2. VTS areas
- Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area
3. Procedure for providing navigation services with the use of VTS
- Procedure for providing navigation services with the use of the Kola Bay VTS
- Procedure for providing navigation services with the use of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS
4. Statistics
5. Contacts
The FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch provides navigation services to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) entering the seaports of Kandalaksha and Murmansk or transiting through these seaports water areas with the use of:
– vessel traffic control system of the Kola Bay (hereinafter referred to as VTS of the Kola Bay);
– vessel traffic control system of the Kandalaksha Gulf (hereinafter referred to as VTS of the Kandalaksha Gulf).
Small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, located in the coverage area of Kola Bay VTS and Kandalaksha Gulf VTS, can be provided with assistance in navigation only, upon their request and within technical limits of the VTS equipment.
VTS of the Kola Bay includes:
– the control center of the Kola Bay VTS located in Murmansk;
– the Mishukovo automated radar post;
– the Krestovy automated radar post;
– the Set'-Navolok automated radar post;
– the Abram-Mys automated radar post;
– the Obzor automated radar post;
– the Ura-guba automated radar post;
– the Abram-Mys Terminal removable radar post.
VTS of the Kandalaksha Gulf includes:
– the control center located in Murmansk;
– the automated radar post located in Kandalaksha;
– the automated radar post located on Krestovaya Mountain.
All VTS of the Murmansk Branch have been created in order to increase navigation safety and navigation efficiency, the safety of life at sea, the protection of marine environment and the seacoast from pollutions, the protection of coastal facilities in the areas of relative VTS.
With the use of VTS assigned to the Murmansk Branch vessels are provided with all-inclusive navigation services in the areas of relative VTS and the following operations are carried out:
– to detect vessels on the approaches toward the VTS area, to establish contacts with them and to receive data about a vessel;
– to give vessels navigational, operational and other information on the initiative of VTS operators or on the request of a vessel;
– to render assistance in marine navigation;
– to organize the movement of vessels, as well as to plan and establish regimes of vessel movement in VTS coverage areas;
– to control vessel movement.
Upon the survey conducted in accordance with the Regulations on Approval of Types of Equipment and Survey of Facilities and Centers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 10.02.2010 No. 32, the Murmansk Branch received certificates from Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transportation on compliance of the Kola Bay VTS and the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS secured to it to the technical and operational requirements approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Order dated 23.07.2015 No. 226.
- Certificate of Conformity to the Kola Bay VTS of 24.06.2024 No. VTS-12/44-3323-2024 to the requirements of a high-category VTS;
- Certificate of Conformity to the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS Requirements of 21.06.2024 No. VTS-12/44-3322-2024 to the requirements of a second-category VTS.
Vessel traffic control systems used by the Murmansk Branch function round-the-clock.
VTS operator staff includes 29 people. All VTS operators of the Murmansk Branch have undergone professional training, and they are qualified in accordance with Recommendations V-103/1 of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities.
In accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Murmansk Seaport that were approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation No 222 of August 12, 2014 the Kola Bay VTS area is restricted by
– the parallel of 68 degrees 58.20 minutes North from the south;
– the coastline of the parallel of 68 degrees 58.20 minutes North from the west to Belokamenny Cape, then by the direct line sequentially connecting the following points
No 1 Velikiy Cape;
No 2 The latitude equals to 69 degrees 06.76 minutes North. The longitude equals to 033 degrees 23.35 minutes East (in the area of Retinskoye Settlement);
No 3 the eastern cap of Shurinov Island;
No 4 the eastern cap of Brandvahta Island;
No 5 Setnavolok Cape;
No 6 Pogan-navolok Cape;
No 7 crossing of Longitude Line 033 degrees 19.00 minutes East with the coastline of Kola Peninsula (in the area of Medvezhiy Cape), further by Longitude Line 033 degrees 19.00 minutes East to the north to the radius line of 19 nautical miles separated from Setnavolok Light Tower, then by the line of the above-specified radius to the southeast to Longitude Line 034 degrees 05.00 minutes East, then by Longitude Line 34 degrees 05.00 minutes East to the south from the coastline of Kildin Island, then along the western cap of Kildin Island to Byk Cape, then by the direct line connecting the following points in order:
No 1 Toporkova Pakhta Cape;
No 2 Zelenetsky Cape;
No 3 Latitude is of 69 degrees 18.25 minutes North, Longitude is of 033 degrees 40.00 minutes East,
No 4 Latitude is of 69 degrees 18.08 minutes North, Longitude is of 033 degrees 36.00 minutes East,
then by the coastline to the southwest to the point with the coordinates: Latitude of 65 degrees 15.88 minutes North, Longitude of 033 degrees 32.52 minutes East, then by the direct line connecting the following points:
No 5 Samponavolok Cape;
No 6 Chirkovy Cape;
then by the coastline to Salny-Beregovoy Sign, then to the point with the coordinates:
Latitude of 69 degrees 06.43 minutes North, Longitude of 033 degrees 25.00 minutes East, then to the point with the coordinates: Latitude of 69 degrees 05.40 minutes North, Longitude of 033 degrees 22.10 minutes East, then to the point with the coordinates: Latitude of 69 degrees 04.88 minutes North, Longitude of 033 degrees 21.42 minutes East, then to the coastline to the point with the coordinates: Latitude of 69 degrees 04.60 minutes North, Longitude of 033 degrees 19.00 minutes East, then to the direct line sequentially connecting the following points:
No 7 Nikitin Cape;
No 8 Mokhnatkin Cape,
then on the coastline to the south to the parallel of 68 degrees 58.20 minutes North.
Guaranteed detection and stable escort of vessels, which have an effective echoing area of 50 square km, are provided in the Kola Bay VTS area. Reliable VHF radio communication and radar control are provided to the vessels. The coastline working area of automatic identification system (AIS) fully covers the Kola Bay VTS area.
VTS of the Kandalaksha Gulf coverage area
In accordance with Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Kandalaksha approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 345 dated 07.11.2013, the coverage area of the VTS of the Kandalaksha Gulf is the waters of the seaport of Kandalaksha within the boundaries confirmed by Order of the Government of Russia No. 419-r dated 31.03.2009 and approach channel of the seaport of Kandalaksha.
Guaranteed detection and stable escort of vessels with effective reflective surface of 50 sq.m. and over are carried out in the VTS of the Kandalaksha Gulf coverage area, and also reliable VHF radiotelephony communication with vessels and radar assistance is provided. The work area of shore-based stations of the automatic identification system (AIS) completely covers the area of the VTS of the Kandalaksha Gulf.
3. Procedure for providing navigation services with the use of VTS
Procedure for providing navigation services with the use of the Kola Bay VTS
Murmansk Branch provides navigation services to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) with the use the Kola Bay VTS in accordance with the Guidance on vessel traffic services (VTS MANUAL, 2008) issued in 2008 by the International Association of Lighthouse Services, IMO А.1158(32) Resolution, Compulsory Ship Reporting System in the area of Barents Sea “Barents SRS” approved by Resolution MSC. 348(91), the General Rules for Navigation and Mooring in the seaports of the Russian Federation and approaches to them approved by Order dated 12.11.2021 No. 395 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Murmansk approved by Order No. 222 dated 12.08.2014 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, Kola Bay VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits.
Irrespective of their departmental identity and forms of property all ships and vessels equipped with radio communication of the marine mobile service in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area must comply with the rules for vessel navigation in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area.
In the Kola Bay VTS coverage area authorization-based procedure is applied for the vessels movement in accordance with the daily schedules for the arrangement and vessels traffic in the seaport of Murmansk. Kola Bay VTS immediately informs the captain of the seaport of Murmansk about the movements of vessels not included in the traffic schedule and placement of vessels.
Vessels entering the Kola Bay VTS coverage area or intending to commence traffic in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area establish communication with the Kola Bay VTS on 12, 16 VHF communication channels, call sign “Murmansk-Traffic”, and transmit to the operator of the Kola Bay VTS information about the vessel:
- the name and type of a vessel;
- nationality of a vessel (the flag);
- the port of destination;
- maximum load draught and air draught of a vessel;
- cargo type and transportation of dangerous cargoes;
- the number of crew and passengers on board;
- the failure of ships’ technical facilities and other restrictions having influence upon navigation safety.
and get permission to start movement.
The Kola Bay VTS is entitled to ask for additional data and information in accordance with the General Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in Russia’s Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them.
When a vessel enters the Kola Bay VTS coverage area, Kola Bay VTS identifies the vessel and points it at the route, the procedure for passing fairways and their crossings, an anchoring station and reports on a position of a pilot’s embarkation and the route situation, and transmits other information.
A vessel that has entered the Kola Bay VTS coverage area must report to the Kola Bay VTS when it passes the following points:
Report points for the entering vessels:
Alpha-1: 69°52,00'N 033°32,75'E
Alpha-3: 69°27,00'N 033°32,75'E
Alpha-5: 69°18,64'N 033°30,73'E
Alpha-7: 69°12,00'N 033°31,45'E
Alpha-9: 69°06,38'N 033°23,52'E
Bravo-3: 69°26,00'N 033°49'50’E
Report points for the exiting vessels:
Alpha-2: 69°45,00'N 033°35,60'E
Alpha-4: 69°29,00'N 033°35,60'E
Alpha-6: 69°17,90'N 033°32,00'E
Alpha-8: 69°11,50'N 033°32,68'E
Alpha-10: 69°04,88'N 033°19,32'E
Bravo-4: 69°23,00'N 033°46,00'E
a vessel has to report on the pollution of the marine environment, the inconsistency in the operation or the position of aids to navigation, facilities or the phenomena that pose a threat to or hamper navigation.
After receiving information from the vessel that the mooring has started, Kola Bay VTS stops monitoring the vessel’s traffic.
Transmission of navigation, operational and other information is carried out by Kola Bay VTS at the request of the vessel or at the initiative of Kola Bay VTS in cases where changes in the navigation situation, other factors, which may affect the safety navigation in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area, are planned or are taking place. Transmission of critical information can be preceded by a general announcement.
Kola Bay VTS provides aid to vessels at the request of a vessel or by a decision taken by Kola Bay VTS under complex meteorological conditions with no technical equipment to ensure navigation safety on a vessel, or its failure. While rendering aid to vessel Kola Bay VTS regularly transmits information on:
- the position of a vessel toward a navigation base, a fairway and waypoints;
- dangers to navigation near a vessel and over the entire route;
- on the position and movement of other vessels, as well as recommendations related to further movement of a vessel.
When rendering aid to vessels Kola Bay VTS ensure radar autonomous tracking accurate to no more than:
• bearing – 0,2º;
• distance – 7 m;
• course - 0,9º;
• velocity – 0,5 knots.
In the Kola Bay VTS coverage area AIS transmits information on differential corrections of GLONASS/GPS monitoring and correcting stations.
The procedure for providing assistance in navigation, including the communications interval, is agreed by Kola Bay VTS and the vessel using communication means. The vessel is notified by Kola Bay VTS about the start and end of assistance in navigation, confirms the receipt of information and recommendations from Kola Bay VTS and informs Kola Bay VTS about the actions being taken.
The way to control the vessel while following the recommendations and instructions of Kola Bay VTS is chosen by the captain of the vessel. If the captain finds it impossible to comply with Kola Bay VTS instructions, he must report to the operator of Kola Bay VTS using the means of communication and inform him about his further actions and intentions.
The movement of vessels in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area is organized due to the specifics of the seaport of Murmansk based on the 24-hour schedule of vessel handling and movement in the seaport of Murmansk and includes:
- issuing permits on vessel movement and its handling in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area;
- using vessels’ reports on starting, ending and passing specified points of the route;
- using routes and priority directions of vessels’ movement;
- establishing the speed and the interval of vessels’ movement.
The 24-hour schedule of vessel movement and handling in the seaport of Murmansk is confirmed by the captain of the seaport of Murmansk and published daily on the Internet: www.portcall.marinet.ru (available starting from 16:00 Moscow time every day).
Kola Bay VTS regulates vessels’ movement by conveying them binding instructions as follows:
- movement priority and the movement start time;
- the route, the interval and the speed of the movement;
- the procedure for passing fairways and crossing them;
- the ban on further movement;
- anchoring grounds and sheltered locations.
A vessel that has anchored, started or completed mooring to a berth in the seaport of Murmansk, started moving after unmooring or leaving the berth, should inform Kola Bay VTS about it.
Permission to move when unmooring or leaving the berth should be requested by the vessel from Kola Bay VTS no less than 15 minutes before the start of movement.
If the vessel hasn't started the permitted movement within 15 minutes from the the timeframe specified by the Kola Bay VTS, the permission should be requested again.
Vessels located in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area must carry permanent radio watch on the 12 and 16 VHF channels.
A vessel leaving Kola Bay VTS coverage area must inform Kola Bay VTS and request permission to end the radio watch on VHF working channel 16, call sign “Murmansk-Traffic”.
Information on the communication channels very high frequency using in the Kola Bay VTS
Communicant |
Communication channels of VHF |
Call sign |
Emergency |
Working |
Kola Bay VTS of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch |
16 |
12, 18, 67, 33 |
Murmansk-Traffic |
Inspection of the state port |
– |
14 |
Murmansk-radio-5 |
Inspection of the state port |
– |
37 |
Murmansk-36 |
Conducting radio communications not related to the safety of navigation and the regulation of vessels traffic, as well as communication between shore correspondents on the above VHF communication channels is prohibited.
VHF communication between the Kola Bay VTS and vessels must be implemented in accordance with the “Rules of Radio Communication of the Marine Mobile Service”. Messaging in the VTS area as far as possible should correspond with the IMO Resolution A.851(20) “General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements”. For the voice communication with a foreign vessel crew “IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases” in English is used.
Vessel captain must immediately inform the Kola Bay VTS operator about all the irregular situations affecting safety navigation (ship power plant breakdown, incapacitation of navigation devices or rudder propeller or ground tackle, setting down, collision, heavy weather conditions, sharp fluctuations of the water level, limited visibility etc.) both when mooring and navigating within the VTS area and hereafter execute operator’s orders.
The Murmansk Branch navigation services provided using the Kola Bay VTS route are charged by the navigation dues. The information about navigation dues and their collection can be found in subsection “The Murmansk Branch Harbour Dues and Tariffs”.
Procedure for providing navigation services with the use of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS
Murmansk Branch provides navigation services to vessels (except for small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships) with the use the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS in accordance with Order of Resolution IMO A.1158(32), the General Rules for Navigation and Mooring in the seaports of the Russian Federation and approaches to them approved by Order dated 12.11.2021 No. 395 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Compulsory Regulations in the seaport of Kandalaksha Gulf approved by Order dated 07.11.2013 No. 345 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and by Orders of the captain of the seaport of Kandalaksha regarding the operational functions of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS.
For small boats, pleasure boats and sports sailing ships, Kandalaksha Gulf VTS provides assistance in navigation upon their request within its technical limits.
Irrespective of their departmental identity and forms of property all ships and vessels equipped with radio communication of the marine mobile service in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area must comply with the rules for vessel navigation in the Kandalaksha Gulf coverage area.
In the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area authorization-based procedure is applied for the vessels movement in accordance with the daily schedules for the arrangement and vessels traffic in the seaport of Kandalaksha approved by captain of the seaport of Kandalaksha.
Vessels entering the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area or intending to start movement in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area establish communication with the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS on 16 and 69 VHF communication channels, call sign “Kandalaksha-Traffic”, and transmit the following information about the vessel to the operator of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS:
- the name and type of a vessel;
- nationality of a vessel (the flag);
- the port of destination;
- maximum load draught and air draught of a vessel;
- cargo type and transportation of dangerous cargoes;
- the number of crew and passengers on board;
- the failure of ships’ technical facilities and other restrictions having influence upon navigation safety,
and receive permission to start movement.
The Kandalaksha Gulf VTS is entitled to ask for additional data and information in accordance with the General Rules for Vessel Navigation and Mooring in Russia’s Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them.
When a vessel enters the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area, Kandalaksha Gulf VTS identifies the vessel and points it at the route, the procedure for passing fairways and their crossings, an anchoring station and reports on a position of a pilot’s embarkation and the route situation, and transmits other information.
A vessel entering the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area must inform the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS about taking a pilot aboard, passing the traverses of the island of Bolshoy Berezovy and Maly island, and report on the pollution of the marine environment, the inconsistency in the operation or the position of aids to navigation, facilities or the phenomena that pose a threat to or hamper navigation.
After receiving information from the vessel that the mooring has started, Kandalaksha Gulf VTS stops monitoring the vessel’s traffic.
Transmission of navigation, operational and other information is carried out Kandalaksha Gulf VTS at the request of the vessel or on the initiative of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS in cases where changes in the navigation situation, other factors, which may affect navigation safety in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area, are planned or are taking place. Transmission of critical information can be preceded by a general announcement.
Kandalaksha Gulf VTS provides aid to vessels at the request of a vessel or by a decision taken by Kandalaksha Gulf VTS under complex meteorological conditions with no technical equipment to ensure navigation safety on a vessel, or its failure. While rendering aid to vessel Kandalaksha Gulf VTS regularly transmits information on:
- the position of a vessel toward a navigation base, a fairway and waypoints;
- dangers to navigation near a vessel and over the entire route;
- on the position and movement of other vessels, as well as recommendations related to further movement of a vessel.
When rendering aid to vessels Kandalaksha Gulf VTS ensure radar autonomous tracking accurate to no more than:
• by azimuth no more than 1,2º;
• by distance no more than 30 m; • by velocity of movement no more than 2 knots. |
The procedure for providing assistance in navigation, including the communications interval, is agreed by Kandalaksha Gulf VTS and the vessel using communication means. The vessel is notified by Kandalaksha Gulf VTS about the start and end of assistance in navigation, confirms the receipt of information and recommendations from Kandalaksha Gulf VTS and informs Kandalaksha Gulf VTS about the actions being taken.
The way to control the vessel while following the recommendations and instructions of Kandalaksha Gulf VTS is chosen by the captain of the vessel. If the captain finds it impossible to comply with Kandalaksha Gulf VTS instructions, he must report to the operator of Kandalaksha Gulf VTS using the means of communication and inform him about his further actions and intentions.
The movement of vessels in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area is organized due to the specifics of the seaport of Kandalaksha based on the 24-hour schedule of vessel handling and movement in the seaport of Kandalaksha and includes:
- issuing permits on vessel movement and its handling in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area;
- using vessels’ reports on starting, ending and passing specified points of the route;
- using routes and priority directions of vessels’ movement;
- establishing the speed and the interval of vessels’ movement.
The 24-hour schedule of vessel movement and handling in the seaport of Kandalaksha is confirmed by the captain of the seaport of Kandalaksha and published daily on the Internet: www.portcall.marinet.ru (available starting from 16:00 Moscow time every day).
Kandalaksha Gulf VTS regulates vessels’ movement by conveying them binding instructions as follows:
- movement priority and the movement start time;
- the route, the interval and the speed of the movement;
- the procedure for passing fairways and crossing them;
- the ban on further movement;
- anchoring grounds and sheltered locations.
A vessel that has anchored, started or completed mooring to a berth in the seaport of Kandalaksha, started moving after unmooring or leaving the berth, should inform Kandalaksha Gulf VTS about it.
Permission to move when unmooring or leaving the berth should be requested by the vessel from Kandalaksha Gulf VTS no less than 15 minutes before the start of movement.
If the vessel hasn't started the permitted movement within 15 minutes from the the timeframe specified by the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS, the permission should be requested again.
Vessels located in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area must carry a permanent radio watch on the 16, 67 and 69 VHF channels.
A vessel leaving Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area must inform Kandalaksha Gulf VTS and request permission to end the radio watch on VHF working channel 69, call sign “Kandalaksha-Traffic”.
Information on the communication channels of very high frequency using in the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS
Communicant |
Communication channels of VHF |
Call sign |
Emergency |
Working |
Kandalaksha Gulf VTS of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch |
16 |
69, 18, 74 |
Kandalaksha-traffic |
Inspection of the state port |
16 |
67 |
Kandalaksha-radio-5 |
Conducting radio communications not related to the safety of navigation and the regulation of vessels traffic, as well as for communication between shore correspondents on the abovementioned VHF communication channels is prohibited.
VHF communication between the Kola Bay VTS and vessels must be implemented in accordance with the “Rules of Radio Communication of the Marine Mobile Service”. Messaging in the VTS area as far as possible should correspond with the IMO Resolution A.851(20) “General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements”. For the voice communication with a foreign vessel crew “IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases” in English is used. It is acceptable to conduct radio communications in Russian, subject to receiving a voice confirmation in English from the captain of the vessel, with the recording of such confirmation in the database of the Kandalaksha VTS documenting system.
Navigation dues are charged for navigation services provided by the Murmansk Branch with the use of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS in the seaport of Kandalaksha. The information about navigation dues and their collection can be found in subsection “The Murmansk Branch Harbour Dues and Tariffs”.
Number of vessels located in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area and Kandalaksha Gulf VTS, called at the corresponding seaports or transited through the waters of the seaports or the VTS coverage area.
Kola Bay VTS
Year |
The total number of vessels located in the Kola Bay VTS coverage area |
Including vessels which called at/exited from the seaport of Murmansk |
Including vessels which transited through the Kola Bay VTS coverage area |
2009-2019 ⇲ | |||
2009 |
60,149 |
7,099 |
716 |
2010 |
74,044 |
7,385 |
– |
2011 |
93,538 |
6,641 |
– |
2012 |
98,229 |
6,812 |
– |
2013 |
88,991 |
5,991 |
– |
2014 |
80,261 |
5,160 |
– |
2015 |
75,238 |
5,041 |
– |
2016 |
86,396 |
5,664 |
– |
2017 |
94,025 |
5,856 | – |
2018 | 90,249 | 5,578 | – |
2019 | 95,399 | 5,815 | – |
2020 |
87,578 |
5,686 |
– |
2021 | 89,834 | 6,003 | – |
2022 | 93,122 | 5,898 |
– |
2023 | 100,136 | 6,477 |
– |
Kandalaksha Gulf VTS
Year |
The total number of vessels located in the |
Including vessels, which called at/exited from the seaport of Kandalaksha |
Including vessels, which transited through the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS coverage area. |
2016-2019 ⇲ | |||
2016 |
363 |
66 |
– |
2017 | 1,706 | 118 | – |
2018 | 2,264 | 196 | – |
2019 | 2,586 | 203 | – |
2020 |
807 |
68 |
– |
2021 | 746 | 66 |
– |
2022 | 1,429 | 93 |
– |
2023 | 1,171 | 77 |
– |
Additional information on the order of Murmansk Branch navigation services with the use of Kola Bay VTS and Kandalaksha Gulf VTS, can be obtained:
Kola Bay VTS
by phone (round the clock):
+7 (8152) 47-90-26,
+7 (921) 155-00-02 – chief of the Kola Bay VTS (Monday – Thursday from 8:00 till 17:30, Friday from 8:00 till 15:00 by Moscow time),
or by sending a request by fax: +7 (8152) 47-90-26, or by e-mail: vts@mrm.rosmorport.ru
Kandalaksha Gulf VTS
by phones:
+7 (8153) 39-26-15 – Duty shift supervisor (round the clock);
+7 (921) 157-14-47 – chief of the Kandalaksha Gulf VTS (Monday – Thursday from 8:00 till 17:30, Friday from 8:00 till 15:00 by Moscow time),
or by sending a request by fax: +7 (8153) 39-26-15, or by e-mail: VTS_Kandalaksha@mrm.rosmorport.ru