Icebreaking Services

1. General Information 
2. Information on the areas of icebreaker support
3. Procedure for rendering services for icebreaker support of vessels
4. Statistics
5. Contacts

     1. General Information 

     The FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch provides icebreaker support in the White Sea and in the waters of the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Vitino, Kandalaksha and Onega.
     Icebreaker support is implemented by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch icebreakers, Dikson, Kapitan Chadaev and Kapitan Evdokimov.

     Technical parameters of the Arkhangelsk Branch icebreakers
Icebreaker Class notation Dimensions
LхWхD (m)
Dikson KM(*) LL4[1] AUT2 88.49х21.17х6,5 9,560 39
Kapitan Chadaev M-SP 3,5 (Icebreaker) AUT 77.6х16.3х3,5 4,650 10
Kapitan Evdokimov M-SP 3,5 (Icebreaker) AUT 1 76.52х16.59х2,5 4,815 23

     In case of heavy weather conditions or lack of the Arkhangelsk Branch icebreakers, on the FSUE “Rosmorport” decision, one of the Murmansk Branch icebreakers or one of the FSUE “Atomflot” iceberakers may be used by the Arkhangelsk Branch to escort vessels in most difficult areas. 

     Characteristics of all Arkhangelsk Branch icebreakers and other icebreakers involved suit the White Sea and the ice conditions of seaport waters allowing to escort vessels, which are admitted in the seaport of the North Sea Basin during winter navigation, in accordance with the established order. 

     2. Information on the areas of icebreaker support


     The seaport of Arkhangelsk


     Icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport of Arkhangelsk is announced since еру beginning of freeze-up and is terminated as soon as the movement of ice in the embouchure of the Severnaya Dvina River closes. The start and the end of icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport water area in the White Sea are announced by the captain of the seaport of Arkhangelsk. The winter navigation in the seaport of Arkhangelsk lasts for about 170 days on average.

     In the winter time the northern edge of ice formation – the area where icebreaker support for vessels starts – is located in the heart of the White Sea on an assumed line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos and Cape Kanin Nos.

     The average distance of icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport of Arkhangelsk ranges from 150 nautical miles to 200 nautical miles depending on ice conditions, sizes and categories of ice strengthening of escorted vessels.  


     The seaport of Vitino


     The seaport of Vitino is a freezing seaport. The seaport’s hydrometeorological conditions are characterized by the ice the thickness of which in the winter time is of 1.2 meters and drifting ice forming ice belts and ice compression. The start and the end of icebreaker support period for vessels in the water area of the seaport of Vitino and on the approaches toward it is announced by the master of the seaport of Vitino.

     The winter navigation in the seaport of Vitino lasts for about 90 days on average.

     In the winter time the northern edge of ice formation – the area where icebreaker support for vessels starts – is located in the heart of the White Sea on an assumed line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos and Cape Kanin Nos.

     The average distance of icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport of Vitino ranges from 250 nautical miles to 300 nautical miles depending on ice conditions, sizes and categories of ice strengthening of escorted vessels.  


     The seaport of Kandalaksha


     The start and the end of icebreaker support period for vessels in the water area of the seaport of Kandalaksha and on the approaches toward it is announced by the master of the seaport of Kandalaksha. 

     The winter navigation in the seaport of Kandalaksha lasts for about 95 days on average.

     In the winter time the northern edge of ice formation – the area where icebreaker support for vessels starts – is located in the heart of the White Sea on an assumed line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos and Cape Kanin Nos.

     The average distance of icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport of Kandalaksha ranges from 250 nautical miles to 300 nautical miles depending on ice conditions, sizes and categories of ice strengthening of escorted vessels.   


     The seaport of Onega


     Icebreaker support period for vessels in the seaport of Onega is announced when the thickness of ice is of over 10 cm and terminates as soon as the movement of ice in the embouchure of the Onega River ends. The start and the end of icebreaker support for vessels in the water area of the seaport of Onega and on the approaches toward it is announced by the master of the seaport of Onega.

     The winter navigation in the seaport of Onega lasts for about 110 days on average.

     In the winter time the northern edge of ice formation – the area where icebreaker support for vessels starts – is located in the heart of the White Sea on an assumed line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos and Cape Kanin Nos.

     The average distance of icebreaker support for vessels in the seaport of Onega ranges  from 250 nautical miles to 300 nautical miles depending on ice conditions, sizes and categories of ice strengthening of escorted vessels.    

     3. Procedure for rendering services for icebreaker support of vessels


     The Arkhangelsk Branch provides icebreaker support of vessels to the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Vitino, Kandalaksha and Onega pursuant to the decisions taken by the Basin Commission for icebreaker support of vessels in freezing ports of Western Arctic and on the approaches toward them.

     The tasks, functions and the procedure of the Commission’s work are determined in the regulations on it. The regulations have been approved by Order of FSBI “The Administration of Seaports of Western Arctic” No 805-HO of October 28, 2015.

     Members of the Basin Commission to conduct the 2023-2024 navigation have been approved by FSBI “The Administration of Seaports of Western Arctic” Order No 62-HO of October 30, 2023.

     The Commission takes operative measures to work out recommendations for masters of the seaports in order to organize icebreaker support of vessels, establish modes of ice navigation and ensure the safety of ice navigation on the grounds of legislative and normative legal acts regulating those issues, and considering the following requirements:


     the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Arkhangelsk in terms of organizing navigation of vessels in ice in the seaport of Arkhangelsk. The Compulsory Regulations were approved by Russia’s Transport Ministry Order No 183 of July 9, 2014;

     the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Vitino in terms of organizing navigation of vessels in ice in the seaport of Vitino. The Compulsory Regulations were approved by Russia’s Transport Ministry Order No 50 of February 27, 2012;

     the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Kandalaksha in terms of organizing navigation of vessels in ice in the seaport of Kandalaksha. The Compulsory Regulations were approved by Russia’s Transport Ministry Order No 345 of November 7, 2013;

     the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Onega in terms of organizing navigation of vessels in ice in the seaport of Onega. The Compulsory Regulations were approved by Russia’s Transport Ministry Order No 13 of January 11, 2014.


     Under a decision taken by the Commission’s head, an operational group – the Icebreaking Operations Headquarters is formed from among the members of the Commission. The group carries out the round-the-clock operational work to provide icebreaker support of vessels. The Icebreaking Operations Headquarters is created in the seaport of Arkhangelsk and led by the Master of the seaport of Arkhangelsk.

     With regard to the recommendations given by the Commission and the Icebreaking Operations Headquarters the masters of the seaports issue necessary orders to respective seaports related to imposing restrictions for vessels on the mode of ice navigation in the waters of the seaports and on the approaches toward them. The restrictions are placed on the website of FSBI “The Administration of Seaports of Western Arctic” in the sections: 

       - the seaport of Arkhangelsk;

       - the seaport of Vitino;

       - the seaport of Kandalaksha;

       - the seaport of Onega.

     Procedure for providing icebreaker support for a convoy of vessels moving to the seaport of Arkhangelsk


     Icebreaker support for vessels moving to/from the seaport of Arkhangelsk is provided by icebreakers of the Arkhangelsk Branch through the movement of a vessel as part of an ice convoy from/to a convoy meeting point (hereinafter referred to as the CMP) that is determined by the captain of the Arkhangelsk seaport and a captain of an icebreaker on an assumed line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos and Cape Kanin Nos, from/to a site of the first stop (the last stop) in the seaport of Arkhangelsk. In the event that a vessel cannot move as part of an ice convoy it can request for individual icebreaker support that is provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch provided there are icebreakers not currently involved in icebreaker support.

     Information on a vessel’s approach toward the CMP is transmitted 72 hours before and confirmed 24 hours before a vessel’s expected approach toward the CMP by the web based interface “The State Port Control Information System: the Module ‘The Registration of Calls at and Exits from Seaports of the Russian Federation’” at the following website

     The time and the procedure for vessels’ movement through the ice, as well as the number of piloted vessels are determined by the captain of the seaport of Arkhangelsk as of 11:00 a.m. and placed on the website If the ice situation changes and when the need arises to make amendments to the time and procedure for vessels’ movement through the ice are specified as of 8:00 p.m. by placing information on the website

     Depending on the forecast ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk the captain of the seaport of Arkhangelsk imposes restrictions on the mode of ice navigation pursuant to the provisions of the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Arkhangelsk. A notification on the restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location is placed on the website no later than 14 days before an expected date to introduce restrictions on ice navigation and the CMP location. The convoy is formed by the captain of the seaport of Arkhangelsk based on

        - the time of a vessel’s approach toward the convoy meeting point (hereinafter referred to as the CMP);

        - the time of receipt of applications on the call at the seaport of Arkhangelsk or exit from the seaport;

        - the vessel movement priority;

        - restrictions for vessels under the ice movement mode.

     Applications to include vessels in a convoy for icebreaker support specifying the time of a vessel’s approach toward the CMP or a vessel’s readiness for exiting from the seaport of Arkhangelsk are given to the captain of the seaport on the website Information on a vessel’s approach toward the CMP is transmitted 72 hours before and confirmed 24 hours before the expected approach toward the CMP.

     Vessels, which have no possibility to move to the CMP on their own, are provided with individual icebreaker support at the application of an owner of a vessel (a captain of a vessel). By approaching the CMP a vessel establishes radio contacts with an icebreaker of the Arkhangelsk Branch on UFH Channel 16 (Call Sign is the name of an icebreaker forming a convoy) and furthers acts in accordance with the icebreaker captain’s instructions. If necessary, the headquarters of icebreaker support provides aid to a vessel to establish radio contact with an icebreaker. Under the instruction of the captain of an icebreaker providing icebreaker support, vessels included in a convoy change to contacts on UHR channels determined by a captain of an icebreaker and give him information on dimensions, draft, the capacity of main engines of a vessel, a vessel’s ice class, data on loading of a vessel (a vessel is loaded or in ballast condition), as well as information on possible control of a vessel’s main engine in manual mode.

     In order to call at the seaport of Arkhangelsk reserves of fuel, foodstuff and water on a vessel should ensure sea endurance of a vessel for no less than 14 days as of a vessel’s approach toward the CMP.

     Taking into account the real ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Arkhangelsk and a vessel’s key particulars, vessels can move on the route to/from the seaport of Arkhangelsk on their own by using recommendations given by an icebreaker captain and the headquarters of icebreaker supports.


     Icebreaker dues are levied for icebreaker support services rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch. Icebreaker support is provided for vessels moving to/from the seaport of Arkhangelsk. Information on the rates of icebreaker dues in the seaport of Arkhangelsk can be found in the section “Arkhangelsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.


        Procedure for providing icebreaker support for a convoy of vessels moving to the seaport of Kandalaksha


     Icebreaker support for vessels moving to/from the seaport of Kandalaksha is provided by icebreakers of the Arkhangelsk Branch through the movement of a vessel as part of an ice convoy from/to a convoy meeting point (hereinafter referred to as the CMP) that is determined by the captain of the Kandalaksha seaport and a captain of an icebreaker on an assumed line connecting Cape Svyatoy Nos and Cape Kanin Nos, from/to a site of the first stop (the last stop) in the seaport of Kandalaksha. In the event that a vessel cannot move as part of an ice convoy it can request for individual icebreaker support that is provided by the Arkhangelsk Branch allowing for icebreakers free of convoys’ icebreaker support.

     Information on a vessel’s approach toward the CMP is transmitted 72 hours before and confirmed 24 hours before a vessel’s expected approach toward the CMP by the web based interface “The State Port Control Information System: the Module ‘The Registration of Calls at and Exits from Seaports of the Russian Federation’”at the following website

     The time and the procedure for vessels’ movement through the ice, as well as the number of piloted vessels are determined by the captain of the seaport of Kandalaksha as of 10:00 a.m. and placed on the website In case of a change in the ice situation and when the need arises to make amendments to the time and procedure for vessels’ movement through the ice are specified as of 8:00 p.m. by placing information on the website

     Depending on the forecast ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Kandalaksha the captain of the seaport of Kandalaksha imposes restrictions on the mode of ice navigation pursuant to the provisions of the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Kandalaksha.

     The restrictions on the mode of ice navigation that have been imposed in accordance with the Compulsory Regulations in the Seaport of Kandalaksha are not applied to vessels with gross capacity of over 30.000 at the age not older than 15 years and in accordance with the relevant requirements set by the rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping in a part of possible independent ice navigation and ice navigation supported by an icebreaker. In this case the restrictions on the mode of ice navigation that have been set by the rules of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping are applied for such vessels.

     A convoy is formed by the captain of the seaport of Kandalaksha based on

        - the time of a vessel’s approach toward the convoy meeting point;

        - the time of receipt of applications on the call at the seaport of Kandalaksha or exit from the seaport;

        - the vessel movement priority set by the General Regulations on Navigation and Mooring of Vessels in Russian Seaports and on the Approaches Toward Them that have been approved by Russia’s Transport Ministry Order No 395 of November 12, 2021;

        - restrictions for vessels under the ice movement mode.


     By approaching the CMP a vessel establishes radio contact with an icebreaker of the Arkhangelsk Branch on UHF Channel 16 and acts pursuant to the instructions of a captain of an icebreaker. If it necessary, the headquarters of icebreaker supports provides aid to a vessel to establish radio contacts with an icebreaker.

     Taking into account the real ice situation in the water area of the seaport of Kandalahsha and a vessel’s key particulars, vessels can move in the water area of the seaport of Kandalaksha and the approach channel on their own. Vessels moving on their own inform the captain of the seaport about the ice situation.

     In order to call at the seaport of Kandalaksha reserves of fuel, foodstuff and water on a vessel should ensure sea endurance of a vessel for no less than 10 days as of a vessel’s approach toward the CMP. If a vessel stays in the area of icebreaker support for more than 10 days as of a vessel’s approach toward the CMP the captain of the seaport takes urgent measures to provide support for a vessel to the seaport.

     Icebreaker dues are levied for icebreaker support services rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch. Icebreaker support is provided for vessels moving to/from the seaport of Kandalaksha. Information on the rates of icebreaker dues in the seaport of Kandalaksha can be found in the section “Murmansk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.


     Procedure for individual icebreaker support for vessels


     The Arkhangelsk Branch renders individual icebreaker support services for vessels making calls at the seaports of Arkhangelsk, Vitino, Kandalaksha and Onega or navigating the water area of the White Sea. Icebreaker support services are rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch pursuant to the terms of a framework contract for rendering icebreaker support services (hereinafter referred to as the Contract).

     In order to sign the Contract an owner of a ship or a marine agent sends an application for signing the Contract by fax of the Arkhangelsk Branch +7 (8182) 65-03-43 or by e-mail

     The application will be considered within one working day. While considering the application an owner of a ship / a marine agent or other customers are sent the Contract filed for signing by the Arkhangelsk Branch if there are technical opportunities to render relevant services. The original of the Contract signed by an owner of a ship / a marine agent or other customer should be returned to the Arkhangelsk Branch.

     Information on tariffs on individual icebreaker support services rendered by the Arkhangelsk Branch can be found in the section “Arkhangelsk Branch Harbor Dues and Tariffs”.

     4. Statistics

     Information on the number of vessels in the White Sea assisted by the Arkhangelsk Branch icebreakers
Number of vessels
Arkhangelsk and
Vitino Kandalaksha Onega
2007–2019 ⇲
2007–2008 261 14
2008–2009 296 6 24
2009–2010 261 5 18 4
2010–2011 279 19 6
2011–2012 234 13 4
2012–2013 296 10
2013–2014 253 14 6
2014-2015  370 17 6
2015-2016  373 7 6
2016-2017  355 7 8
2017-2018 334 6 3
2018-2019 286 23 3
2019-2020 317 3 1
2020-2021 329 2
2021-2022 457 27 6
2022-2023 325 14
     Information on the average distance of icebreaking assistance for vessels navigating to seaports of the White Sea
Average distance of icebreaking assistance,
nautical miles
Arkhangelsk and
Vitino Kandalaksha Onega
2007–2019 ⇲
2007–2008 125 240
2008–2009 193 290 290
2009–2010 157 250 250 250
2010–2011 200 290 290
2011–2012 180 270 270
2012–2013 200 290
2013–2014 150 290 290
2014–2015  190 310 300
2015–2016  180 314 240
2016–2017  150 200 90
2017-2018 283 290 90
2018-2019 282 290 290
2019-2020 282 320 40
2020-2021 180 50
2021-2022 151 250 50
2022-2023 40 250

     5. Contacts 

     More information on the procedure for services rendered by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Arkhangelsk Branch related to the use of the Branch’s icebreakers can be obtained by telephones of the Arkhangelsk Branch traffic control service:

     +7 (8182) 67-13-43 (round-the-clock);

     +7 (8182) 65-68-16 (Monday-Friday from 08:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Moscow time, the break is from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.) – the port operational chief manager of the Arkhangelsk Branch.

     A request can be also sent by fax +7 (8182) 65-03-43 or by e-mail