The North-Western Basin Branch history dates back to August 2003 when by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 11/ОД dated 26.08.2003 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch was created, Statute on the Saint-Petersburg Branch was approved, and notification on registration in the Ministry of Taxation Inspectorate in the Kirov District of Saint-Petersburg, where the Branch was actually located, was received.
By Ministry of Property Relations of the Russian Federation Decrees No. 6516-р dated 20.11.2003, No. 48-р dated 09.01.2004, and No. 366-р dated 29.01.2004 federal property secured to FSU “Sea Administration of the Saint Petersburg Seaport” on the basis of operational management, was transferred to FSUE “Rosmorport” on the basis of economic control rights. According to FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 02б/OD dated 31.01.2004 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch was secured this property.
In February 2004 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 54/К dated 29.01.2004 Yuri Mikhov was appointed acting Director of the Saint-Petersburg Branch.
By Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Russian Federation No. VR-16-r dated 31.01.2004 and No. VR-22-R dated 11.02.2004 «On temporary measures for provision of development and maintenance of navigation security facilities in the seaport of Saint-Petersburg and Primorsk from February 1, 2004 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch was given the right to charge harbor dues and began to conduct its economic activities.
In April 2004 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 120/k dated 26.03.2004 Anatoly Savkin was appointed Director of the Saint-Petersburg Branch.
In April 2005 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 145/OD dated 20.04.2005 a new edition of the Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch was approved.
In November 2005 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 480/OD dated 21.11.2005 amendments broadening the list of permitted types of activities which the Saint Petersburg branch is eligible to conduct were made to the Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch.
In July 2007 due to the necessity to make the documents regulating the activities of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch comply to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, particulary, in the field of labor safety of the branch employees, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 273 dated 03.07.2007 appropriate amendments were made to the Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch.
In February 2009 by FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch Director order No.92 dated 25.02.2009 a newly constructed ice breaker Moscow was put into operation and secured to FSUE “Rosmorport” on the basis of economic control rights by order No. 99 dated 10.03.2009 and according to the Decree of Federal State Property Management Agency No. 252 dated 25.02.2009.
In December 2009 by FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch Acting Director order No.624 dated 30.12.2009 and Decree of Federal State Property Management Agency No.155-р dated 22.03.2010 the ice breaker Saint Petersburg was secured to FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch.
In March 2010 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 136 dated 30.03.2010 amendments were made to the Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch, according to which the branch received the right to render services using all types of the branch vessels when acting as a ship owner.
In August 2010 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 446 dated 17.08.2010 the Georg Ots motor boat was transferred from the Saint Petersburg Branch to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Vladivostok Branch. In connection with this, the branch stopped rendering ferry services on the route Saint-Petersburg – Kaliningrad – Saint-Petersburg.
In September 2010 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 412/к dated 31.08.2010 A. Savkin was released from the position of Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch. According to FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 413/к dated 31.08.2010, Sergey Pylin was appointed Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch.
In December 2010 by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 786 dated 27.12.2010 Vyborg-Vysotsk, Kaliningrad and Ust-Luga Departments were created within the Saint-Petersburg Branch with the aim to conduct activities in the seaports of Vyborg, Vysotsk, Kaliningrad, and Ust-Luga, using the property of the liquidated Vyborg-Vysotsk, Kaliningrad and Ust-Luga Branches.
In March 2011 according to Federal Marine and River Transport Agency Decree No. АД-20-р dated 04.02.2011, the Statute of FSUE “Rosmorport” and the certificate if Interdistrict Inspectorate of Federal Tax Service No. 46 of Moscow on entry to the Unified State Registry of Legal Bodies dated 10.03.2011 under the state registration number 6117746458615, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order от 22.03.2011 No. 158 the FSUE “Rosmorport” Saint-Petersburg Branch was renamed into the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, and also Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was approved.
In April 2011, by FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 273 dated 27.04.2011 and No. 277 dated 27.04.2011, 6 immovable property facilities (linkspan bridge, treatment facilities, sites No. 1 and No. 2 for temporary storage of cargo, boiler with fuel tanks, loading platform for loading cars into wagons) of railway ferry complex in Baltiysk of the Kaliningrad region, which had been previously assigned to the enterprise’s economic management in accordance with orders of the Federal Property Management Agency (Rosimushchestvo) Territorial Directorate in Kaliningrad Region No. 105-r dated 31.03.2011 and No. 63-r dated 16.03.2011, were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch for further use in order to ensure stable operation of the ferry complex.
In May 2011, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 343 dated 30.05.2011, Kapitan Nikolaev icebreaker, which earlier was in books of the Murmansk Branch, was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch for carrying out icebreaker escort of vessels in the seaports Big Port Saint Petersburg, Vyborg, Vysotsk, Passenger Port Saint Petersburg, Primorsk and Ust-Luga.
In June 2011, the North-Western Basin Branch received notification dated 20.06.2011 on tax registration in Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 19 for Saint Petersburg.
In July 2011, by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 483 dated 25.07.2011 “Luzhsky Morskoy Vstrechny” (Luga Maritime Meeting) linear navigation range, which had been previously assigned to the enterprise’s economic management in accordance with orders of the Federal Property Management Agency Territorial Directorate in the Leningrad Region No. 124 dated 28.06.2011, was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch to ensure navigation safety in the seaport of Ust-Luga.
In August 2011, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 543 dated 12.08.2011,
- approach channel to the seaport Passenger Port Saint Petersburg;
- the seaport Passenger Port Saint Petersburg water area;
- front range of the approach channel to the seaport Passenger Port Saint Petersburg
- rear range of the approach channel to the seaport Passenger Port Saint Petersburg,
which had been previously assigned to the enterprise’s economic management in accordance with orders of the Rosimushchestvo Territorial Directorate in Saint Petersburg No. 466-r dated 25.07.2011, was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch to ensure navigation safety for vessels calling at the seaport Passenger Port Saint Petersburg. In the same month, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 522 dated 03.08.2011, Dmitry Sirotkin mark boat was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch for servicing navigation equipment in the seaports Big Port Saint Petersburg, Vyborg, Vysotsk, Passenger Port Saint Petersburg, Primorsk and Ust-Luga.
In November 2011, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 775 dated 15.11.2011, Baltiysk motor ship intended for ferry transportation along Ust-Luga – Zasnits – Baltiysk – Ust-Luga ferry line was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch. In the same month, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 822 dated 29.11.2011, 13 immovable property facilities (pumping station; building of the electric centralization post; detailed examination post; treatment facilities; sewage, water supply, electricity, telephone network; roads, fences, etc.) of railway ferry complex in Baltiysk of the Kaliningrad region (the seaport of Kaliningrad), which had been previously assigned to the enterprise’s economic management in accordance with orders of the Federal Property Management Agency Territorial Directorate in Kaliningrad Region No. 397-r dated 18.10.2011, were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch for ensuring stable operation of the ferry complex.
In July 2012, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 476 dated 27.07.2012, the Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch were approved as amended.
In October 2012, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 652 dated 04.10.2012, the North-Western Basin Branch commissioned Vega mark boat of P1760 project, intended for immediate year-round servicing of aids to navigation in the seaport of Kaliningrad.
In May 2013, by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 229 dated 22.05.2013, the Regulations on the North-Western Basin Branch were amended, in accordance with the amendments, the branch was granted the right to render services on icebreaking escort of vessels in the Northern Sea Route water area.
In June 2014, by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 253 dated 25.06.2014, a decision was made on transfer of Mir training sailing ship, assigned to the FSUE “Rosmorport” economic management under Rosmorrechflot order No. AD-207-r dated 26.05.2014, to the North-Western Basin Branch for use for practical training of students of state maritime and inland educational institutions of higher professional education.
In July 2014, by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 304, the Regulations on the North-Western Basin Branch were amended, in accordance with the amendments, the list of the authorized activities of the North-Western Basin Branch was extended by six new activities, envisaging:
a) implementation of activities in the field of ionizing radiation sources (generating) use, carried out by the branch;
b) organization of repair, maintenance and general operation servicing and supply of vessels, carried out by the branch;
c) branch participation in ensuring the navigation safety of the seaports water areas;
d) maintaining technical means to ensure navigation safety of seaports water areas in good condition, organization of maintenance, repair, reconstruction and new construction, carried out by the branch;
e) branch participation in creation and ensuring operation of facilities of A1, A2, A3, A4 sea areas of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, including A3/A4 sea areas in the water area of the Northern Sea Route;
f) performance of branch’s functions of NAVAREA XX and XXI geographical areas NAVAREA coordinator.
In November 2014, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 500 dated 27.11.2014, the new workboat of ST23WI project constructed under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch for use by the North-Western Basin Branch Kaliningrad Department in the seaport of Kaliningrad for delivery and removal of pilots of the branch to/from vessels calling at the seaport.
In December 2014, in accordance with act of building (construction) transfer OS-1a dated 31.12.2014, the constructed water area of terminal complex for coarse processing of oil containing crops with total area 264.1 thousand m2, designed for safe approach of “CH-40 Ning An10” design type vessels 185 meters long, with breadth 32.2 meters, deadweight 39 thousand tons and draft with cargo 9.6 meters, to berths No. 6-9 of the sea terminal for oil containing crops handling in the seaport of Kaliningrad, was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management.
In May 2015, on the basis of Rosmorrechflot Order No. AP-177-r dated 07.05.2014, facilities of engineering and technical means to ensure navigation safety, comprising radar means, TV and IR monitoring equipment intended to control surface situation in the established sectors of the seaport of Kaliningrad water area, were assigned to the enterprise and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 316 dated 29.05.2015 transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch Kaliningrad Department economic management.
In June 2015, by FSUE “Rosmorport” order No.380 dated 22.06.2015 the Regulations on the
North-Western Basin Branch have been amended, the amendments are connected with granting the right to the Magadan Branch to carry out the following activities:
a) assessment of vulnerability of transport infrastructure and vehicles;
b) development of plans to ensure transport safety of transport infrastructure and vehicles;
c) activities on water supply and sanitation;
d) heat supply activities.
In the same month, in accordance with act of building (construction) transfer OS-1a dated 30.06.2015, the new constructed repairing and technical base of the seaport of Kaliningrad VTS, was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch for providing high-quality repair and storage of large spare parts, appliances, equipment, by efforts and technical means of the North-Western Basin Branch Kaliningrad Department specialists, which contributes to prompt servicing and maintenance of the equipment of the seaport of Kaliningrad VTS. Besides, in June 2015 on the basis of Rosmorrechflot Orders No. 111 dated 31.12.2014 and No. 113 dated 31.12.2014 facilities of engineering and technical means to ensure navigation safety, comprising radar means, TV and IR monitoring equipment intended to control surface situation in the established sectors of the seaports of Big Port Saint Petersburg, Vyborg, Vysotsk, Passenger Port Saint Petersburg and Primorsk water areas, were assigned to the enterprise and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 336 dated 04.06.2015 were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management.
In July 2015, in accordance with act of acceptance and transfer of building (construction) No. F020010469 dated 01.07.2015, hydraulic structure – road ramp of the road-railway ferry complex in the seaport of Ust-Luga, intended for placement of linkspan bridge for linking and unlinking with ferry vessels, was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management. In the same month, on the basis of Rosmorrechflot Order No. 66 dated 09.06.2015, facilities of engineering and technical means to ensure navigation safety, comprising radar means, TV and IR monitoring equipment intended to control surface situation in the established sectors of the seaport of Ust-Luga water area, were assigned to the enterprise and under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 405 dated 02.07.2015 were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management.
In September 2015, by FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 529 dated 11.09.2015, changes were introduced to Regulations on the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, in accordance with which the list of the authorized activities of the North-Western Basin Branch was extended by one more activity, related to rendering services on ice pilotage of vessels in the North Sea Route water area, and also corrections introduced defining the rights of the Magadan Branch to implement the authorized activities, carrying out of which, in accordance with the Russian Federation legislation, requires to obtain special permits, licenses and certificates.
In October 2015 on the basis of order No. 380-r dated 04.09.2015 of the Rosimushchestvo Territorial Directorate in Saint Petersburg, approach channel to the C-1 navigation pass (new section of the Kronstadt ship fairway channel) 14.2 km long, 150 to 200 meters wide and with bottom marks of -14 metres, intended for vessels entering and departure to/from the Neva Bay, was assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” and in accordance with certificate of acceptance and transfer of immovable property facility dated 16.10.2015 was transferred to North-Western Basin Branch economic management. In the same month, in accordance with act of acceptance and transfer of the constructed facility KS-15 dated 28.10.2015, section No. 1 of port protective facility, constructed within the first stage of construction implementation, over 1 km long and with top marks from +4.5 to 5.5 meters according to the Baltic system of heights, was transferred to North-Western Basin Branch economic management for protection of operating water area of the Southern area of the seaport Ust-Luga (container terminal operating water areas, complex for transshipment of liquefied petroleum gas, “Yug-2” multipurpose transshipment complex and the road-railway ferry complex) from the ice action, drift and waves.
In November 2015, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 668 dated 25.11.2015, the new constructed Vladivostok linear diesel-electrical icebreaker of 21900M(LK-16) project was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management for further use by the North-Western Basin Branch when rendering icebreaking services in the Gulf of Finland water area, as well as for carrying out individual icebreaking escort of vessels, vessels towing, assistance to vessels in ice conditions and in ice-free water, useful cargo transportation, extinguishing fires on floating facilities and other constructions, performing rescue operations. In the same month on the basis of the Rosimushchestvo Territorial Department for Moscow Order No. 1281 dated 11.11.2015, non-residential premises (administrative) in Petrozavodsk, intended to accommodate the staff of the enterprise, were assigned to the enterprise and, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 657 dated 20.11.2015, were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management.
In December 2015, in accordance with act of acceptance and transfer KS-14 dated 29.12.2015 the constructed: quay wall of berth No. 89 with length 546 meters, intended for berthing of the Branch icebreakers; quay wall of berth No. 90 with a wing-wall, 307 meters long, designed for berthing of the Branch icebreakers; navigation light of berth No. 89, intended to ensure the safety of navigation in the Ugolnaya (Coal) Harbour operating water area and on the approaches to the berth; navigation light of berth No. 90 with a wing-wall, intended to ensure the safety of navigation in the Ugolnaya Harbour operating water area and on the approaches to the berth, were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management. In the same month, in accordance with act of acceptance and transfer KS-14 dated 30.12.2015, the constructed within the first stage: approach channel to the “Bronka” Multifunctional Sea Transshipping Complex (MSTC) 6.4 km long, 150 meters wide and with bottom marks -11.2 meters, intended for proceeding of vessels form the new section of Kronstadt ship fairway canal to berths of the “Bronka” MSTC; “Bronka” MSTC operating water area 380 meters wide, with turnaround diameter420 meters and bottom marks -11.2 meters, designed to ensure approach and maneuvering of vessels processed on the “Bronka” MSTC berths; “Bronka-2” linear navigation range comprising front and rear ranges, designed to determine the position of vessel regarding mid-channel line; “Bronka-3” linear navigation range comprising front and rear ranges, designed to determine the position of vessel regarding mid-channel line; average plastic nun buoys in the amount of 26 units, intended to ensure navigation safety, were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management. Besides, in December 2015, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 756 dated 25.12.2015, the new constructed Murmansk linear diesel-electrical icebreaker of 21900M (LK-16) project was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management for further use by the North-Western Basin Branch when rendering icebreaking services in the Gulf of Finland water area, as well as for carrying out individual icebreaking escort of vessels, vessels towing, assistance to vessels in ice conditions and in ice-free water, useful cargo transportation, extinguishing fires on floating facilities and other constructions, performing rescue operations. Besides, in December 2015, in the seaports Big Port Saint Petersburg, Vyborg, Vysotsk, Kaliningrad, Passenger Port Saint Petersburg, Primorsk and Ust-Luga, the North-Western Basin Branch started providing infrastructure services related to operation of engineering and technical means facilities of navigation safety in the respective seaports.
In January 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 15 dated 15.01.2016, the constructed under the FSUE “Rosmorport” Order new Lotsman Baskakov workboat of WB22MT-1 project was transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management for use by the North-Western Basin Branch Ust-Luga Department for delivery and removal of pilots to/from vessels calling at the seaport of Ust-Luga.
In February 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 52 dated 03.02.2016, non-residential premises (hangar) in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia), intended for storage of enterprise’s property were transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch economic management.
In April 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 196 dated 26.04.2016, a decision was made on disposal of Zyuid crew boat due to its total physical deterioration.
In May 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 719 dated 14.12.2015, Bumerang-1 pilot boat of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch economic management for use of vessel in accordance with its designation.
In June 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 280 dated 20.06.2016 the constructed under the enterprise’s order new Sommers dredger of TSHD-100 project was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch economic management for use by the Branch in order to carry out dredging in the seaports water areas and approaches to them.
In July 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 719 dated 14.12.2015, Bumerang-2 pilot boat of the FSUE “Rosmorport North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport Astrakhan Branch economic management for use in accordance with the vessel’s designation.
In September 2016, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 420 dated 01.09.2016, new Krutoyar pilot boat of 02780M project, constructed under the branch order, was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport North-Western Basin Branch economic management for use by the branch for installation and removal of floating aids to navigation on the seaports of Vyborg and Vysotsk water areas and approaches to them. In the same month, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 431 dated 06.09.2016, new Kronshlot dredger of TSHD 1000 project, constructed under the branch order, was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport North-Western Basin Branch economic management for carrying out dredging in the seaport of Ust-Luga water area and approaches to it.
In December 2016, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 646 dated 26 .12.2016, a completed shell-and-core new line diesel-electric icebreaker Novorossiysk by Project 21900M (LK-16) was assigned to the North-Western Basin Branch. The Icebreaker is meant to be used for providing icebreaking services in the Gulf of Finland, individual icebreaker assistance to vessels, towing of vessels, rendering assistance to vessels in ice and open water, transporting payloads, extinguishing fires on floating objects and other facilities, fulfilling rescue operations.
In January 2017 in accordance with Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No 23 of January 23, 2017 the FORT self-propelled hopper dredge was transferred to the economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch for using it during dredging works in the seaport of Ust-Luga. Moreover, in January 2017 pursuant to the sale and purchase agreement the North-Western Basin Branch obtained a hydraulic engineering structure, “The Area (Section No 1)” with the total space of 2.5 square km. The hydraulic engineering structure is located in the seaport of Ust Luga and is intended for building a drive motorway to the support fleet base in the seaport of Ust Luga.
In March 2017 under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 111 dated March 31, 2017 the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch Regulations were amended, and the list of the Branch's authorized activities was expanded in the fields of:
- carrying out functions of a builder customer in designing, constructing (reconstructing) and equipping (technically equipping) buildings, premises and facilities to ensure border, customs and other control in the seaports that is exercised at the Russian border checkpoints;
- protecting facilities of the transport infrastructure and vehicles from acts of unlawful interference.
In the same month, pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 173 of March 31, 2017, a decision has been taken to dispose of front and back range marks of the Luzhsky sea head linear navigation range mark due to their destruction as a result of the effect of ice floes. Furthermore, under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 104 of March 31, 2017, in March 2017 the Waka Nami Go trailing scoop dredge purchased by the enterprise has been transferred under the economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch. The dredge is designed for carrying out dredging operations in the seaport of Ust Luga.
In April 2017, pursuant to Resolution No 130-r issued by Interregional Territorial Directorate of Russia’s Federal State Ownership Agency (Rosimushchestvo) for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region on April 20, 2017 the front range mark “Maly Vysotsky – Southern Standard No 821”, the back range mark “Maly Vysotsky – Southern Standard No 822”, the front range mark “Khumallakhti Standard No 826”, the back range mark “Khumallakhti Standard No 827”, the front range mark “Maly Vysotsky – Northern Standard No 831”, the front range mark “Maly Vysotsky – Northern Standard No 832”, the back range mark “Protective Standard No 878”, the front range mark “Pikarluoto Standard No 877” were assigned to the enterprise and transferred to the economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 177 of May 18, 2017. The range marks are located in the seaport of Vysotsk and designed for ensuring navigation safety on the deep-water route from the Vyborg fairway on the Vysotsk inner harbor through the small Tranzund roadstead. In the same month, under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 162 of May 10, 2017, a decision has been taken to divide the property unit “The Coal Harbor Hydraulic Engineering Work” into two separate property units “Coal Harbor Hydraulic Engineering Work Facility No 2.1” and “Coal Harbor Hydraulic Engineering Work Facility No 2.2” in order to organize the construction of relevant facilities of the port infrastructure in the seaport of Ust Luga.
In June 2017, pursuant to Resolution No 56/Rp issued by Interregional Territorial Directorate of Rosimushchestvo for the Murmansk region and the Republic of Karelia on June 13, 2017, Pier No 1 was assigned to the enterprise and transferred to the economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 234 of June 22, 2017. The pier is located on the coast of the Onega Lake, on the territory of the Onezhsky Shipbuilding and Ship-Repairing Plant (Petrozadovsk, the Republic of Karelia), and is designed for ship laying-out. Under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 235 of June 23, 2017, a newly built hydraulic boat, the Meridian, was built in the same month. The boat is intended for surveying works in the water area of the seaport of Kaliningrad. Moreover, in June 2017 the North-Western Basin Branch purchased a hydraulic boat, the Luchisty, to use it for surveying works in the seaports of Vyborg, Vysotsk and Ust Luga.
In July 2017, the new version of the Statute of the Ust-Luga Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was approved by the Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch.
In September 2017, pursuant to Resolution No 85/Rp issued by Interregional Territorial Directorate of Rosimushchestvo for the Murmansk region and the Republic of Karelia on August 24, 2017 a breakwater was assigned to the enterprise and transferred to the North-Western Basin Branch under economic management under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 351 of September 05, 2017. The breakwater is located in the Onega Lake, on the territory of the Onego Shipyard (Petrozadovsk, the Republic of Karelia) and is designed for protecting berthing facilities and the coastline from tearing away. In the same month the North-Western Basin Branch purchased an antenna mast structure of 78 meters high for the Kaliningrad Directorate of the North-Western Basin Branch in order to place BBS equipment of the AIS base station and the GNSS GLONASS/GPS differential sub-system on it. The mast is located in the Zelenogradsky district of the Kaliningrad region.
In November 2017 pursuant to Resolution No 1346 of October 30, 2017 issued by Russia’s Federal Agency for State Property Management Territorial Administration for Moscow a complex of immovable property consisting of 16 facilities (administrative and technical buildings, masts, structures) located in the settlements of Bolshoye Isakovo and Krasnoye, Guryevsky District, Kaliningrad Region, a coastal station of GMDSS Sea Area A2, designed to be used by the Kaliningrad Directorate of the North-Western Basin Branch to transmit calls of distress, urgency and security to vessels, as well as send navigational and meteorological messages to coastal areas, has been assigned to the enterprise, and subject to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 490 of November 21, 2017 it has been placed under the economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch.
In December 2017, pursuant to Resolution No 527-r issued by Russia’s Federal State Ownership Agency Territorial Directorate for the Murmansk region and the Republic of Karelia on November 23, 2017, the following underwater hydraulic engineering works were assigned to the enterprise and given to the North-Western Basin Branch under economic management under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 560 of December 22, 2017:
- the approach northern Kronshtadt canal through the C-2 navigation pass of 16.1 km length designed for combined river-sea navigation vessels to enter the seaport of Big Port St Petersburg,
- anchoring Station No 4B with the area of 4.9 square km designed for vessel mooring and moving through the C-2 navigation pass awaiting vessel berthing in the seaport of Big Port St Petersburg,
- the western Kronshtadt canal (fairway) with the 28.4 km in length designed for organizing the entrance to and exit from the Neva Bay of vessels to the Gulf of Finland.
Earlier, those facilities located in the Big Port St Petersburg were under management of FSOE “The Administration of the St Petersburg Protective Facilities Complex of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation”. In the same month pursuant to Resolution No 567-r issued by Russia’s Federal State Ownership Agency Territorial Directorate for St Petersburg and the Leningrad region on December 05, 2017, the following facilities were assigned to the enterprise and given to the North-Western Basin Branch under economic management under FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 573 of December 26, 2017: the northern sea mark “Northern Pierhead of the Pionersky Port No 4450”, the lighthouse “Pionersky Back Standard No 4441”, the harbor sea mark “Inner Head Standard No 4445”, the northern sea mark “Southern Entrance Standard No 4460”, the northern sea mark “Inner Back Standard No 4446”, the northern sea mark “Northern Entrance Standard No 4455” located in the town of Pionersky of the Kaliningrad region and designed for ensuring navigation safety on the Kaliningrad Seaway Canal in the seaport of Kaliningrad.
In March 2018 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No 123 of March 16, 2018 and in coordination with Rosmorrechflot (Rosmorrechflot Letter No KC-27/2303 of March 02, 2018) a decision was taken to decommission the hydraulic structure “Coal Harbor Facility No 2.2” located in the seaport of Big Port St Petersburg due to engineering incapability of its further use according to the intended purpose for navigation in view of putting into operation the earlier built berths No 88, No 89 and No 90.
In July 2018 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 334 of July 16, 2018 the Airboat “Dvina-2” small size vessel designed for use by the branch to service aids to navigation in the seaport of Ust Luga was placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch. The airboat has been built by order of the enterprise.
In October 2018 pursuant to the act of acceptance and delivery of October 22, 2018 a real property portfolio consisting of 18 property units: an administrative production facility, a refueler’s lorry, a water treatment building, an approach road to an area of the vehicle thorough inspection post, three technical buildings, an approach road to an area of the vehicle thorough inspection post, storm water drainage treatment facilities and the drainage treatment hydraulic unit, a water-well hole, a buoy shed, a plastic buoy shed, a preload tank for domestic wastewater, an external storm drainage network , a fire fighting pipework, the heat network, a pipe water supply network, a household sewage network, a telecommunication network, a data-communication network and an external power network designed for using them by the North-Western Basin Branch to operate and repair aids to navigation in order to ensure navigation safety of vessels on the Kaliningrad marine shipping canal. In the same month based on Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Territorial Administration in Moscow Order No. 1393 of October 22, 2018 and by coordination with FSUE “Rosmorport” (Letter No OB-24/7950-17 of September 20, 2019) the budgetary culture institution “Agency for Management and Use of Monuments of History and Culture” was given a non-domestic two-floor building with an area of 183.2 square meters in Vyborg that had not been used by the branch for its intended purpose. In addition to, in October 2018 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 504 of October 15, 2018 and by coordination with Rosmorrechflot (Letter No KS-27/11078 of October 05, 2018) a decision was taken to unite two property units: The Kronshtadt Fairway Northern Channel and the Kronshtadt Approach Northern Channel via the S-2 shipping passage in the water area of Big Port St Petersburg into a common property unit “Kronshtadt Approach Northern Channel via the S-2 shipping passage”.
In November 2018 pursuant to the purchase and sale agreement the North-Western Basin Branch acquired and administrative building with a total area of 326.5 square meters in Primorsk of Vyborg District, Leningrad Region, intended to be used by the branch to deploy operators and equipment of Primorsk VTS. In the same month pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 547 of November 07, 2018 the Fortuna pilot boat intended to be used by the North-Western Basin Branch in order to service aids to navigation in the seaport of Kaliningrad was placed under economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch. In addition to it, in November 2018 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 565 of November 26, 2018 a decision was taken to decommission four range marks: a range mark of the Northern Breakwater, the Inboard Front range mark, the Southern Entrance range mark and the Northern Entrance range mark in Pionersky, Kaliningrad Region, due to the construction of facilities of the international sea terminal for accommodating cruise and cargo passenger vessels in the seaport of Kaliningrad.
In December 2018 based on Russia’s Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in St Petersburg and Leningrad Region Resolution No. 583-r of December 11, 2017 and FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 586 of December 28, 2018 fifteen range marks, two lighthouses, nine marine lights, a front lighted mark and a marine light in the seaport of Vyborg, as well as six coastal range marks in the seaport of Ust Luga designed for identifying a certain section of the sea or a coastal line, and defining a ship’s position within the declared visibility distance (for lighted marks), orientating ship owners (for lighthouses) and identifying an axis of fairways (for range marks) on the approaches toward and in the water areas of the seaports of Vyborg and Ust Luga were placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch. That same month pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 581 of December 04, 2018 a decision was made to decommission the property unit “Luzhsky Marine Meeting Linear Range Mark” due to its full destruction in view of the effect of ice movements formed in the Luga Bay of the Gulf of Finland. In addition to it, under the act of acceptance of December 14, 2018 the second section of the port protecting structure of 1.293 meters in length in the seaport of Ust Luga designed for increasing safe mooring of vessels under loading at berths of sea terminals of the southern district in the seaport was placed under economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch. In December 2018 pursuant to the act of acceptance a building of the vessel tracking management center in the seaport of Ust Luga designed for using it by the branch to deploy the personnel and equipment of Ust Luga Port VTS was placed under economic management of the North-Western Basin Branch. In addition to it, under the purchase and sale agreement the North-Western Basin Branch acquired the property unit “Inner Pass on the Territory of the Construction Base” in the seaport of Ust Luga designed for organizing transport accessibility (the pass on the territory of the construction base) to the facility of the North-Western Basin Branch “Ground No. 2 of the Fleet Base” in the seaport of Ust Luga.
In February 2019 subject to Rosmorrechflot Letter No. KS-27/1162 of February 11, 2019 and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 59 of February 22, 2019 a decision was taken to decommission and dispose of the range mark “Inner Rear Standard No 4446” due to the construction of facilities of the international sea terminal for accommodating cruise and cargo passenger vessels in the seaport of Kaliningrad and in Pionersky. In the same month subject to Rosmorrechflot Letter No. KS-27/1162 of February 11, 2019 and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 66 of February 22, 2019 a decision was taken to decommission and dispose of the property unit “Part 1 of the Eastern Breakwater in Pionersky” due to the construction of facilities of the international sea terminal for accommodating cruise and cargo passenger vessels in the seaport of Kaliningrad and in Pionersky.
In August 2019 based on Russia’s Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in the Murmansk Region and the Republic of Karelia Resolution No. RK-44 of June 11, 2019 a pier (Berth No 2) in Petrozavodsk (the Republic of Karelia) designed for vessel anchorage has been assigned to the FSUE “Rosmorport” on the basis of the right of economic management and pursuant to Act of Acceptance and Delivery No. GM000005 of August 06, 2019. The pier will be leased out for using it for its intended purpose subject to the normal due process. That same month pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 344 of August 26, 2019 and by coordination with Rosmorrechflot (Letter No. KS-27/9307 of August 1, 2019) a decision was taken to decommission and dispose of the facility “Pionersky Lighthouse Rear Standard No. 4441” due to the construction of facilities of the international sea terminal for accommodating cruise and cargo passenger vessels in the seaport of Kaliningrad and Pionersky.
In September 2019 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 361 of September 10, 2019 a decision was taken to divide the property unit “Road Pavement and Sites” in the seaport of Ust Luga into two separate property units “Road Pavement and Sites” with an area of 31 940,6 square meters and “Road Pavement and Sites” with an area of 3 919,4 square meters designed for using them by the North-Western Basin Branch while operating the motor railroad ferry complex in the seaport of Ust Luga for the purpose of vehicle passage and station.
In October 2019 pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 409 of October 18, 2019 the Rabochaya self-propelled mud boat of the “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was placed under economic management of the “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for further use for its intended purpose.
In December 2019 subject to Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in St Petersburg and Leningrad Region No. 78-314-r of December 04, 2019 the airboat “Typhoon-1000K” of special purpose intended to be used by the North-Western Basin Branch in the seaport of Big Port St Petersburg for aids to navigation servicing was assigned for the enterprise and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 500 of December 11, 2019 placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch. In the same month subject to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 55 of February 18, 2019 and by coordination with Rosmorrechflot (Letter No. KS-27/1163 of February 11, 2019) the PSM-404 non-propelled floating repair ship was decommissioned and disposed of due to its service wear limit. Additionally, in December 2019 due to the fact that Berth No. 1 in the seaport of Vyborg, which had been used as a passenger terminal, had been leased out the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch stopped rendering services for providing passenger terminals in the seaport of Vyborg.
In March 2020 the North-Western Basin Branch started rendering towage services in the seaport of Ust Luga with the use of Tolbukhin Ice Class tug boat, which is the first tug of the branch. In the same month under Resolution No. 78-143-r of March 12, 2020 of Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in St Petersburg and Leningrad Region and pursuant to the act of acceptance and delivery of March 20, 2020 such property units as the Kaspii landing stage non-propelled vessel, and the Ladoga landing stage non-propelled vessel (passenger terminals on the English Embankment and the Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment) together with articles of movable property on them were withdrawn from FSUE “Rosmorport” economic management and handed over to St Petersburg ownership to use them for their intended purpose. Due to the handover of passenger terminals on the English Embankment and the Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment to St Petersburg ownership, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch stopped rendering services for providing the infrastructure of passenger terminals in the seaport of Big Port St Petersburg. In addition, in March 2020 under Resolution No. 78-111-r of March 02, 2020 taken by Russia’s Federal Agency for Property Management Interdistrict Territorial Administration in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region the facilities such as non-residential premises Liter IX with the total area of 220.5 square meters designed for deploying the personnel; 9/100 share of ownership rights in non-residential premises Liter X with the total area of 67.6 square meters designed for servicing the administrative building; 21/100 share of ownership rights in non-residential premises Liter XI with the total area of 137,8 square meters designed for servicing the administrative building were assigned for the enterprise and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 85 of March 13, 2020 these facilities were placed under economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for using them by the branch for their intended purpose. Further in March 2020 under Certificate of Completion No. КС-14 of March 26, 2020 a new underwater hydraulic facility in the seaport of Ust-Luga has been placed under economic management of the the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch following the results of complete construction. The enterprise acted as a building owner. The new underwater hydraulic facility represents a water area of the Southern district of the seaport of Ust-Luga with the total area of 73 hectares. The facility includes four sections with the depths of 5-12.8 meters. The water area is designed for safe navigation and approach of vessels of the Astrakhan type with the dimensions of 173.5 meters in length, 23 meters in breadth and 10 meters in load draught toward berths of a sea terminal for coal, mineral resources and general cargoes transshipment, vessels of the SL-7 and SO-14 types with the length of up to 152 meters, the breadth of up to 23 meters and load draught of up to 9 meters toward berths of a sea terminal for converted timber reloading, as well as toward berths of a base under construction of the support fleet in the seaport of Us-Luga. Additionally in March 2020 on Rosmorrechflot agreement (Letter No. КС-27/2255 of March 11, 2019) and pursuant to FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 90 of March 19, 2019 the Moschny ice class vessel was decommissioned and recycled due to its full physical deterioration.
In April 2020, on the basis of the approval of Rosmorrechflot (letter No. KS-27/4528 dated 22.04.2020) and in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 161 dated 28.04.2020, the decision was made to write off and dispose of the Karu icebreaker due to its complete physical wear. The same month, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 119 dated 01.04.2020 and on the basis of the approval of Rosmorrechflot (letter No. KS-27/2891 dated 17.03.2020), the decision was made to write off, dismantle and dispose of one single-barreled mast located in Krasnoye village, No. 8, Guryevsky urban district, Kaliningrad region, Russia, due to its unsatisfactory technical condition and the impossibility of further operation for its intended purpose.
In May 2020, pursuant to an amicable agreement approved by the ruling of the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region of 19.04.2018 for the case No. A56-82630/2017, which came into effect on 19.05.2018, and in accordance with the letter from the FSUE “Rosmorport” Director General No. AL-25/3405-17 dated 17.04.2020, by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch order No. 573 dated 06.05.2020, the real estate object “Service building of RCVTS” was removed from the fixed assets of the enterprise and transferred to the object of construction in progress for completion of construction and commissioning of the facility in accordance with the established procedure. The same month, on the basis of the order No. 78-229-r dated 15.05.2020 of the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” (letters No. AS-26/2682-17 dated 26.03.2019, No. OB 24/8063-17 dated 26.08.2019, No. AS-26/1544-17 dated 20.02.2020), 7 real estate objects, consisting of non-residential premises with a total area of 3,266 sq. m, were seized from the enterprise and transferred on the right of operational management to the St. Petersburg Line Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on water transport to be used by the department for the intended purpose.
In June 2020, in accordance with FSUE "Rosmorport" order No. 243 dated 23.06.2020, the Sommers self-propelled holder dredger of the FSUE "Rosmorport" North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the FSUE "Rosmorport" Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch for further use of the vessel for its intended purpose. In the same month, in accordance with the Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 210 dated 01.06.2020, the Tor icebreaker was transferred to the Arkhangelsk branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” and by Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 241 dated 23.06.2020, the Moskva linear diesel-electric icebreaker was transferred to the Far Eastern Basin branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” for their further use by the relevant branches of the enterprise for the intended purposes.
In July 2020, on the basis of FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 499 dated 11.12.2019, the Sommers hopper dredger, previously operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, was transferred under the economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch to be further used by the branch for its intended purpose. In the same month, on the basis of FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 275 dated 09.07.2020 and in agreement with the Federal Property Management Agency (letter No. KS-27/6771 dated 22.06.2020), the real estate facility “Stormwater sewerage included in the passenger and cargo car ferry complex”, located in the seaport of Kaliningrad in the area of Baltiysk, was transferred to the movable property list and used by the branch for its purpose.
In August 2020, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch began providing services for the sea transportation of cargo and passengers with the use of the “Baltiysk” railway ferry on the Ust-Luga seaport – Baltiysk (Kaliningrad seaport) ferry line. In the same month, on the basis of the FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 160 dated 28.04.2020 and in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter No. KS-27/4485 dated 22.04.2020) the Navigator service crew boat was decommissioned and disposed of due to its complete physical wear.
In September 2020, in accordance with the Order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 411 dated 30.09.2020, The Viktor Chernomyrdin new linear diesel-electric icebreaker of project 22600, designed for use by the North-Western Basin branch of FSUE “Rosmorport” during the provision of icebreaking services in the water area of the Gulf of Finland, as well as for individual icebreaker assistance, towing vessels, assisting vessels in ice conditions and on clean water, transporting payloads, extinguishing fires at floating and other facilities, emergency rescue operations, was transferred to the economic management of the North-Western Basin branch of FSUE “Rosmorport”. In the same month, on the basis of the order No. 78-369-r dated 24.07.2020 of the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter No. ZD-21/1928 dated 26.02.2020) and FSUE “Rosmorport” (letter No. AL-24/1630-17 dated 26.02.2020), the real estate facility “Seamen Community Center”, located at 2 Vindavskaya st., letter A, St. Petersburg, was removed from the economic management of the enterprise and transferred to the Treasury fund of the Russian Federation.
In November 2020, by order of FSUE "Rosmorport" dated November 25, 2020 No. 520, the Statute of the North-Western Basin Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport" were approved in a new edition. In the same month, on the basis of FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 210 dated June 1, 2020, the icebreaker Tor of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch for its further operation for its intended purpose. In addition, in November 2020, based on the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 241 dated June 23, 2020, the icebreaker Moskva of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Far East Basin Branch for its further operation for its intended purpose.
In December 2020, in accordance with the order of the Government of Russia dated November 18, 2020 No. 3026-r, according to which the “Baltiysk“ railway ferry was leased to LLC ”Oboronlogistika”, the FSUE ”Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch stopped providing services for sea transportation of goods and passengers using the ferry on the Ust-Luga seaport - Baltiysk (Kaliningrad seaport) ferry line.
2021 2022 2023
In July 2021, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 119 dated April 1, 2020 and based on the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. KS-27/2891 dated March 17, 2020), two single-barrel masts 21.7 m high, located in Krasnoye settlement, Guryevsky city district, Kaliningrad Region and previously used for locating radar equipment of the Sea Area A2 GMDSS coast stations, were dismantled and disposed of due to their unsatisfactory technical condition and impossibility of further operation.
In September 2021, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 372 dated September 22, 2021, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was handed over the constructed new road and rail ferry Marshal Rokossovsky, intended for use by the branch on the ferry line “Ust-Luga – Baltiysk (seaport of Kaliningrad)” for the transportation of goods and passengers. In the same month, based on FSUE “Rosmorport” letter No. AS-24/6181-17 dated June 21, 2021 and subject to the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. ZD-27/8565 dated August 2, 2021), two real estate facilities, located in the seaport of Kaliningrad in the area of the city of Baltiysk: the facility “Territory Fencing: Reinforced Concrete Fence” used to fence the territory of the marine terminal, and the facility “Parking, Approach Road” used for driving to and parking on the territory of the marine terminal, were transferred to the movable property of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for subsequent use by the branch for its intended purpose. In addition, based on FSUE “Rosmorport” letter No. OB-24/6939-17 dated July 8, 2021 and subject to the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. ZD-27/8842 dated August 6, 2021), the real estate object “ROZH-2 Holding Road Parking”, located in the water area of the seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg and used by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for organizing the mooring of vessels, was transferred to movable property for subsequent use by the branch for its intended purpose.
In October 2021, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 99 dated March 25, 2021, the Kapitan Kosolapov icebreaker, previously operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk branch, was transferred to the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch to strengthen the icebreaking fleet of the North-Western basin branch of the FSUE “Rosmorport” used by the branch in the Russian seaports of the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and on the approaches to them in order to provide services for icebreaking assistance to vessels. In the same month, based on the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. KS-27/2891 dated March 17, 2020) and in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 119 dated April 1, 2020, a single-barrel mast 31.7 m high, located in Krasnoye settlement, Guryevsky city district, Kaliningrad Region and previously used for locating radar equipment of the Sea Area A2 GMDSS coast station, was dismantled and disposed of due to its unsatisfactory technical condition and impossibility of further operation for its intended purpose.
In December 2021, based on the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. ZD-27/3776 dated April 13, 2021) and in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” Order No. 173 dated May 12, 2021, a non-residential (administrative) building located in Petrozavodsk was dismantled and disposed of due to its unsatisfactory technical condition and the impossibility of further operation for its intended purpose.
In January 2022, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” No. 20 dated 21.01.2022, the Kronshlot dredger of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch for further use of the vessel according to its intended purpose. In the same month, based on FSUE “Rosmorport” letter No. AS-24/4235-17 dated April 26, 2021 and subject to the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. ZD-27/5057 dated May 14, 2021), four real estate facilities, located in the seaport of Ust-Luga: the facility “Territory Fencing (Reinforced Concrete Fence)” intended for fencing the territory of the marine terminal, the facility “Territory Fencing (Wire Mesh Fencing)” intended for fencing cargo storage areas within the marine terminal, the facility “Diesel Power Plant (Building 103)” intended for power supply of the fire extinguishing station, and the facility “Power Supply Networks 10 kW” intended for power supply of the Automobile and Railway Ferry Complex in the seaport of Ust-Luga, were transferred to the movable property of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for subsequent use by the branch for its intended purpose.
In February 2022, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 07.02.2022 No. 105/k, the director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, Pylin S.V. dismissed from his post in connection with his appointment to the position of FSUE “Rosmorport” General Director. In the same month, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 08.02.2022 No. 109/k, the duties of the director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch were entrusted to the Deputy Director for Personnel and Administrative Affairs of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch Strelnikov Alexander Leonidovich without releasing him from his post.
In March 2022, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch resumed the provision of services for the sea transportation of passengers and cargo using the new maritime road and rail ferry Marshal Rokossovsky on the ferry line “Ust-Luga – Baltiysk (seaport of Kaliningrad)”. In the same month, in accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the Commission of the FSUE “Rosmorport” central office for awarding titles dated March 9, 2022 No. 9, the pilot service of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, following the results of 2021, was recognized as the winner in the nomination “The Best Pilot Service of Group II FSUE "Rosmorport". In addition, based on FSUE “Rosmorport” letter No. AS-24/13339-17 dated December 23, 2021 and subject to the Rosmorrechflot consent (letter No. ZD-27/766 dated January 28, 2022), the real estate facilities “Roadstead Waiting Area ROZh-3”, “Anchorage in the Neva Bay – Area No. 1”, “Anchorage No. 4”, “Anchorage in the North-Eastern Part of the Gulf of Finland”, located in the water area of the seaport Big Port of Saint Petersburg and intended for safe mooring of vessels, were transferred to the movable property of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for subsequent use by the branch for its intended purpose.
In April 2022, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated April 14, 2022 No. 166, an amendment was made to the Statute of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, related to the clarification of one of the permitted types of activity of the branch. In the same month, by order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated April 21, 2022 No. 172, the Statute of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch were amended to supplement the list of permitted activities of the branch with activities for the collection and treatment of wastewater.
In October 2022, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 398 dated October 20, 2022, the new built automobile and railway sea ferry General Chernyakhovsky was placed under operational management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for its use by the branch in order to provide services for sea transportation of railway cars, rolling cargo and passengers on the Seaport of Ust-Luga - Seaport of Kaliningrad ferry line.
In November 2022, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch stopped providing services for the provision of anchorage 5-A in the water area of the seaport Bolshoi Port Saint Petersburg for vessels for mooring and transshipment of oil products under the “board-to-board” option due to the lack of technical capabilities.
In December 2022, in accordance with FSUE “Rosmorport” order No. 512 dated December 21, 2022, it was decided to subdivide the federal real estate object “Refilling Stations PK 279, 214, 339”, operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, into two separate real estate objects “Refilling Station PK 339” and “Refilling Station” for their further use by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch according to their intended purpose for storing soil during repair dredging.
In February 2023, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 16.02.2023 No. 146/k, Strelnikov A.L. was transferred to the position of Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch. Earlier he held the position of Deputy Director for Personnel and Administrative Affairs of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch and was Acting Director of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch at the same time.
In March 2023, in accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Central Office Commission for Awarding Titles of March 13, 2023 No. 10, based on the results of work in 2022, the Capital Construction and Repair Service of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was recognized winner as “The Best Structural Subdivision of Capital Construction of FSUE “Rosmorport”. In the same month, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 01.03.2023 No. 77, on the basis of the agreement on withdrawal dated 22.12.2022 No. I-20/2021-2, concluded between FSUE “Rosmorport” and the administration of the urban district “City of Kaliningrad”, and in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 24.05.2022 No. ZD-27/6207), the real estate object “Berth No. 5, Pregolya River, left embankment” was transferred to municipal ownership due to the need to implement a linear facility of local importance - the construction of a road bridge across the Pregolya River with a complex of bridgeheads and crossings, with simultaneous compensation to FSUE “Rosmorport” for the withdrawal of the property for municipal needs. In addition, in March 2023, in accordance with the order of FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 15.03.2023 No. 95, a decision was made to disaggregate the federal real estate object “Railway tracks”, located in the seaport of Ust-Luga on the territory of the Automobile and railway ferry complex, into two separate real estate objects: “Railway tracks, section No. 1 with a length of 8,506 m” and “Railway tracks, section No. 2 with a length of 270 m”, for their further use by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch for the intended purpose.
In April 2023, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch began to provide captain's advisors services in issuing recommendations and advice to ship captains in ensuring navigation and environmental safety of cargo transshipment from ship to ship in the area of anchorages No. 68 and No. 68b in the road of the seaport of Kaliningrad.
In May 2023, in agreement with Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 14.02.2023 No. BT-27/1641), FSUE “Rosmorport” sold the floating reinforced concrete pontoon "PZh-61/3" due to the lack of prospects for using the facility for its intended purpose in economic activities enterprises.
In August 2023, in accordance with the Certificate of Completion in the KS-14 form dated 08.07.2023, a completed new real estate object “Second stage of construction of the operational water area of transshipment complexes in the northern part of the Ust-Luga trade seaport” was put on the balance sheet of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch as part of the operational water area of the liquid cargo complex (section No. 1) with a length of 814 m, a width of 215 m, a bottom mark of -16 m, the operational water area of the general cargo complex (section No. 2) with a length of 1,199 m, a width 215 m, bottom mark -16 m and a passage channel (section No. 3) 2,013 m long, 150 m wide, bottom mark -16 m, designed to ensure the safe passage of vessels of the design type “SN-70” with the following dimensions: maximum length – 236 m, width – 32.2 m, cargo draft – 13.2 m, deadweight – 70 thousand tons to the corresponding berths. In the same month, on the basis of the approval of Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 16.01.2023 No. BT-27/252) and in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 25.01.2023 No. 23, the dismantling and disposal of the luminous navigation sign Vistinsky staff No. 1360 was carried out due to loss of its intended purpose in connection with the commissioning of illuminated navigation signs “Severny” and “Yuzhny” in 2021.
In November 2023, on the basis of the order of the MTU Rosimushchestvo in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region dated 15.09.2023 No. 78-343-r and in accordance with the order of the FSUE “Rosmorport” dated 09.10.2023 No. 415 and the act of acceptance and transfer of non-financial assets dated 21.11.2023 No. OOFI-002931, the operational water area of the technological berth of the liquefied natural gas plant in the area of the Portovaya CS in the seaport of Vysotsk with a total area of 14.47 hectares (total dredging area 16.6 hectares) and bottom marks -14.8 m, located in the western part of Dalnyaya Bay in the north-western part of the Gulf of Finland, intended for performing maneuvers associated with staging, mooring and repositioning design vessels up to 298 m, draft up to 12.5 m and width up to 46.4 m, as well as for staging the above-mentioned design vessels at the side of the storage vessel located at the technological berth.
In December 2023, on the basis of the order of the territorial administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Kaliningrad region dated 30.01.2023 No. 39-51-r and in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 01.03.2023 No. 78 and the act of acceptance and transfer of non-financial assets dated 01.12.2023 No. FO2Zh-003032 10 underwater hydraulic facilities with a total area of 105.7 hectares are assigned to FSUE “Rosmorport” and transferred to the management of the North-Western Basin Branch of the enterprise in the seaport of Kaliningrad:
- underwater hydraulic facility “Industrial Harbor” with the area of 13 hectares, designed for maneuvering and safe approach of vessels with a length of up to 175 m, a width of up to 28 m and a loaded draught of up to 8 m to berths No. 8-14, 18-24 of the Kaliningrad seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Water area of the berths of the Right Quay” with an area of 2.6 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 175 m, a width of up to 28 m and a loaded draught of up to 6 m to the ship repair berth, pier No. 6, Comprehensive fleet services berth, as well as to the locations of small vessels in the seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Water area of Kosse Island” with the area of 17.18 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 175 m, a width of up to 28 m and a loaded draught of up to 7 m to berths No. 1 and No. 2 of the maintenance base, berth for mooring of “Rocket” type vessels, to prospective locations for basing small vessels and floating objects in the seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Harbor of the berth of Svetly city” with the area of 1.14 hectares, designed for approach of vessels with a length of up to 114 m, a width of up to 13.2 m and a loaded draught of up to 3.3 m to the berth of Svetlovsky cargo area of the seaport of Kaliningrad;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Harbor of berths No. 15, No. 16” with the water area of 1.12 ha, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 146 m, a width of up to 21.5 m and a loaded draught of up to 8.9 m to berths No. 15 and No. 16 of the seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Torgovaya Harbor and approaches to it” with an area of 16.33 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 200 m, a width of up to 32.4 m and a loaded draught of up to 9.6 m to berth No. 81, berth No. 1 with end and mating sections, to hydraulic structures of the first launch complex of the cargo and passenger terminal in Baltiysk, as part of a berth with two ramps for receiving ferries and Ro-Ro vessels, a railway ferry berth with shore protection in the Kaliningrad seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Harbor of berths No. 6BGR of the left quay” with an area of 0.5 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 125.4 m, a width of up to 16 m and a loaded draught of up to 7 m to berth No. 6BGR of the seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “The water area of the Baltnaft terminal” with an area of 9.6 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 190 m, a width of up to 32.2 m and a loaded draught of up to 9.6 m to the berths of the Moscow production base, the Intercollegiate Production Base, as well as the berths of GRES-2 in the seaport of Kaliningrad;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Lukoil – KNT terminal Water area” with an area of 35.47 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 190 m, a width of up to 32.2 m and a loaded draught of up to 9.6 m to the berths of Lukoil-KNT LLC and Baltic Terminal LLC in the seaport;
- underwater hydraulic facility “Volnaya Harbor water area” with an area of 8.75 hectares, designed for maneuvering and approach of vessels with a length of up to 175 m, a width of up to 28 m and a loaded draught of up to 8 m to the Zero Berth, as well as berths No. 1-7 of the Kaliningrad seaport,
for their use by the branch in order to organize constant monitoring of their technical condition, as well as to perform repair dredging work in order to ensure the maintenance of design depths in conditions of periodic drift of the bottom of structures, which, in turn, will ensure the required level of navigation safety in the seaport of Kaliningrad.
In February 2024, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch stopped providing radio communication services in the “vessel-to-shore” and “shore-to-vessel” directions for the vessels within the coverage area of the network of coastal VHF and MF/HF radio stations of the branch due to its lack of demand. In the same month, in view of the agreement received from Rosmorrechflot (letter dated 11.05.2022 No. ZD-27/5616) and in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 24.06.2022 No. 246 on the basis of an act in the form OS-4 dated 06.02.2024 No. FO2Zh004281, the Yuri Lisyansky icebreaker was decommissioned and disposed of due to the complete physical deterioration of the vessel.
In March 2024, in accordance with the minutes of the meeting of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Central Office Titles Awarding Commission dated 01.03.2024 No. 11, the crew of the Novorossiysk icebreaker of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was recognized as the best crew of the icebreaker of FSUE “Rosmorport”.
In April 2024, following the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 28.03.2024 No. 102, the Lotsman 1 pilot boat, which was previously operated by the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, was transferred to the economic management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Makhachkala Branch to be further used for its intended purpose.
In July 2024, in accordance with the FSUE “Rosmorport” order dated 22.07.2024 No. 293, Tolbukhin ice class tug of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch was transferred to the management of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch for further use of the vessel for its intended purpose by the branch. In the same month, the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch stopped providing towing services in the seaport of Ust-Luga due to the absence of the branch's tugs in this seaport.
Today the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch is one of the largest sea transport enterprises in the Baltic region of Russia. Its staff accounts for more than 1650 employees. Using federal property secured to the branch, it offers a wide range of services in the seaports of Big Port Saint-Petersburg, Vyborg, Vysotsk, Kaliningrad, Passenger Port Saint Petersburg, Primorsk, and Ust-Luga, first of all connected to provision of navigation safety in the water areas of the seaports, and their approaches.
Representatives of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch participate in different coordinator and counsel regional bodies.