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North-Western Basin Branch News

Baltic Sea Ports Basketball Tournament

During 1-2 November the North-West Basin Branch hosted the XI Baltic Sea Ports Basketball Tournament.

This international event dates back to 2003, when it was first held in Tallin by the Directorate of the Tallin Seaport. Having become popular, it is traditionally held every year in a Baltic seaport.

FSUE “Rosmorport” representing the seaport of Kaliningrad has participated in the tournament since 2009. This is a wonderful opportunity to compete not only in production performance, but also in sports, promoting healthy lifestyle, and representing Kaliningrad Seaport and FSUE “Rosmorport” internationally.

This year the tournament united teams from 4 countries (6 seaports): Tallin (Estonia), Ventspils, Riga and Liepaja (Latvia), Kaliningrad and Klaipeda (Lithuania), 130 people in total.

The North-West Basin Branch in a hard fight took the third prize.

All participants pointed out the high level of organization of the tournament, which went by in a fair and friendly atmosphere.

The next annual Baltic Sea Ports Basketball Tournament will take place in 2014 in Tallin (Estonia).