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North-Western Basin Branch News

Fire tactics training in Kaliningrad Seaport

In accordance with the plan to provide safe mooring of the Baltiysk ship of the Notrh-West Basin Branch in Kaliningrad Seaport on February 20, 2013 together with the Chief Department of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia in Kaliningrad Region and FSE Administration of Kaliningrad Seaport fire tactics trainings were conducted for the worst scenario: liquidation of fire in the area of more than 100 square meters in the machine room of the vessel.

The Baltiysk ship crew, fleet service and experts on labor protection and fire security of the Kaliningrad Department of the North-West Basin Branch, 6 fire teams of the ВChief Department of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia in Kaliningrad Region, fire team of the LLC "Lukoil Kaliningradmorneft", fire team of the Ministry of Defence of Russia, and the Kaliningrad Branch of the FSUE Baltiyskoye BASU took part in the training.

During the trainings the vessel crew trained the reporting system, search of the fire bed, use of the vessel fire protection devices, including the systems of three-dimensional carbon-dioxide firefighting, arrangement of fire alarms on the vessel in accordance with the Plan for arrangement of vessel rescue works in Kaliningrad Seaport, interaction with the Sea rescue and coordination center, Center for crisis management, Chief Department of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of Russia in Kaliningrad Region.