

Sailboat Nadezhda takes part in the celebration of the Navy Day

The sailing training vessel Nadezhda took part in the celebration of the Day of the Russian Navy in Vladivostok on July 30.

In honor of this significant event, in the Golden Horn Bay opposite the Ship Embankment of Vladivostok, warships of the Pacific Fleet were lined up in a parade line, moored to mooring barrels specially installed for the Navy Day.

Prefacing the passage of the formation of warships, the frigate of FSUE “Rosmorport”, decorated with an international code of signals, along with the sailboat “Pallada” of the FSFEI HE “Dalrybvtuz” proceeded on raised oblique sails from the Golden Horn Bay to the venue of the military sports festival - in the water area of the Amur Bay.

The event included a naval performance consisting of 15 different episodes, including “The liberation of a vessel captured by terrorists”, “Search and destruction of an enemy submarine”, “Landing”, “Waltz of tugboats” and others. The bright sea performance was accompanied by a large-scale program on the shore: historical miniatures dedicated to significant pages of the history of the Fatherland were presented for residents and guests of the city, as well as a large concert was organized.

The vessels participating in the presentation were assigned microphone call signs, all actions were monitored and controlled by the command post of the Head of the military sports festival. Nadezhda sailboat, with the individual call sign “Hybrid”, was involved in the “Formation of the Pacific Fleet” episode.

A large State flag of the Russian Federation was raised on a sailing ship in honor of the celebration of the Navy Day. Cadets of the 1st Navigation Faculty of the Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoy, undergoing training practice on a frigate, after a sailing all hands job lined up on the port side in full dress uniform.

The full-time crew of the sailboat and the cadets received well-deserved approval from the command of the Pacific Fleet for participating in the celebration, which gathered thousands of spectators.

Photos from the website of the Vladivostok City Administration

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