- Creation, maintenance, operations and development of federal property assigned to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Sakhalin Branch;
- Execution of works (rendering services) in the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Nevelsk, Prigorodnoye, Shakhtersk;
- Ensuring realization of federal target programs of marine transport development in Sakhalin Region.
To fulfill the set objectives, the Sakhalin Branch carries out the following types of activity, permitted by its Statute:
• arranges efficient use of federal property assigned to the Sakhalin Branch;
• leases property assigned to the Sakhalin Branch, sees that it is safe, properly maintained, and used appropriately and efficiently, and also that the lessees meet terms and conditions of their leasing contracts;
• ensures safe operation of the hydraulic engineering structures, navigation safety systems and other port infrastructure objects assigned to the Sakhalin Branch in the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Prigorodnoye and Shakhtersk;
• participates in development and approval of overarching concepts, strategical plans, technical and economic development feasibility studies, reconstruction, modernization and technical re-equipment of transport and technological transshipment complexes and other facilities and structures of coastal port infrastructure of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov and Shakhtersk;
• performs functions of an ordering customer for new construction, modernization, reconstruction and technical reorganization of transshipment complexes in the seaports of Korsakov and Shakhtersk;
• arranges designer and technical supervision of construction, participates in state committees on the choice of construction sites and putting port objects into operation;
• carries out repair, modernization and new construction of hydraulic engineering structures and other port facilities, including terminals in the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov and Shakhtersk;
• maintains in proper condition, provides functioning, conducts modernization and new construction of navigation safety systems, including those situated in water and ground areas of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov and Prigorodnoye and approaches to them;
• takes part in the creation and maintenance of the facilities of the sea areas A1, A2, A3, A4 of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Nevelsk, Prigorodnoye and Shakhtersk;
• carries out survey and dredging works in the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Nevelsk and Shakhtersk;
• provides repair service, reconstruction and new construction of manufacture and welfare facilities;
• holds, provides repair and maintenance service of auxiliary vessels, dredging fleet of the Branch;
• provides repair, maintenance and operational service and supply to the vessels of the Branch;
• organizes repair, maintenance and operational service of the vessel radio navigation equipment, coast radio and navigation equipment, The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System;
• participates in emergency rescue operations;
• carries out navigational and hydrographic support of sailing in the waters of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov and Nevelsk;
• renders services to vessels at the approaches and in the waters of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Nevelsk, Prigorodnoye and Shakhtersk for their safe navigation, maneuvering and mooring, in particular:
- provides VTS information, including information on current weather conditions in the seaports of Korsakov and Prigorodnoye;
- provides pilotage of vessels in the seaports of Korsakov, Nevelsk, Kholmsk and Shakhtersk;
- performs towage services, mooring and vessel re-anchoring in the seaport of Korsakov;
- provides safe mooring of vessels in Korsakov seaport;
- organizes and provides survey services in Korsakov and Kholmsk seaports;
- provides facilities of the Branch with power supply, telephone, radio-telephone and radio communication, internet access;
- organizes and provides bunkering of vessels by fuel and water, provides food supplies;
- provides collection and processing of ballast water, garbage disposal, food waste from the vessels of the Branch;
- provides collection of bilge water and oil products and their treatment;
- organizes work on fumigation, deratization, degassing of holds and tanks;
- provides cartographic production to the services of the Branch;
• fulfils functions of the ship-owner:
- provides services involving use of vessels in areas established by vessel documents;
• takes part in ensuring the transport security of the water areas of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Nevelsk, Prigorodnoye and Shakhtersk;
• maintains in proper condition, organizes maintenance, repair, reconstruction and new construction of engineering and technical facilities for ensuring transport security in the water areas of the seaports of Kholmsk, Korsakov, Nevelsk, Prigorodnoye and Shakhtersk;
• organizes vulnerability assessment of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles of the branch;
• develops plans to ensure the transport security of transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles of the branch;
• carries out activities to protect the transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles of the branch from acts of unlawful interference;
• carries out security and firefighting activities at the buildings and facilities of the Branch;
• organizes training of the Branch staff in all areas of the Branch’s activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
• participates in the work of international and other organizations on issues covered by the enterprise's competence.
• provides economic and information security of the Branch.
• conducts activities aimed at protection of state secret while using classified information and performing activities and/or rendering services on protection of state secret.