

General director of "FSUE" Rosmorport Sergey Pylin awarded the branches that showed the best results in 2021

FSUE "Rosmorport" summed up the work of its branches in the framework of the meeting on the results of the enterprise’s activities in 2021.

General Director of FSUE "Rosmorport" Sergey Pylin traditionally held a ceremony of awarding memorable signs and certificates to the branches that showed the best results in the previous year. For the high-quality performance of production tasks by the branches of FSUE "Rosmorport", he awarded 10 titles.

In 2021, the Murmansk branch showed the best results among the branches of the company, deservedly receiving the title "The Best Branch of FSUE "Rosmorport". The crew of the pilot boat Lotsman-1 of the Murmansk branch was declared the winner in the nomination "The best crew of the vessel of the service and auxiliary fleet of FSUE "Rosmorport".

The titles "Best Pilot Service (Group I, Group II) of FSUE "Rosmorport" were awarded to the pilotage services of Makhachkala and North-western Basin Branches, respectively, for high-quality and timely pilotage services, compliance with safety requirements for pilotage operations, development of new areas of mandatory pilotage, etc.

For complexity and many years of accident-free work, including prevention of accidents, it was decided to award the titles "Best Vessel Traffic Control Service (Group I, Group II) of FSUE "Rosmorport" to the vessel traffic control services of the Astrakhan and Vanino branches, respectively.

The title "Best Crew of the Dredging Fleet of FSUE "Rosmorport" was awarded to the crew of the non-self-propelled dredging vessel Petr Sablin of the Astrakhan branch for the best performance in 2021, related to the fulfillment of actual volumes of dredging according to the plan of repair dredging works to ensure safety of navigation and development of port infrastructure.

The crew of the icebreaker Dikson of the Arkhangelsk branch also won a well-deserved victory in the nomination "Best Icebreaker Crew of FSUE "Rosmorport" for repeated assistance to vessels stuck in the ice of the Northern Sea Route and safe icebreaking support of vessels on navigation routes in the Northern Sea Route during the fall and winter navigation.

The title "The Best Structural Unit of Capital Construction of FSUE "Rosmorport" for joint contribution to solving tasks in the sphere of capital construction was awarded to the service of capital construction and repair of the Far Eastern Basin Branch. The award "The Best Capital Construction Unit (Dredging) of FSUE "Rosmorport" was given to the Dredging and Gauging Department of the Arkhangelsk Branch.

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