North-Western Basin Branch News

Changes in the sea port of Kaliningrad information in the Sea Ports of Russian Federation Registry

By the Rosmorrechflot decree dated 18.12.2012 №АД-329-р the Kaliningrad sea port information in the Sea Ports of Russian Federation Registry was edited.

Changes are connected with the closer definitions of sea port's operators' adresses and with the inclusion of the new operator - ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ – Комплексный нефтяной терминал», which started provision of oil and oil products storage services, terminal operations, forwarding services and transhipment services at three berths of the new marine oil terminal.

Marine terminal covers 31.83ha, the berth front length is 483.1 meters. Operated vessels maximum size are 9.5 (draught), 170 (length), 25 (width) meters. The terminal disposes of oil tanks of 33 thousand tons capacity and oil products tanks of 80 thousand tons value capacity. Terminal's flow capacity is 4 mln tons of oil and oil products per year.

Additional information:

The North-West basin branch Kaliningrad department at the sea port of Kaliningrad disposes of 41berths (41% of the total berths amount). 61% of these berths are under lease, other ones are operated by the North-West basin branch Kaliningrad department, including 4 berths wich are ready for rent.