The Murmansk Branch disposes of property on the territory and in the water areas of the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Murmansk, Varandey and Vitino, which is necessary for conducting the major types of activities stipulated in the Statute on the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch.
As of 01.04.2024, there are 922 objects of movable property and 97 objects of real property, which have been secured to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch on the basis of economic control rights.
Of all the property objects of the Murmansk branch 89 are stationary objects, represented by hydraulic engineering structures, buildings and rooms, structures and constructions, and 8 are the branch’s vessels.
In accordance with the requirements of Government of Russia Decree dated 16.07.2007 No. 447 “On perfectioning of the federal property record system”, information on the Murmansk Branch property was entered into the federal property registry.
The Murmansk Branch property is located on 49 leased and actually used land plots with the total area size of 75.2 hectares, including the ones located within the boundaries of the seaports of Murmansk and Kandalaksha.
The Murmansk Branch uses water bodies only for navigation purposes. According to the water legislation of the Russian Federation, for those purposes there is no need to make water use contracts or get decisions on granting of water bodies for use.