

FSUE “Rosmorport” and the People of the Sea Fund have signed a cooperation agreement

On September 20, FSUE “Rosmorport” and the People of the Sea Fund for the Promotion of the Study, Preservation and Popularization of the History of Marine Human Activity signed a cooperation agreement within the framework of the NEVA 2023 international exhibition and conference.

On the part of FSUE “Rosmorport”, the signatory was Kirill Gaida, Deputy General Director for Navigation Safety of FSUE “Rosmorport”, and on the part of the Fund, its President Artem Melnikov.

According to the document, the parties intend to create joint projects for the implementation of museum, exhibition and research activities. Among them there are creation of conditions for the preservation, study and popularization of the history of maritime activity of the Russian Federation, career guidance of the younger generation, replenishment of the thematic geoinformation database in the direction of “The Northern Sea Route – the History of the Feat”. For doing this partners will be able to provide each other with information assistance, transfer equipment, devices, samples of materials, prototypes of products at their disposal.

“Preservation of Russia's maritime heritage, the dissemination of information about maritime activities and the involvement of young people are among the important areas of work for FSUE “Rosmorport”. We hope to achieve success within the framework of cooperation,” said Kirill Gaida, in his welcoming speech.

Artem Melnikov in his address to the participants of the exhibition spoke about the importance of ensuring interaction between organizations not only in the technical field, but also on issues of popularization of maritime affairs.

FSUE “Rosmorport” has been contributing to the development of the marine industry for 20 years. With the participation of the enterprise, new technologies are being introduced, innovative port infrastructure is being formed, advanced vessels are being built – all the necessary conditions are being formed in order to make work at sea comfortable, safe and highly efficient.

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