“Dikson” Icebreaker takes part in a search-and-rescue operation in the White Sea
31.01.2011, 2 miles from the city of Severodvinsk of the Archangelsk region, a block of ice with two Lomonosov Moscow State University students, implementing hydrological research, tore off the landfast ice. According to the seaport of Arkhangelsk captain’s order, the FSUE “Rosmorport” “Dikson” icebreaker was exempted from the ice pilotage and sent to the rescue point. The same evening the icebreaker has found the block with people in the estimated search area, though the embarkation was impossible due to the shallow depth.
Therefore, a helicopter Mi-8 of the JSC “Second Arkhangelsk United Squadron” was sent to the rescue area. Coordinated with the icebreaker illuminating the rescue point, the helicopter successfully took the people off the ice floe and delivered them to the Pertominsk village.