

FSUE “Rosmorport” is recognized as the leader of digital technologies according to RBC Petersburg

The project on the development and implementation of a-Navigation (autonomous navigation) technologies on vessels, implemented by FSUE “Rosmorport” and Sitronics KT, was given the annual RBC Petersburg Digital Award.

Andrey Balashov, Deputy Director for Maritime Safety of the FSUE “Rosmorport” North-Western Basin Branch, took part in the award ceremony held on April 4 in St. Petersburg. Sitronics KT was represented by General Director Andrey Rodionov. Representatives of the leading organizations of digital development were presented with an award in a solemn atmosphere.

In 2023, innovative sea ferries Marshal Rokossovsky and General Chernyakhovsky operating on the strategically important line “Seaport of Ust-Luga – Seaport of Kaliningrad” were launched in autonomous mode within the framework of a joint project of FSUE “Rosmorport” and Sitronics KT - a company developing technological solutions. Earlier in the same year, ferries received certificates of Marine Autonomous and Remotely Operated Surface Vessels (MASV) for the first time in Russia. A Remote Control Center has been established in St. Petersburg to ensure the autonomous control of vessels.

“This is a well-deserved award to the team that carried out the installation and experimental operation of Russia's first complex industrial autonomous navigation systems on the sea ferries Marshal Rokossovsky and General Chernyakhovsky without decommissioning them”, - Andrey Balashov emphasized in his speech at the award ceremony. – “Further development and implementation of these technologies on vessels will increase the level of navigation safety and will solve the problem of shortage of personnel of seafarers”.
“Sitronics KT is one of the first companies in the world to develop autonomous navigation technology. The launch of FSUE “Rosmorport” sea ferries equipped with our system in remote mode has become a truly historic event both for us and for the country as a whole. We continue to develop the technology – we see the potential for its application on river vessels”, - commented Andrey Rodionov, General Director of Sitronics KT.

FSUE “Rosmorport” carries out constant work aimed at introducing innovative solutions on its vessels. The company takes an active part and plays one of the key roles in the implementation of the activities of the federal project “Autonomous Navigation”. The main task of FSUE “Rosmorport” within the framework of the federal project is to test a set of technologies for automatic and remote navigation, including on various vessels with different levels of automation in different conditions. The extensive experience gained by FSUE “Rosmorport” in the operation of autonomous vessels will ensure the further development of the means and technologies of autonomous navigation in the Russian Federation by testing them in real conditions.

For reference:

The RBC Petersburg Digital Awards was established by the business media RBC Petersburg. The award is aimed at identifying and supporting advanced products and projects in the field of digital technologies created by companies in St. Petersburg or implemented on the St. Petersburg market. The results of the award are summed up based on the vote of the expert community.

In 2024, 30 high-tech projects and services reached the final, 16 of them were recognized as winners. In total, 27 companies from various industries with 57 projects participated in the award.

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