In accordance with the Statute of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk Branch the principal aims of the branch are as follows:
• Creation, maintenance, operations and development of federal property assigned to the FSUE “Rosmorport” Murmansk branch, including navigation safety facilities;
• Rendering services (execution of works) in the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Khatanga, Murmansk, Varandey and Vitino;
• Ensuring realization of federal target programs of marine transport development in the Murmansk region.
In order to perform the permitted activities stipulated in Statute on the Murmansk Branch, the branch:
• arranges efficient usage of federal property secured to the Murmansk Branch;
• lets out for lease the property secured to the Murmansk Branch, sees that it is kept safe, maintained properly, and used appropriately and efficiently, and also that the lessees meet terms and conditions of their leasing contracts;
• ensures safe operation of the hydraulic engineering structures in Murmansk Seaport, navigation safety systems in the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Murmansk, Varandey and Vitino, and other port infrastructure facilities in Murmsnak Seaport;
• participates in drafting and agreement of the projects of integrated development of the seaports of Murmansk and Murmansk transport hub, in modernization and technical reorganization of transshipment complexes in Murmansk Seaport and other facilities and structures of coastal and port infrastructure;
• arranges designer and technical supervision of construction, participates in state committees on the choice of construction sites and putting port objects into operation;
• acts as a client for new construction, modernization, reconstruction and technical reorganization of transshipment complexes and other objects and structures of coastal and port infrastructure in Murmansk Seaport;
• maintains navigation safety systems in proper condition, provides its functioning, conducts modernization and new construction, including objects of sea areas A1, A2, A3, A4 of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System in the seaports of Kandalaksha and Murmansk;
• takes part in ensuring the transport security of the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Khatanga, Murmansk, Varandey and Vitino;
• maintains in proper condition, organizes maintenance, repair, reconstruction and new construction of engineering and technical facilities for ensuring transport security in the water areas of the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Khatanga, Murmansk, Varandey and Vitino;
• executes installation and technical maintenance of navigational equipment at the approaches and in the water areas of the seaports of Kandalaksha, Murmansk and Vitino;
• ensures navigational and hydrographic provision of navigation at the approaches and in the water areas of the seaports of Kandalaksha, Murmansk and Vitino;
• renders services to vessels at the approaches and in the water areas of the seaports of Kandalaksha and Murmansk:
- provides VTS information, in particular, information on the actual meteorological conditions in Murmansk Seaport;
- provides boats to the crews of vessels anchored in the roadstead in the seaport of Murmansk;
- carries out forwarding activities in maritime transport;
- provides mooring of ships at the berths in the seaport of Murmansk;
- carries out maritime transportation and passenger services;
- provides pilotage of vessels in the seaports of Kandalaksha and Murmansk;
• carries out activities in the field of using sources of ionizing radiation (generating);
• participates in the emergency and rescue works;
• provides icebreaking services to vessels in the Northern Sea Route water area;
• provides ice pilotage services for vessels in the Northern Sea Route water area;
• carries out activities for the transportation of goods and passengers by road on the territory of the Murmansk region;
• carries out activities to protect transport infrastructure facilities and vehicles in the seaports of Dikson, Dudinka, Kandalaksha, Khatanga, Murmansk and Varandey from acts of unlawful interference;
• provides economic and information security of the branch;
• conducts activities on protection of state secrets during works related to the usage of information containing state secrets, and also activities, and/or services on protection of state secrets.