Icebreaking Services

1. General Information
2. Icebreaker assistance areas

3. Icebreaker assistance terms and conditions

4. Statistics
5. Contacts

     1. General Information 

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department renders services on icebreaker assistance to vessels in the Azov Sea and in the water area of the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog in a convoy, and also individual icebreaker assistance on a contractual basis.
     The icebreaking services are provided with the help of 6 icebreakers with a capacity from 544 to 4,815 kW.

Main technical characteristics of icebreakers

Icebreaker name Registry rank Max length Х
Width Х
Draught (m)
Power(kW) Endurance(full days) Navigation area
Kapitan Demidov М-SP 2,5(ice.) 76.74х16.54х2.7 4,815 6 Inland waterways ranked M-SP with the right to enter the Azov and the Black Seas, navigation areas А1, А2
Kapitan Moshkin М-SP 2,5(ice.) 76.74х16.54х2.7 4,815 6 Inland waterways ranked M-SP with the right to enter the Azov and the Black Seas, navigation areas А1, А2
Kapitan Chudinov М-SP 2,5(ice.) 76.74х12.3х2.7 4,815 6 Inland waterways ranked M-SP with the right to enter the Azov and the Black Seas, navigation areas А1, А2
Fanagoriya О 2,0(ice.) 30.0х8.7х2.7 544 4 Inland waterways ranked 0 with the right to enter Taganrog Bay up to the Taganrog seaport, water area of the seaport
Georgy Sedov КМ * Arc5 AUT1 Tug/Supply vessel 65.1х16.4х3.0 3,900 8 Year-round sailing in the freezing non-Arctic seas. During the summer-autumn navigation period in the Arctic, operates in thin one-year ice up to 1.3 m thick. In the winter-spring navigation period in the Arctic, operates in thin one-year ice up to 0.8 m thick
Kapitan Krutov M-SP 2,5(ice.) 75.2 х
16.0 х
4,650 13 Azov Sea (unlimited, year-round), Black Sea (20-mile coastal zone, year-round)


     Specifications of all icebreakers of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department are suitable for working in ice conditions of the Azov Sea for providing assistance to vessels, which are authorized, according to the established procedure, to call at the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog during winter navigation.

     2. Icebreaker assistance areas

     Icebreaker assistance areas in the seaports of Azov and Rostov-on-Don

     Winter navigation in the seaports of Azov and Rostov-on-Don starts from the second half of December and lasts until early April. The average duration of winter navigation is 75 days. Depending on the weather conditions, and by decrees of captains of the seaports of Azov or Rostov-on-Don the period of winter navigation can be adjusted.
     The ice edge – area when the icebreaker assistance starts – can be located in the northern part of the Kerch Strait and expand up to the water area of the seaport of Azov or Rostov-on-Don. 
     Average duration of the icebreaker assistance to the seaport of Azov from the northern part of the Kerch Strait is up to 195 nautical miles depending on the ice conditions, dimensions and categories of ice strengthening of vessels.
     Average duration of the icebreaker assistance to the seaport of Rostov-on-Don from the northern part of the Kerch Strait is up to 210 nautical miles depending on the ice conditions, dimensions and categories of ice reinforcement of vessels. 

     Icebreaker assistance areas in the seaport of Eysk

     Winter navigation in the seaport of Eysk proceeds from November to April. The beginning and the end of winter navigation period in the seaport of Eysk is announced by the seaport's captain depending on the weather conditions. Ice period average duration - 80-90 days, including 30 days of immovable ice (January-February).
     In average, ice formation borders sink to 40°30'N. In case of especially hard ice conditions all the Azov Sea freezes (including the Kerch Strait).
     The area of icebreaker assistance of vessels, following to/from the seaport of Eysk, is bordered by the ice edge and the seaport of Eysk reception buoy. In case of hard ice conditions the icebreaker of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department leads up vessels to the seaport of Eysk water area. Average distance of the icebreaker assistance is 80-90 nautical miles. 


     Icebreaker assistance areas in the seaport of Taganrog

     Winter navigation in the seaport of Taganrog starts from mid-December and lasts until early April. The average duration of winter navigation is 75 days. Depending on the weather conditions, and by decree of the captain of the seaport of Taganrog the period of winter navigation can be adjusted. 
     The ice edge – area where the icebreaker assistance for vessels heading to the seaport of Taganrog starts – can be located in the northern part of the Kerch Strait and expand up to the water area of the seaport of Taganrog. 
     Average duration of the icebreaker assistance to the seaport of Taganrog from the northern part of the Kerch Strait is up to 171 nautical miles depending on the ice conditions, dimensions and categories of ice reinforcement of vessels.

     3. Icebreaker assistance terms and conditions 

     Procedure for providing icebreaker assistance services for vessels in a convoy

     Icebreaking pilotage of vessels to the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog is carried out by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department in accordance with the requirements of:
     - General rules of navigation and moorage of vessels in the seaports of the Russian Federation and on approaches to them, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 395 dated 12.11.2021;
     - Mandatory regulations in the seaport of Azov, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 430 dated 13.12.2012;
     - Mandatory regulations in the seaport of Eysk, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 324 dated 21.08.2012;
     - Mandatory regulations in the seaport of Rostov-on-Don, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 62 dated 04.03.2013;
     - Mandatory regulations in the seaport of Taganrog, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 429 dated 13.12.2012;
     - decisions of the basin commission on icebreaker asisstance of vessels in Russian seaports of the Sea of Azov and on approaches toward them (hereinafter - the Commission).

     Icebreaker assistance services for vessels as part of a convoy in the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog are carried out in accordance with a public contract for the provision of services to ensure navigation and stay of vessels in seaports and on approaches to them (hereinafter – the Contract). The terms of the contract and the procedure for its conclusion are specified in the section “Harbour dues and tariffs of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch”.

     The Basin Commission of the FSBI “Marine Port Authority of the Azov Sea”, headed by the Head of the FSBI “Marine Port Authority of the Azov Sea”, carries out its activities in accordance with the Regulation on the Basin Commission for the organization of icebreaker assistance of vessels in the Russian seaports of the Azov Sea and on approaches to them, approved by the Order of the FSBI “Marine Port Authority of the Azov Sea” No. 9 dated 07.11.2023.
     During the winter navigation period 2023-2024 by the Order of the Head of the FSBI “AMP of the Azov Sea” No. 10 dated 08.11.2023 the composition of the Basin Commission of the FSBI “Marine Port Authority of the Azov Sea” and the specifics of its work have been approved.
     In accordance with the forecasted ice situation in the Sea of Azov and in the waters of the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog captains of respective seaports set the beginning of the icebreaker assistance period, restrictions on the ice navigation regime pursuant to the mandatory regulations in the respective seaports, and establish the location of the convoy meeting point (hereinafter - CMP).

     For the 2023-2024 winter navigation period, the captains of the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog have issued:

     seaport of Azov

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Azov No. 1 dated 02.01.2024 “On the procedure for including vessels heading to the seaport of Azov in icebreaker assistance during 2023-2024 icebreaker assistance period”;

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Azov No. 15-r dated 29.02.2024 “On the end of the icebreaker assistance period in the waters of the seaport of Azov in 2023-2024";

     seaport of Eysk

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Eysk No. 01-03/02 dated 05.01.2024 “On the procedure for including vessels heading to the seaport of Eysk in icebreaker assistance during 2023-2024 icebreaker assistance period and on establishing restrictions on the ice navigation regime”;

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Eysk No. 01-03/10 dated 21.02.2024 “On the end of the icebreaker assistance period in the waters of the seaport of Eysk and on its approaches";

     seaport of Rostov-on-Don

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Rostov-on-Don No. D5-01r dated 02.01.2024 “On the procedure for including vessels heading to the seaport of Rostov-on-Don in icebreaker assistance during 2023-2024 icebreaker assistance period”;

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Rostov-on-Don No. DB-17r dated 29.02.2024 “On the end of the icebreaker assistance period in the waters of the seaport of Rostov-on-Don in 2023-2024";

     seaport of Taganrog

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Taganrog No. 1 dated 02.01.2024 “On the procedure for including vessels heading to the seaport of Taganrog in icebreaker assistance during 2023-2024 icebreaker assistance period”;

     - Directive of the captain of the seaport of Taganrog No. 8 dated 29.02.2024 “On the end of the icebreaker assistance period in the waters of the seaport of Taganrog in 2023-2024".

     Information on the restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location is provided by captains of respective seaports to vessels heading to the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog no later than seven days before the expected date of introducing restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location and is published on the Internet at:

     seaport of Azov

     seaport of Eysk

     seaport of Rostov-on-Don

     seaport of Taganrog
        To navigate to/from the seaport of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog during icebreaker assistance, the vessels should have the possibility to manually control the main engine. Vessels aged 30 years or more must have a confirmation of the category of ice reinforcement issued by an organization authorized to classify and survey vessels in accordance with Article 22 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation. Fuel, food and water reserves on the vessel must ensure the autonomy of the vessel for at least 14 days from the moment the vessel approaches the CMP for the vessel to enter the respective seaport. If the vessel stays in the icebreaker assistance area for more than 14 days from the moment it approaches the CMP, captains of the seaports take immediate measures to escort the vessel to the respective seaport.

     Icebreaker assistance for vessels heading to/from the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog is provided by icebreakers of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department by means of vessel's movement in an ice convoy from/to CMP from/to roads and to/from the berths of the respective seaport and back.

     The vessels are included in convoy on the basis of written applications from stevedore companies/ship owners/sea agents. The application with information on a vessel's approach to CMP is provided 72 hours before and confirmed 24 hours before the expected arrival at CMP by handing it to the captain of the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog within the procedure and on the terms of the work of the state harbor control information system for registering vessels' calls and departure in the seaports of the Russian Federation on the website:

     The convoys are formed by the captains of the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog based upon:

     - the existence of a berth for receiving a vessel in the respective seaport;

     - the time of a vessel's arrival at CMP;

     - the time of receipt of an application for a vessel's call at the seaports and its departure from the respective seaports;

     - the sequence of movement of vessels that is determined by the General Rules for Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in the Seaports of the Russian Federation and on Approaches Toward Them. The Rules were approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 395 of 12.11.2021;

     - restrictions on ice navigation regime for vessels.

     The time and order of the vessels' passage through ice are determined by the captains of the seaports:

     seaport of Azov

     - at 10:00 a.m. every day and are posted on the Internet at: . If the ice situation becomes more complicated and changes should be made, time and order of the vessels’ passage through ice is specified with subsequent posting on the Internet at:­navigatsionnaya_informatsiya/navigatsionnaya_informatsiya_po_morskomu_portu_azov.html

     seaport of Eysk

     - at 10:00 a.m. every day and are posted on the Internet at: . If the ice situation becomes more complicated and changes should be made, time and order of the vessels’ passage through ice is specified with subsequent posting on the Internet at:

     seaport of Rostov-on-Don

     - at 10:00 a.m. every day and are posted on the Internet at: . If the ice situation becomes more complicated and changes should be made, time and order of the vessels’ passage through ice is specified with subsequent posting on the Internet at:

     seaport of Taganrog

     - at 10:00 a.m. every day and are posted on the Internet at: . If the ice situation becomes more complicated and changes should be made, time and order of the vessels’ passage through ice is specified with subsequent posting on the Internet at:


     When approaching the CMP a vessel makes radio contact with an icebreaker of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department:

     seaports of Azov, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog

     - on VHF Channel 16 (the call signs of an icebreaker staying in CMP) and acts in accordance with its instructions. The Commission operational group makes contact with vessels in the convoy and the icebreaker of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department on the route of icebreaker assistance on VHF Channel 16 and IF/HF 2182 (call sign “Radio-1”) every 12 hours after the convoy moves out;

     seaport of Eysk

     - on 2182 kHz VHF Channel (call sign “UIGY”) and acts in accordance with its instructions.

     Upon an icebreaker's command vessels included in a convoy that provides icebreaker assistance contact VHF channels specified by the icebreaker. If the need arises, Taganrog Gulf VTS renders aid to making radio contact between the icebreaker and the vessel heading to the seaports of Azov, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, while the captain of the seaport of Eysk renders aid to making radio contact between the icebreaker and the vessels heading to the seaport of Eysk.

     If it is impossible to move in an icebreaker convoy, a vessel can ask for individual icebreaker assistance. The assistance is provided on a contractual basis in case there are icebreakers not involved in providing icebreaker assistance for convoys.


     Taking into account the actual ice situation in the water area of the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don or Taganrog and their technical characteristics, vessels, with the permission of the captains of the seaports of Eysk and Taganrog, can follow the route independently using the recommendations of the captain of the seaport of Eysk and Taganrog Gulf VTS respectively.

     Vessels that move independently are obliged to inform the captain of the seaport of Eysk and Taganrog Gulf VTS about passing the designated control points of the recommended route and to report the ice situation on the route.

     For the icebreaking services provided by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department in the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog an icebreaking due is charged. Information on the rates of icebreaking dues and the procedure for its collection is provided in the section "Harbour dues and tariffs of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch".

     Procedure for providing services for individual icebreaker assistance of vessels

     The Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department renders additional services on individual icebreaker assistance to vessels calling at the seaports of Azov, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog, as well as at the seaports of Kavkaz and Temryuk and on approaches to them, including in case the vessel is unable to independently follow to the convoy meeting point or as part of the convoy for vessels following to the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog. The services are rendered in accordance with the contract for individual icebreaker assistance (hereinafter – Contract for individual icebreaker assistance).

     To make a Contract for individual icebreaker assistance, the ship owner/sea agent shall file an application to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department dispatcher's office by fax: +7 (863) 287-00-13 or scanned by e-mail: . The application shall be reviewed within one working day. If it is technically possible to provide the requested services and the ship owner/sea agent provided all the necessary documents, the Azovo-Chernomorsky Bazin Branch Azov Department sends two copies of the completed Contract for individual icebreaker assistance to the ship owner/sea agent for signing. The contract for individual icebreaker assistance signed by the ship owner/sea agent shall be returned to the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department with courier or at the address: 2nd Volodarskogo Str. 76/23А, Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Region, 344116, Russia.

     For additional information and consultations on the terms and procedure for concluding the Contract, you can contact the disbursement department of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department by phone: +7 (863) 287-00-19 (Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 17:30 Moscow time, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00).

     Services for individual icebreaker assistance of vessels are carried out in accordance with the procedure and on the terms established by the Contract.

     Information on tariffs for services for individual icebreaker assistance of vessels provided by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department is available in the section “Harbour dues and tariffs of the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch”.

      4. Statistics 

    Information on the number of vessels, calling at the seaports of Azov, Eysk, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog as part of a convoy, to which the icebreaker assistance was provided by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department.

Winter navigation Number of vessels to which icebreaker assistance was provided making port calls at the seaports, units
Azov Rostov-on-Don Taganrog Eysk
2009-2020 ⇲
2009-2010 - - 153 292
2010-2011 370 1,207 243 239
2011-2012 636 1,366 378 247
2012-2013 379 727 189 218
2013-2014 557 865 241 73
2014-2015 691 1,113 220 422
2015-2016 377 631 160 241
2016-2017 782 1,305 303 394
2017-2018 749 1,140 247 177
2018-2019 1,079 1,939 339 6
2019-2020 813 2,123 352 -
2020-2021 1,214 1,997 402 71
2021-2022 570 1,123 245 -
2022-2023 1,123 1,863 285 117
2023-2024 992 1,188 211 264
Winter navigation Average distance of icebreaker assistance of vessels making port calls at the seaports, sea miles
Azov Rostov-on-Don Taganrog Eysk
2009-2020 ⇲
2009-2010 - - 85 145
2010-2011 100 105 85 150
2011-2012 195 210 171 155
2012-2013 105 110 189 70
2013-2014 175 189 161 145
2014-2015 83 98 70 70
2015-2016 83 98 70 65
2016-2017 195 210 171 125
2017-2018 83 98 70 60
2018-2019 35 50 22 65
2019-2020 30 35 20 -
2020-2021 47 60 37 60
2021-2022 30 35 20 -
2022-2023 47 52 32 35
2023-2024 48 53 32 10

     Information on the number of individual icebreaker escorts of vessels performed by the Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch Azov Department.
Winter navigation Icebreaking operations
Number of vessels, to which individual icebreaker assistance was provided, inits Average distance of individual icebreaking operations, sea miles
2009-2020 ⇲
2009-2010 2 45
2011-2012 77 40
2012-2013 9 50
2013-2014 8 50
2014-2015 1 40
2016-2017 29 85
2017-2018 2 30

2021-2022 1
2022-2023 7 648

     5. Contacts

     Additional reference information about icebreaking services provided by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomosky Basin Branch Azov Department can be obtained: 
     in the seaports of Azov, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog
     by phone:
     +7 (863) 287-00-08 (24h) – dispatcher service of the Azov Department,
     or by sending a request by fax: +7 (863) 287-00-13 or by e-mail:
     in the seaport of Eysk
     by phone:
     +7 (86132) 214-88 (24h) - dispatcher office of the Azov Department in the seaport of Eysk;
     +7 (86132) 264-06 (Monday to Friday from 8:45 to 18:00, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00); 
     or by sending a request by fax: +7 (86132) 261-63 or by e-mail: