

Employees of FSUE “Rosmorport” honored the memory of Andrey Vasilyevich Lavrishchev

On March 30, a farewell ceremony to Andrey Vasilyevich Lavrishchev, the former General Director of FSUE "Rosmorport", the Head of Rosmorrechflot, and an Honorary Worker of the Navy, was held.

The farewell and funeral service were held in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas of Myra in Tushino. A lot of kind words and gratitudes were addressed to A.V. Lavrishchev. Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexander Poshivai, President of the Russian Chamber of Shipping Alexey Klyavin, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Sea and River Fleet Yuri Mikhailov, former Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation — Head of Rosmorrechflot Victor Olersky gave a farewell speech on the high achievements, personal and professional qualities of Andrey Vasilyevich.

Alexander Poshivai noted the symbolism of the fact that Andrey Vasilyevich spent his last journey in the parish church of the sailors and rivermen and all the workers of the industry of our country, for the restoration of which Andrey Lavrishchev spent a lot of time and effort.

“Andrey Vasilyevich was a talented leader, a true professional, a true friend and reliable comrade. He went on a long voyage. His deeds will live with us,” Alexey Klyavin said.
Words of recognition and gratitude for the assistance and help to veterans of the industry were said by Yuri Mikhailov: “Andrey Vasilyevich headed such a complex but interesting enterprise as Rosmorport. He left behind a serious foundation for the further development of the enterprise. And even after his passing, Rosmorport continues to carry out its activities according to the vector set by Andrey Vasilyevich”.

Andrey Vasilyevich is buried at the Troyekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow. Within the funeral ceremony, the Honor Guard Orchestra performed the “Funeral March (Adagio)” by composer Valery Khalilov and the military song “A Soldier was Marching”, and the honor guard company of the 154th Separate Commandant of the Preobrazhensky Regiment fired three volleys into the air. Under the Anthem of the Russian Federation, the ritual of laying down the national flag was held with the subsequent transfer to relatives as a sign of deep respect for Andrey Vasilyevich and recognition of his services to the Fatherland.

On this day of mourning, an action in memory of Andrey Vasilyevich was held in the fleet of FSUE “Rosmorport”. At 12:00 Moscow time, the crews of the enterprise's vessels gave a long signal as a sign of honor and respect to A.V. Lavrishchev.

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