the Russian Federation, to the RNSS of the Gulf of Finland databases, in compliance with the Regulations for cooperation between the North-Western Basin Branch and the customer (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), by providing access to the databases through the websites http://riss-nw.rsbm.ru/aisnet, http://suds.rsbm.ru/naviharbour.
To receive access to the RNSS of the Gulf of Finland databases, the client shall send an application to the North-West Basin Branch by fax: +7 (812) 327-40-23 or scanned by e-mail: mail@spb.rosmorport.ru. The application shall be reviewed within 10 days and if it is technically and legally possible to provide the requested services, the client is sent formed Regulations for signing. The signed Regulations shall be returned to the North-West Basin Branch.
The information services are provided by the North-West Basin Branch according to the terms and conditions stipulated in the Regulations.
Information on the tariffs for the information services of the North-West Basin Branch on providing access to the RNSS of the Gulf of Finland information databases is described in the section "Harbor Dues and Tariffs of the North-West Basin Branch".
3. Statistics
Information on the amount of organizations and state bodies, which were given access to the databases of the RNSS of the Gulf of Finland by the North-West Basin Branch.
4. Contacts
For additional information on the terms and conditions of information services by the North-West Basin Branch, please contact the Communication and Electric Radio-Navigation Service by phone:
+7 (812) 380-70-69 (Monday through Friday from 9:00 till 17:00 MSK),
or send a request by fax: +7 (812) 324-57-55 or e-mail: mikhailov@rsbm.ru.